The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

Starting 60mg/50mg - Anavar/Winstrol tomorrow until 10th week mark. Blood pressure this afternoon without beta blocker was 121/76 so I will keep monitoring and adjust var/winny dosage according to side effects.

I will be getting a gym membership in about a week ✓
Glad to hear your BP is back within normal range. Did you decide to stay on the tren or come off? @Lunar Vera
Starting 60mg/50mg - Anavar/Winstrol tomorrow until 10th week mark. Blood pressure this afternoon without beta blocker was 121/76 so I will keep monitoring and adjust var/winny dosage according to side effects.

I will be getting a gym membership in about a week ✓
Are you gonna add barbells & machine work at the gym and change the routine, or stick with dumbbells and bands? If you’re gonna add barbell & machine what sort of split are you planning?
Are you gonna add barbells & machine work at the gym and change the routine, or stick with dumbbells and bands? If you’re gonna add barbell & machine what sort of split are you planning?
I will be doing the PPL split, somewhat like I am already doing just some things added in with barbells and switching out bands for cables.
Starting 60mg/50mg - Anavar/Winstrol tomorrow until 10th week mark. Blood pressure this afternoon without beta blocker was 121/76 so I will keep monitoring and adjust var/winny dosage according to side effects.

I will be getting a gym membership in about a week ✓
Good for you man, get in the gym and kick ass
Dude you are taking too much shit. Especially for a half ass dumbbell and band at home workouts. If you're going to stress your body with that much gear at least get in a proper gym. Stay safe
Thanks for your concerns, I am doing everything possible to practice harm reduction, I go 100% when I train and I think it's well thought out and targets every muscle group. Its not very efficient ofcourse, but not half assed mister!
Day 28 log (Week 4)


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 122/78/75
Bedtime 131/73/74
Using propranolol and Cialis to control bp

Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Starving, No sex drive, Feeling exhausted, Lazy, Headaches, Slight agitation, Lethargic
Night: No sex drive, Tired, Lethargy

Water consumption : 3L
Rest day
HIIT cardio
¶Tren sweats
¶Litterally seeing results over night it feels like
¶I get maybe 4 hours of sleep every night, tonight I will try for 6
Decided to run Raloxifene at 50mg for 2 weeks then 25mg until gyno is cleared up.

Considering visiting the doctor for estradiol and prolactin bloodwork, anything else in particular you guys would recommend I get?

Also experiencing pretty bad lower back pain that's been getting worse, feels deeper than back pump taking 6g taurine. Kidneys are fine.. possibly strained back?
prolonged Trensomnia/Lack of sleep is catching up to me, mild hallucinations and restlessness. Getting roughly 3-4 hours per night
Have you tried Zquil or other Benadryl solutions?

Knocked the Fuck Out tea is a nice "non-medical" (whatever that even means anymore) alternative as well.
Was using aromasin every time I had a gyno flare-up which was every other day and I definitely crashed my e2 because I dropped aromasin 2 days ago pinned last night and I woke up feeling great again, not lethargic, no anxiety, no laziness, etc. I'm going to drop AI for the next week and see how I feel, e2 and prolactin bloods scheduled for monday. Gyno is still flaring here in there possibly prolactin related, I'm totally guessing and going off how I feel so I'll let the bloodwork tell me the ultimate truth on Monday.