The Best Shampoo on the Market (Hair Growth)


Just wanted to make this thread to help any members that may have hair issues on mother has worked and ran a high end hair salon for the last 20 years which carries an honestly great product that combats hair thinning and loss for clients. The product is “Revita by DS Laboratories”...Her company has a very very large client base and 90% of them swear by this product. So much so that my entire family basically has used the products for years...even for hair maintenance or just normal use for it’s benefits. Even the stylists and colorists that work at the salon use this product. Her salon also carries more high end brands that help stimulation of hair growth such as Nioxin, Renee Furterer etc etc and DS Labs Revita is by far the best and most sold...

As you can see I always have DS Labs shampoo on hand. My wife won’t use anything else now. I’ve always had good thick hair even on gear and this product has even thicken my hair more...I’m not affiliated in any way to this hair care company, I just wanted to give you guys my experience and others I know with it and I think it will genuinely help. I’m not a professional so as fair as male pattern baldness already in progress I don’t far as thinning hair or on the road to baldness, I think this will help you. One more thing I forgot to mention is’s not that cheap. I have the big bottles that usually cost 70-100$ each (I get them discounted per my mother) and the smallest ones are in the 30-50$ range I believe....hope this may help some of you guys. Peace
Best by far is Rx ketoconazole shampoo 2%
Save your money on anything else
Big +1 to this. I tried everything available. Nizoral works the best for me hands down. Stopped the shedding after the first week of use. Been two years on, and no more "Charlie Browns xmas tree". Lol.