How do you frequently assess the effect on hair loss of your stack?

Just want to chime in, the reason so many people seem to complain of ED (fixable with viagra) or loss of libido (only time may fix) is bc these drugs affect way more people than are being reported.

This is due to the fact that there is no big Pharma company that wants to invest in a study like that. Further, the makers of these drugs are strongly disincentivized to look into this issue.

They should be expected to do everything they can to prevent info like this from being reported so they can continue making money.

So it’s not that there’s a small fraction of users being the loudest about it, it’s truly a MAJOR concern that is being actively covered up.
Just want to chime in, the reason so many people seem to complain of ED (fixable with viagra) or loss of libido (only time may fix) is bc these drugs affect way more people than are being reported.

This is due to the fact that there is no big Pharma company that wants to invest in a study like that. Further, the makers of these drugs are strongly disincentivized to look into this issue.

They should be expected to do everything they can to prevent info like this from being reported so they can continue making money.

So it’s not that there’s a small fraction of users being the loudest about it, it’s truly a MAJOR concern that is being actively covered up.
Just want to chime in, the reason so many people seem to complain of ED (fixable with viagra) or loss of libido (only time may fix) is bc these drugs affect way more people than are being reported.

This is due to the fact that there is no big Pharma company that wants to invest in a study like that. Further, the makers of these drugs are strongly disincentivized to look into this issue.

They should be expected to do everything they can to prevent info like this from being reported so they can continue making money.

So it’s not that there’s a small fraction of users being the loudest about it, it’s truly a MAJOR concern that is being actively covered up.

There are over 100 peer reviewed studies involving finasteride published in the last five years, and a significant portion of them focus on "post finasteride syndrome".

TLDR. Crashing DHT levels causes ED and depression in some people, and it takes some time, weeks, sometime a month or two, after stopping for it to return to normal levels and symptoms to resolve.

Meanwhile the majority of patients taking 5mg a day for enlarged prostate, 5 times the usual hair loss dose, and 40 times the .25mg dose I use, do not experience any symptoms.
There are over 100 peer reviewed studies involving finasteride published in the last five years, and a significant portion of them focus on "post finasteride syndrome".

TLDR. Crashing DHT levels causes ED and depression in some people, and it takes some time, weeks, sometime a month or two, after stopping for it to return to normal levels and symptoms to resolve.

Meanwhile the majority of patients taking 5mg a day for enlarged prostate, 5 times the usual hair loss dose, and 40 times the .25mg dose I use, do not experience any symptoms.

Well, it does cost 9¢ a pill (without insurance) in the there's some big money behind this conspiracy.

It's been generic for a long time now, and you'd be hard pressed to find a cheaper med.

6¢ a pill at PCT24X7 for my favorite brand, Proscalpin.

I cut them into 4 so I'm able to keep the cost down to a more reasonable 1.5¢ a day, or about $5 a year.

(Remember, I was hit HARD by these symptoms before the "syndrome" was even a thing. I was a one man anti-Finasteride crusader for years. So I'm not unsympathetic.

My irrationality cost me a good amount of hair. And some avoidable prostate
enlargement too.

Let me tell you, if you think a few weeks of feeling down because you're sensitive to finasteride and used too large a dose is bad, you don't want to know the effect on your psyche watching your hair disappear...)
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That's pretty good news then! I must search about it because I'm interested, mostly for my back since I can't do it myself and always have my gf shaving me.

So what might be the explanation then for the pros who don't do laser and most of them use the one blade to shave their bodies? If this is doable and they already spend in a year 50-100K for their aspirations, what's the reason to spend 1-2 hours a week to fill a bucket of hair? Honest curiosity.

I can see it be what @Ghoul explains here, when you do your entire body, it becomes very time consuming because you would basically have the 8 or 9 sessions for every body part. The clinics often charge per body part and you'd be uncomfortable, depending on a person's pain threshold, for hours if you did them all at the same time. They might not even allow it all at once.

So worst case scenario it would be 8 sessions for every part:

- Legs
- Arms/armpits
- Groin
- Head
- Beard
- Back
- Chest

So that's 56 sessions, not including the finishing electrolysis.

I've seen many people do it for just their heads though and that makes more sense in my opinion. Just the 8 or 9 sessions and then maybe electrolysis.

