The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)


Back in 2019 I did my first cycle log and got super depressed on deca, by the time i finished the cycle and abandoned the log I ended up relapsing and becoming a drug addict. in the last 2 years in-between that log and this comeback l still cycled steroids but abused recreational drugs along the way, I don't even recall working out more than once a week, I became a fucking mess.

I can recall becoming fat and running retarded amounts of steroids without AI and and becoming insane it litterally feels like a blur, hr was 110, BP was 160/100 on hrt when I was done destroying my body covid didn't help but that's no excuse.

I had a fucking death wish. 8 or so months ago I decided to either use drugs and only drugs and become a nobody, or use steroids and only steroids and be a fucking monster (choosing the lesser of two evils) I leveled out my BP to 120/80 and hr to 60 with excercise and fat loss. 4 months ago I did an 8 week cycle TEST P/MAST P/NPP, by the first week I was bed ridden, I hit an all time low and I wanted to do drugs, WTF why?! Wtf happened. The next day was my pin day, I accidentally dropped my bottle of npp and in the process of trying to catch it i gave it a fucking speed boost into the ground breaking it.

No longer had enough npp to finish the cycle so I decided to drop the npp instead of buying more. Less than 2 weeks later I was ontop of the fucking world!, finished that cycle strong like bull and dropped to 220mg/wk test.
, I made crazy gains and lost all my fat while cutting on mast/test with a sdrol k/start in 8 weeks. Man I can really do this...

Fast forward 2 months of consistency and loving myself on trt like never before and I want a comeback. I will be doing this cycle at home, no gym. Adjustable dumbbells, gym bands and gymnastics rings, overall cost was about $400 for everything.

This is my current plan I am on and I am 24 days (3.5 weeks) in.
Dhb just started adding fullness to muscles within the last few days. I have taken 2 tren A pins so far.

I pin the following EOD
62mg Test E (0.2ml - 250mg/ml)
100mg DHB (1ml - 100mg/ml)
50mg Tren A (0.5ml - 100mg/ml)
100mg Mast P (1ml - 100mg/ml)

cialis - 10mg/day
Test E - 220mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
Mast P - 350mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
DHB - 350mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
Tren A - 175mg/wk (weeks 3-10)
Superdrol - 20mg/day (weeks 6-10)

If I experience any aggression outside of my workouts I will be removing the tren immediately as I don't want a fuck-wit tren God complex, if tren fucks my blood pressure I will try to control it, if I cannot it will be dropped.
I maybe gained a couple pounds of muscle since 4 weeks ago, currently sitting at 6 foot 185ish lbs , aiming for 200lbs with minimal fat gain. Unsure of current body fat %. Kept my Test low because I just prefer it over higher doses. Masteron is added in for massive dick gains and well being. Was going to add in npp but opted for tren because npp is evil for me. Aaaaand superdrol is king, so that's why that's there.

I'm not quite sure how I am going to do this cycle log, but I am not putting any stipulations into place, I just want to finish this log start to finish. Im sure I will receive some hate for falling apart and being reckless but I'm ready to do this and I promise I won't touch npp anymore.
Subbed, in it for the gains.

I love test and tren. Jury is still out on mast for me, this is my first time ever using it and I’m not sure it’s worth it for me. I don’t think it’s going anything. I’ve been running test and mast for about 4 weeks.

I just brewed up some DHB but have been waiting to try it out.

I just started sdrol today and will run it for 16 days at 10 mg/day (all the way up to my competition). Also first time using it.

How do you feel about DHB? I’ve read plenty of sdrol anecdotes to kinda know what to expect.
Subbed, in it for the gains.

I love test and tren. Jury is still out on mast for me, this is my first time ever using it and I’m not sure it’s worth it for me. I don’t think it’s going anything. I’ve been running test and mast for about 4 weeks.

I just brewed up some DHB but have been waiting to try it out.

I just started sdrol today and will run it for 16 days at 10 mg/day (all the way up to my competition). Also first time using it.

