Update: The iodide version of 5Amino that I have shall be saved for my friendly "lab rats" who do not GAF. I can't in good conscience be ingesting 500mg to 1g of iodine daily. Plus, that's a pretty big confounding variable in my experiment if it's gonna possibly wreck my thyroid function!
SLUPP shall continue at a couple hundred mg per day. Hopefully will get my big load of SLUPP in so I do not need to reduce dosage to bridge between then and now.
Current stack daily:
40mg test p
40mg mast p
100mg EQ
1000IU HCG
6iu GH
600mg l carnitine
10mg mots-c
1mg epitalon
2mg TA1 (sick)
100 - 300mg SLUPP
12mg Reta on Mondays
Sick last 7 days. First workout back today. Push. Nasty pump. Mirror makes me kinda look a bit fatter than I am
Chill short bike ride tomorrow.
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