The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

Goodluck bro. Just dont forget, steroids have substantial psychopharmacological effects and work on many of the same neurotransmitter systems as recreational drugs of abuse. In a way you are swapping one drug for another wether you realize it or not. I only point this out because PCT may put you in a bad space where, devoid of those effects, cravings for recreational drugs may kick in hard at that point. Just be aware of this potentially happening and make some sort of plans ahead of time for how you intend to stave off that urge to use if it happens, less you find yourself railing yayo off a toilet seat in a mcdonalds washroom at 3am in the morning on day 5 of your PCT.
There’s a lot to go through on here and I didn’t get it all. But you asked about staying on tren because of good blood work.

There’s many things that bloodwork doesn’t show, like mood issues, which seems to be a big deal for you (no judgement, just being frank). It’s good to see that your blood work is more or less ok, but I still don’t think tren is for you. And I would stay away from it if I couldn’t figure out how to control (not deal with, but control) your mood issues.
Mood seems to be fantastic this morning, I will be monitoring my fluid intake from now on. If I happen to run into another issue I will be dropping it without a doubt, hoping that watching my fluid intake will solve the issue. throwing out yesterday's update log shortly.
There’s a lot to go through on here and I didn’t get it all. But you asked about staying on tren because of good blood work.

There’s many things that bloodwork doesn’t show, like mood issues, which seems to be a big deal for you (no judgement, just being frank). It’s good to see that your blood work is more or less ok, but I still don’t think tren is for you. And I would stay away from it if I couldn’t figure out how to control (not deal with, but control) your mood issues.
I don't think I am dealing with mood issues from the tren, atleast I haven't noticed anything in particular. Unless I'm logging something and the tren is taking hold of me and making me think everything is okay.
Goodluck bro. Just dont forget, steroids have substantial psychopharmacological effects and work on many of the same neurotransmitter systems as recreational drugs of abuse. In a way you are swapping one drug for another wether you realize it or not. I only point this out because PCT may put you in a bad space where, devoid of those effects, cravings for recreational drugs may kick in hard at that point. Just be aware of this potentially happening and make some sort of plans ahead of time for how you intend to stave off that urge to use if it happens, less you find yourself railing yayo off a toilet seat in a mcdonalds washroom at 3am in the morning on day 5 of your PCT.
Responded to this thinking you were trying to be satire, I deleted it because you probably weren't trying to be a medadick or anything. As for the PCT, I am on TRT
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Responded to this thinking you were trying to be , I deleted it because probably weren't trying to be a medadick or anything. As for the PCT, I am on TRT
Nah i was being serious. Im a former opiate addict so just looking out for you. Given your on TRT then you wont crash hard post cycle so hopefully you can stay away from the recreational drugs in the long term.
Day 27 log (yesterday's log)


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 132/71/73
160/80 throughout the day
Bedtime 126/74/68
Using propranolol and Cialis to control bp

Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Starving, Horny as fuck, Feeling really good possibly manic, obsessing over appearance
Obviously obsessing over protecting my kidneys too nuch
Night: Starving, craving carbs, horny again, starting to obsess over appearance and routine

Short but good slumber

Water consumption : Obviously too much
Workout today

dumbbell one arm tight row x3 sets
Double dumbbell wide row x3 sets
Dumbbell rear delt fly x3 sets
Facepull static holds using bands x3
Dumbbell shrugs static holds x3
Dumbbell hammer curls x3
Dumbbell curls to failure x3

Was suppose to hit gym rings but the day got in the way and I did not end up doing my pull ups and back focused workouts on the rings like I intended.
Tren day sweats, holy shit...
¶Pip is gone, thankfully
¶tren ramping up OCD with anxiety increase
¶deciding to increase taurine to 6g a day instead of 3g.
¶did I say I was super obsessing over routines and appearance? Sheesh.
I don't think I am dealing with mood issues from the tren, atleast I haven't noticed anything in particular. Unless I'm logging something and the tren is taking hold of me and making me think everything is okay.
Your previous post about a tren induced panic attack is why I made the mood comments. But if you think you’re good, don’t let me stop you lol
Thank you for your concerns, honestly I have had issues before with relapsing, ofcourse. But I am certain and determined to not go back. It's one or the other, no exceptions.
Your previous post about a tren induced panic attack is why I made the mood comments. But if you think you’re good, don’t let me stop you lol
Without a doubt the tren is making my anxiety and panic worse, but I am diagnosed with Panic disorder, Severe anxiety and Bipolar to name a few. My panic and anxiety was alot worse when I used recreational drugs, this is baby food for me in my opinion. The bipolar will make me delusional and possibly hypochondriac at times and I cannot differentiate it from reality, so take that for what it's worth. My bipolar is fairly stable and I don't go through depression unless induced as I don't have traditional bipolar 1 or 2. Yes, I shouldn't be using steroids, but here I am, on a comeback. I am more stable with my current state and stack than i ever was in life. Masteron induced mania and keeps any depressive feelings at bay, which I figured out last cycle. I will still have to deal with it when I go to TRT but for the time being I litterally feel like I am high on crack when I wake up and take my vitamins.
I don't normally share this much information because people have too much to say, but at this point the more people that think I can't do this, the more people I will just prove wrong.
Here are my thoughts and choices, I originally thought of doing superdrol @20mg for 4 weeks.. but here are my options I will be choosing from. I am totally cool for mixing and matching, I have a super liver btw, so mixing and matching any of these with high dosages isn't an issue ASLONG as it doesn't effect BP.