How do you feel about DHB? I’ve read plenty of sdrol anecdotes to kinda know what to expect.
Dhb is like if Tren and Superdrol had a baby, except there is no sides? Vascularity, fullness, strength gains, endurance etc. I know it sounds bullshit but it's like a super drug for me. How did you brew it? If you brew it at 75-100mg/ml w/ EO you will get zero pip. If I take dhb alone it will hurt, if I mix it with mast and test it's painless. You've been running Masteron for 4 weeks? What dose?
Dhb is like if Tren and Superdrol had a baby, except there is no sides? Vascularity, fullness, strength gains, endurance etc. I know it sounds bullshit but it's like a super drug for me. How did you brew it? If you brew it at 75-100mg/ml w/ EO you will get zero pip. If I take dhb alone it will hurt, if I mix it with mast and test it's painless. You've been running Masteron for 4 weeks? What dose?
I brewed DHB 100 mg/mL @ 2/22 in MCT. It's (mostly) holding. First time I brewed it, it crashed before I finished filtering, so it's doing much better. I planned to always pin it with something else, AND I heat all of my oils on a coffee warmer before pinning, which I think will help. I think DHB will be in my next cycle

currently running test c @ 210, test prop @ 350 and mast E @ 350. I don't even feel like it's doing a good job of being a pseudo SERM, I am having to take adex and nolva to combat water retention and gyno, on top of the mast.
I brewed DHB 100 mg/mL @ 2/22 in MCT. It's (mostly) holding. First time I brewed it, it crashed before I finished filtering, so it's doing much better. I planned to always pin it with something else, AND I heat all of my oils on a coffee warmer before pinning, which I think will help. I think DHB will be in my next cycle

currently running test c @ 210, test prop @ 350 and mast E @ 350. I don't even feel like it's doing a good job of being a pseudo SERM, I am having to take adex and nolva to combat water retention and gyno, on top of the mast.
Honestly i agree with you, my Masteron doesn't do anything for me regarding SERM benefits at all. You're only 4 weeks into mast E? You haven't noticed any major morning wood? Or even hairloss?
Honestly i agree with you, my Masteron doesn't do anything for me regarding SERM benefits at all. You're only 4 weeks into mast E? You haven't noticed any major morning wood? Or even hairloss?
I will say the boners are just about the only noticeable difference, but it’s subtle, I don’t usually have ED problems anyways.

I’m not prone to MPB so I haven’t ever worried about it. I’ve run enough harsh shit to know I’m not likely to lose my hair
This is what I will be eating every day until the end of cycle, the pasta is plain, and I will be adding in some type of sauce every Friday as a "cheat meal".


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March 19th replicating semi-flexing no pump pictures from March 6th.


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I believe march 6th was push day and I had slight pump in my triceps, regardless of left shoulder ac seperation I am pleased with the growth on my left shoulder in the last couple weeks as I usually have a major imbalance between the two. Stomach seems to be leaning out a bit, I have been practicing stomach vacuums and I have noticed it is helping tremendously.

Side note, I have raloxifene on the way to try to reduce my gyno as much as possible as it's my biggest insecurity.

Haven't been doing much cardio within the last couple weeks, starting this Monday I will be doing a 20 minute HIIT cardio excercise Mon/wed/fri
Been making solid leg gains aswell. Most basic gain comparing pictures are no pump minimal vascularity times otherwise it won't show true progress. I'm debating on getting a gym membership at the end of the month to really hit my legs as I know damn well I'm not hitting them hard enough. And my dumbbell press at home has been maxed out for about a month, doing pause reps and slow focused reps with mind muscle connection but I need to upgrade it feels like. Im only working with 5-52 lb adjustable dumbbells and simple door bands.


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Day 25 log


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 119/74/74
Bedtime 124/72/67
Using propranolol


Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Loss of appetite (TREN?) , Horny, Feeling lazy, Heartburn

Night: Loss if appetite (TREN?), Extra heartburn...

