The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

hard to say... he is going to be doing the same differential diagnosis I am unless something pops on bloodwork.

Much like other metabolic issues, these things often appear after time. They are chronic tolerance issues for most people rather than acute issues (like celiac).

FODMAPs are carb foods. No carbs = no FODMAP potential.
I will bring up concerns to the doctor on Monday and get blood tests, do you have any recommendations on what I could request for my blood tests to rule out the more concerning issues to try target my issue with more success.
Currently 186lbs this morning.


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Looking for tape measure to update measurements.

diet is the same and has not been adjusted.

Did push day in the gym today for the first day back into the gym, it hurt so good compared to home workouts.

HIIT cardio frequency is only once a week (laziness). I will be upping HIIT cardio to Mon/wed/Friday like previously mentioned.(hopefully I don't bail out from cardio)

Sleep apnea is scary worse then ever before but that is my only side effect on this cycle/stack atm besides joint aches from the Winny. No headaches, no high bp (perindopril), no acne, no ED (Cialis).

Mental well being is actually improving and I feel great.

Dropped winstrol to 25mg ED about 5 days ago due to joint pain.

Strength shot up atleast 30% it feels like, very agressive when working out but it's isolated to excercise, great intensity.

Tren turned me into a temporary basket case, didn't even realize until I was off, thank God I'm back to me again.

Stamina in bed is god tier.

Glutes have completely changed shape from my girly workouts, the old lady now drools over my booty everyday. Can't wait to actually destroy legs in a real gym.
I can't wait to actually work my legs out in a gym, I want fucking tree trunks. Friday is death day, hopefully I don't hurt myself squatting or anything lol.


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Shoulders are smoked, elbows are fucked, knees are aching, shin splints unbearable, dropped anavar/winstrol, dropping down to trt dose today. Ended it early, I'm super happy with my results and next cycle I can start off in a gym, and not run Winny again cause ouch.


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Could have been better, but it could have been worse, ended early, but whatever.


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Picture on the left is February before I hopped on this cycle, picture on the right was may 2nd


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Honestly still making gains, DHB is still lingering, strength hasn't gone down since I dropped everything a week ago, definitely lost 50%+ muscle endurance but I feel the strength I am keeping, aswell as overall muscle mass, I'm eating a little extra at the moment, maybe 300 more than when I was on cycle.


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Next cycle will be starting in 2-3 weeks.
I apologize ahead of time for my cancerous format and scattered information, there is no guide for this shit..

I have been taking 5 fish oils morning/night and maintaining a DASH diet aswell as using 10mg Rosuvastatin 2x per week to help bounce back from previous cycle. Also will be utilizing high doses CoQ10, taurine, tyrosine and creatine on this cycle.

Rosuvastatin will be dropped during superdrol duration and resumed thereafter.

7-8 weeks off doesn't seem long but I have been busting my ass with diet and honestly I'm just itching to be a pin cushion again, plus I was only on for 8-10 weeks on my last run. This time I'm throwing in a proper test dose, I was going to run test, mast and EQ but I decided to run DHB instead of EQ this time to see the true potential of DHB. I will try it again but this time let it hit full saturation by doing a 12 week cycle. This time I will be utilizing superdrol LIKE I SHOULD HAVE DONE LAST TIME before I jacked my cycle up..... Anyways I'll be running the superdrol for the first 4 weeks or until I tap out (probably around the 25-30 day mark).

I will be running this cycle utilizing a proper gym and I will not be changing any drugs or dosages half way through.(lesson learned for both statements)

Injectable concentrations if anyone is curious.
Test E 250mg/ml
Mast E 200mg/ml
DHB 100mg/ml

Kickstart 20mg superdrol ED
Test E/175mg(0.70ml) EOD. = 612mg/wk
Mast E/150mg(0.75ml) EOD = 525mg/wk
DHB. / 155mg(1.55ml) EOD = 542mg/wk

Aromasin will NOT be added in until high e2 sides appear, at that point I will add it and report the changes.

Perindopril will be used with superdrol and as needed at 4mg on cycle if blood pressure is finicky.

Propranolol 30mg ED throughout cycle (prescribed)

Cialis 10mg ED for pumps and to combat BPH from masteron.

The aim of this cycle is again to feel good and get super boners and recomp, minus the superdrol part, making it through that will be a side quest of its own.

I will post measurements and pictures the day starting the cycle. Body dimensions ofcourse, not penis.

I finished the last cycle with success, let's see if I can refine it and do this right. (I'm still not going to eat 300g+ of protein so fuck off).

Diet will be the same foods as last time, but increasing portions to bring protein to 180-200g and 4000 total kcal a day and adjust as I see fit.