They were all happy with it. Average cost was between $500 to $1200 total in the end.
I can see it be what @Ghoul explains here, when you do your entire body, it becomes very time consuming because you would basically have the 8 or 9 sessions for every body part. The clinics often charge per body part and you'd be uncomfortable, depending on a person's pain threshold, for hours if you did them all at the same time. They might not even allow it all at once.

So worst case scenario it would be 8 sessions for every part:

- Legs
- Arms/armpits
- Groin
- Head
- Beard
- Back
- Chest

So that's 56 sessions, not including the finishing electrolysis.

I've seen many people do it for just their heads though and that makes more sense in my opinion. Just the 8 or 9 sessions and then maybe electrolysis.

They were all happy with it. Average cost was between $500 to $1200 total in the end.

I think it's a very appealing option btw, the kind of thing I'd have done in Thailand where the cost is much lower and time is plentiful.
Thousands of high quality scientific studies over many decades unquestionably link DHT to hair follicle damage. Minoxidil is great way to invigorate follicles to be more productive, as does the massaging provided by the dermatology, but those are only bandaids allowing damaged follicles to work a little better, and a little longer, before miniaturization via the loss of follicle stem cells causes the hair shaft to disappear forever.

The industry serving male pattern balding sufferers is worth billions a year. The odds of stumbling across a "solution" that doesn't directly deal with DHT is nil.

You just can't see the ongoing damage.
Oh I’m sure eventually it will catch up. I just haven’t studied enough product or solutions that don’t involve suppression of dht.. I like my gains over my hair so the band aids will have to work for now
Yeah, it works. Just use it WITH minoxidil and keto, don't replace them for RU.

Exactly. DHT blocker, blood flow improver, inflammation reducer. First is essential. Second improves growth but doesn't prevent loss. Third slows the inflammation that's part of the process of killing follicles.
Don't forget microneedling. Once a week for 2 minutes while sitting on the shitter. Drastically improves topical minoxidil efficacy. I also use RU but neither on the same day I microneedle.
I lost a fuckload and I’m only 24. Kinda wish I didn’t use gear for that sole reason. Someone said it comes back when you come off entirely but I haven’t noticed it and I’ve been on/off for the past year. Thickness/receding is my issues.
I lost a fuckload and I’m only 24. Kinda wish I didn’t use gear for that sole reason. Someone said it comes back when you come off entirely but I haven’t noticed it and I’ve been on/off for the past year. Thickness/receding is my issues.

At that age you are in an excellent position to recover a significant amount of hair if you get on finasteride and oral minoxidil asap. It'll take months of consistant, daily use to see the first results, but after a year they're often very dramatic, and continue to improve with time. The longer you wait, the less you can regain.

Don't let finasteride scare you. Start with .25mg a day (1/4 tab), if things are ok after a week, try .50mg, if no symptoms congrats you're part of the 95% who can handle 1mg without issue. If you do get sides just drop back to a lower dose. Even at .25mg you'll get 90%+ of the benefits and the chance of side effects are close to zero.
im beating off everyday on 2mg of dutasteride ED with a high test blast

And that's the equivalent of 10mg of Finasteride. It's just not an issue for 98%+ of men. All common sense goes out of the window when a few lunatics who've given themselves psychological ED insist it "breaks" their junk.
At that age you are in an excellent position to recover a significant amount of hair if you get on finasteride and oral minoxidil asap. It'll take months of consistant, daily use to see the first results, but after a year they're often very dramatic, and continue to improve with time. The longer you wait, the less you can regain.

Don't let finasteride scare you. Start with .25mg a day (1/4 tab), if things are ok after a week, try .50mg, if no symptoms congrats you're part of the 95% who can handle 1mg without issue. If you do get sides just drop back to a lower dose. Even at .25mg you'll get 90%+ of the benefits and the chance of side effects are close to zero.
It’s safe yeah? It won’t add fuel to fire when during the pct?
It’s safe yeah? It won’t add fuel to fire when during the pct?

The fact there are a million things out there to deal with hair loss is an indicator of how increasingly desperate men get and how much value there is in a good head of hair.

But even for things that are "effective" to some degree, they all just cloud the picture and lead a lot of guys astray.

I've read 1000 studies on this topic.

It's very simple.

Stop DHT from killing the stem cells that create hair by using finasteride.