Took 1mg melatonin for the first time to see if it does anything to aid my sleep tonight.

Water consumption 4 Litres
Workout today

Bulgarian Split squats holding dbs x 3 sets
Narrow goblet squats x2 sets
Paused normal goblet squats x3 sets
Romanian Db Dl x3 sets
Hip abductions w/bands x3 sets
Hip adduction w/bands x3 sets
Glute kickbacks w/bands x3 sets

I forgot to do calves which were suppose to be
Db weighted one leg calf raises x6 sets each leg
How do you feel running a beta blocker? It would make me close to passing out when I would go heavy.

Any plans to combat the trendigestion?
How do you feel running a beta blocker? It would make me close to passing out when I would go heavy.

Any plans to combat the trendigestion?
I'm already prescribed 10mg 3x a day to control my adrenaline glands from firing randomly from loud noises or weird bodily sensations because of severe panic disorder. I have actually had to to up my dosage to 20mg 3x a day because of my blood pressure spikes when taking pre workout, decided today that I'm going to drop the pre workout after accepting death during paused squats with arrhythmia type palpitations from too much caffeine. Taking C4 ultimate, way too fucking strong, litterally on the verge of full blown panic during my paused squats. I think tren might be increasing ny anxiety threshold, or maybe it's placebo and I'm just thinking it is, and in doing so making it true.

As for the heartburn/reflux I take pantoprazole but today it didn't keep the reflux at bay, honestly I drink baking soda/water when i get really bad reflux to neutralize stomach acid and it works great. Or if you're in a rush take a mouthful of mustard, that works too. I could stop taking tren but I'd rather have mustard pre workout than drop the tren cause it's burning my shit.
Scar tissue is building up in my glutes, I will be adding in ventrogluteal injections to my pin rotation, not sure how I feel about it, nervous.
Day 26 log


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 126/77/65
Bedtime 129/72/77
Using propranolol

Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Starving, Horny, Feeling lazy, DOMS in hamstrings from RDL

Night: Starving still, Feeling exhausted without caffeine.

Took 1mg melatonin again as I slept well last night.

Water consumption 3 Litres
Workout today

dumbbell bench press on floor x4 sets
Standing dumbbell chest flys x3 sets
Standing dumbbell shoulder press x3 sets
Dumbbell lat raises x3 sets
Front lat raise only on ac seperated shoulder x3 sets
Lower chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Lowered arm chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension x3 sets
Chair dips x3 sets last set to failure
¶Tren is starting to make me sweat like a pig, and make me hungry like one aswell.
¶Pip accumulating in glutes from TREN (not the DHB)
¶Slight TREN cough
¶Horrible cardio, gasping for air after a 10minute slam session with the wife.
Back in 2019 I did my first cycle log and got super depressed on deca, by the time i finished the cycle and abandoned the log I ended up relapsing and becoming a drug addict. in the last 2 years in-between that log and this comeback l still cycled steroids but abused recreational drugs along the way, I don't even recall working out more than once a week, I became a fucking mess.

I can recall becoming fat and running retarded amounts of steroids without AI and and becoming insane it litterally feels like a blur, hr was 110, BP was 160/100 on hrt when I was done destroying my body covid didn't help but that's no excuse.

I had a fucking death wish. 8 or so months ago I decided to either use drugs and only drugs and become a nobody, or use steroids and only steroids and be a fucking monster (choosing the lesser of two evils) I leveled out my BP to 120/80 and hr to 60 with excercise and fat loss. 4 months ago I did an 8 week cycle TEST P/MAST P/NPP, by the first week I was bed ridden, I hit an all time low and I wanted to do drugs, WTF why?! Wtf happened. The next day was my pin day, I accidentally dropped my bottle of npp and in the process of trying to catch it i gave it a fucking speed boost into the ground breaking it.

