TrenboloneTax: Hybrid Cycling / Lifting Log aka Make Hulk Bike Fast


Your a mad man.

I ran DNP up to 500 mg for two weeks. Nothing feels worse. I looked into various mitochondria support protocols while on it. I think that if you we're to run DNP or this BAM15 it would make all the MOTS C and SLU you've been blasting worthless.

Just take more Reta and maybe throw in 0.5 mg ozempic and be involuntarily bulimic for a week or two and you'll be good to go.
I've never ran DNP so I'm kinda trying to scratch that itch lol. We'll see. Haven't decided yet!
Mitochondrial uncoupler, wouldn't this be in the same family as DNP? That's like the exact opposite of what OP has been aiming for with the MOTS C and SLU
Apparently, it can be similar (or stronger) than DNP when it comes to fat loss, but without 1/4 of the side-effects and risks.

Take that with a pinch of salt.
Update: The iodide version of 5Amino that I have shall be saved for my friendly "lab rats" who do not GAF. I can't in good conscience be ingesting 500mg to 1g of iodine daily. Plus, that's a pretty big confounding variable in my experiment if it's gonna possibly wreck my thyroid function!

SLUPP shall continue at a couple hundred mg per day. Hopefully will get my big load of SLUPP in so I do not need to reduce dosage to bridge between then and now.

Current stack daily:
40mg test p
40mg mast p
100mg EQ
1000IU HCG
6iu GH
600mg l carnitine
10mg mots-c
1mg epitalon
2mg TA1 (sick)
100 - 300mg SLUPP
12mg Reta on Mondays

Sick last 7 days. First workout back today. Push. Nasty pump. Mirror makes me kinda look a bit fatter than I am

Chill short bike ride tomorrow.

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Notice any sleep benefits from epitalon?