Open the microscopic blood vessels that feed hair follicles with oral minoxidil.

These two pills daily will get you 95% of the protection and regrowth you can possibly achieve with minimal side effects, if you take the time to dial the correct dose.

You can go further with micro needling and laser caps, etc. But without the two things above everything else is nearly meaningless and you'll lose ground every year.

Just two pills a day will maximize your chances of having a good hair for the next 50 years.
The fact there are a million things out there to deal with hair loss is an indicator of how increasingly desperate men get and how much value there is in a good head of hair.

But even for things that are "effective" to some degree, they all just cloud the picture and lead a lot of guys astray.

I've read 1000 studies on this topic.

It's very simple.

Stop DHT from killing the stem cells that create hair by using finasteride.

Open the microscopic blood vessels that feed hair follicles with oral minoxidil.

These two pills daily will get you 95% of the protection and regrowth you can possibly achieve with minimal side effects, if you take the time to dial the correct dose.

You can go further with micro needling and laser caps, etc. But without the two things above everything else is nearly meaningless and you'll lose ground every year.

Just two pills a day will maximize your chances of having a good hair for the next 50 years.
These two things are safe to take right? I won’t run into any sexual sides or weird issues from them down the line? I’ve heard mixed responses from finasteride and oral minoxidil causes some issue with the liver or something. Again, I’ve no fckin clue about any of this but would love to learn more. Your doing very good job at selling me the idea.
These two things are safe to take right? I won’t run into any sexual sides or weird issues from them down the line? I’ve heard mixed responses from finasteride and oral minoxidil causes some issue with the liver or something. Again, I’ve no fckin clue about any of this but would love to learn more. Your doing very good job at selling me the idea.

I'll start with the easy one first.

Minoxodil is a 60 year old blood pressure medication that's very well understood. People who used it would stay on it for decades. Its effect on hair was discovered when a children's hospital accidentally overdosed a bunch of children who, basically, turned into werewolves by having hair grow everywhere. It works because it opens tiny blood vessels that allow more nutrients and oxygen to get to hair follicles.

Here's the key regarding its safety. The dose you take for hair is minuscule. 2.5-5mg a day is called an "infant" dose. Adults taking it for blood pressure take 10x that amount, daily.

Despite what you. hear, there are NO sexual side effects from minoxidil. It has no impact on hormones. It just opens blood vessels.

The two possible side effects are minor and almost always temporary, disappearing after a few weeks in most cases if they happen at all. You may see a little water retention, ie slight bloating. Most people don't. The other is slightly raised heart rate. Both of these are very rare and go away after a few weeks as your body adjusts if they do.

So yes it's safe, in fact it's actually good for your overall health.

Finasteride reduces DHT. Many men take 5mg daily to shrink their prostate, which is caused by DHT, and don't have any side effects. Even more take a much lower 1mg to stop and reverse hair loss, and have no side effects.

If you're hypersensitive to DHT levels like me, however, 1mg daily kills my sex drive and motivation.

The good news is at a dose of .25mg, side effects are essentially unheard of. I use that dose, and despite my inability to tolerate 1mg, I have no sides whatsoever at .25mg, sexual function is unaffected. The really good news is you get almost all the hair benefits at .25mg that you would at 1mg. So if you're nervous, use a quarter pill a day, and you're not going to have any sides. You could try 1mg, it's fine for the vast majority, if you have sides drop back down and you'll be back to normal in a few weeks as DHT levels return to normal. But it's not really even necessary, so you may not want to bother.

Brother I'm twice
your age, and if I could give my younger self this advice I would. It's much easier to hang on to hair now with a couple pils (or at least one, finasteride) this shit is so insidious it's easy to miss what's happening until so much damage is done you'll never. get back to where you'd like to be.

Don't believe the hysterical crowd. It's not based on solid science. They were traumatized like I was. When libido disappears, and doesn't immediately return when you stop taking finasteride, you start thinking it'll NEVER come back, and you can easily think yourself into ED.

You have a least a basic understanding of hormones by using gear. You know if you crash estrogen life sucks until you make more. The same thing applies to Finasteride. But that's worst case scenario, and completely avoidable at .25mg. Remember, the vast, vast majority of the tens of millions of men using 1mg have no symptoms.

Looking at your hair thinning beyond all repair is more depressing and ED inducing than anything finasteride could do.