No longer had enough npp to finish the cycle so I decided to drop the npp instead of buying more. Less than 2 weeks later I was ontop of the fucking world!, finished that cycle strong like bull and dropped to 220mg/wk test.
, I made crazy gains and lost all my fat while cutting on mast/test with a sdrol k/start in 8 weeks. Man I can really do this...

Fast forward 2 months of consistency and loving myself on trt like never before and I want a comeback. I will be doing this cycle at home, no gym. Adjustable dumbbells, gym bands and gymnastics rings, overall cost was about $400 for everything.

This is my current plan I am on and I am 24 days (3.5 weeks) in.
Dhb just started adding fullness to muscles within the last few days. I have taken 2 tren A pins so far.

I pin the following EOD
62mg Test E (0.2ml - 250mg/ml)
100mg DHB (1ml - 100mg/ml)
50mg Tren A (0.5ml - 100mg/ml)
100mg Mast P (1ml - 100mg/ml)

cialis - 10mg/day
Test E - 220mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
Mast P - 350mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
DHB - 350mg/wk (weeks 1-10)
Tren A - 175mg/wk (weeks 3-10)
Superdrol - 20mg/day (weeks 6-10)

If I experience any aggression outside of my workouts I will be removing the tren immediately as I don't want a fuck-wit tren God complex, if tren fucks my blood pressure I will try to control it, if I cannot it will be dropped.
I maybe gained a couple pounds of muscle since 4 weeks ago, currently sitting at 6 foot 185ish lbs , aiming for 200lbs with minimal fat gain. Unsure of current body fat %. Kept my Test low because I just prefer it over higher doses. Masteron is added in for massive dick gains and well being. Was going to add in npp but opted for tren because npp is evil for me. Aaaaand superdrol is king, so that's why that's there.

I'm not quite sure how I am going to do this cycle log, but I am not putting any stipulations into place, I just want to finish this log start to finish. Im sure I will receive some hate for falling apart and being reckless but I'm ready to do this and I promise I won't touch npp anymore.
What type or types of drugs were you doing? if you were a former addict I would definitely be extremely careful about using certain and large amounts of steroids man. especially can get in a BAD mental state and be more prone to relapse. Tren is tricky to. like a deal with the devil. you will get everything you asked for along with shit you didn't ask for nor did you want. steroids are addictive in their own way and I sure you know that. I personally would stick to "feel good" compounds and moderate amounts. start feeling depressed, anxiety, tired and sluggish you might just say "fuck it I'll just get high". Your mental health is much more important than the way you look. and if your mental health goes DOWN you just might relapse and lose all those gains. THAT would make it EXTREMELY difficult to come back from. I'm glad you HAVE bounced back...just be careful...
What type or types of drugs were you doing? if you were a former addict I would definitely be extremely careful about using certain and large amounts of steroids man. especially can get in a BAD mental state and be more prone to relapse. Tren is tricky to. like a deal with the devil. you will get everything you asked for along with shit you didn't ask for nor did you want. steroids are addictive in their own way and I sure you know that. I personally would stick to "feel good" compounds and moderate amounts. start feeling depressed, anxiety, tired and sluggish you might just say "fuck it I'll just get high". Your mental health is much more important than the way you look. and if your mental health goes DOWN you just might relapse and lose all those gains. THAT would make it EXTREMELY difficult to come back from. I'm glad you HAVE bounced back...just be careful...
Thank you so much for your concerns, especially when you didn't just say "stay off the gear you have problems". To ease the mind my wife is watching me closely for any outbursts, anger, depression, etc. it's also helping to update my symptomatic feelings daily here in the log to keep track of how I am feeling. I've done my fair share of crack, meth and opiates, but mainly my issue with drugs seems to be opiates and psychedelics. I have noticed I'm becoming more lazy and procrastinating more than usual since the tren has been kicking in, do you recon it may get worse? I do know if I miss too many workouts in a row I will relapse because my mental health goes out the window when I don't have routine. But I have noticed I have increased anxiety and had to drop the caffeine completely.