I have all these on hand.

Anavar (raises BP slightly if taken anything above 60mg+) (anxiety, vascularity king, strength increases, horny, feel healthy)
Comfy feel-good dosage is about 40mg

Winstrol (raises BP slightly if taken anything above 75mg+)(vascularity like crazy, waist shrinkage, godly pumps, sore shoulders, targets stomach fat it seems)
Comfy feel-good dosage is about 50mg

Superdrol (raises BP slightly when taking anything above 10mg+) (arms get massive on superdrol with retarded pump that lasts all day)(headaches, fatigue, lazy, stomach fat loss even while eating 4k+ cals, strength increases from rep range of 10 to 25 litterally)
There is no comfy feel-good dosage
Anything above 0mg makes me feel poopy, but worth it.

I may not have listed everything, I can also react completely different because of the new compounds in my current stack and I am prepared to drop or switch things out if I or yourselves see a healthier or better option.

These are all taken from parts of my notes of when I have taken these drugs, they all have their pros and cons, I have mixed orals before and I would love to hear your guys thoughts. If I run 20mg or higher of superdrol it will be for 4 weeks. Anything else I am comfortable taking for 6 weeks or more ofcourse.
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Drop everything but the test, you are overthinking everything and driving yourself nuts. Your head is going to fuck with you and anxiety is going to overtake the gameplan
Drop everything but the test, you are overthinking everything and driving yourself nuts. Your head is going to fuck with you and anxiety is going to overtake the gameplan
You might be right, but we all know I won't be doing so. 6 weeks are left, I'm already almost half way there and the gains are just starting, no way I'm stopping now lol.
You might be right, but we all know I won't be doing so. 6 weeks are left, I'm already almost half way there and the gains are just starting, no way I'm stopping now lol.
Your last set of pics was from March 6th, can we get an updated set of photos? The reason I mention this is because you need to be honest when you look at the updated photos and ask yourself whether it’s worth it or not in terms of what’s visibly different rt in front of your face. Pics don’t lie, and sometimes just because you change the map or the plan doesn’t mean you are some quitter. Remember, there is no finish line with this stuff
Your last set of pics was from March 6th, can we get an updated set of photos? The reason I mention this is because you need to be honest when you look at the updated photos and ask yourself whether it’s worth it or not in terms of what’s visibly different rt in front of your face. Pics don’t lie, and sometimes just because you change the map or the plan doesn’t mean you are some quitter. Remember, there is no finish line with this stuff
But I do agree, I am not going to simply ramp up my dosages to make up for poor training or diet. My dosages seem pretty reasonable and below par compared to others, my girly workouts and yogurt will provide just the right amount of stimulus to get jacked, I am changing the map and plan for superdrol (or trying to) because I don't want to feel like shit on superdrol just because it blows my arms up.
Your last set of pics was from March 6th, can we get an updated set of photos? The reason I mention this is because you need to be honest when you look at the updated photos and ask yourself whether it’s worth it or not in terms of what’s visibly different rt in front of your face. Pics don’t lie, and sometimes just because you change the map or the plan doesn’t mean you are some quitter. Remember, there is no finish line with this stuff
"Nah, you’ll fall off. I sensed the level of bitch as soon as you mentioned “bullying”"
And now you're playing psychological games pretending to help me? Trying to get me to not follow through, because God forbid I succeed and your initial opinion about somebody's willpower and determination was wrong.
Leaning towards 20mg Anavar / 50mg Winstrol, scared of how often I might skip workouts on superdrol from headaches and overall lethargy.
"Nah, you’ll fall off. I sensed the level of bitch as soon as you mentioned “bullying”"
And now you're playing psychological games pretending to help me? Trying to get me to not follow through, because God forbid I succeed and your initial opinion about somebody's willpower and determination was wrong.
I read his post as genuinely helpful, I think he understands that this is your log and he’s trying not to further trash it. He had a good point though, asking if the drugs are worth the changes being made
I read his post as genuinely helpful, I think he understands that this is your log and he’s trying not to further trash it. He had a good point though, asking if the drugs are worth the changes being made
I was judged by him for my past, and insulted for it aswell, I personally don't want his advice.

he was suppose to just wait for the results, maybe it's the tren talking but I need to stay mad at him, what he said is helping me get through my workouts and stick with this even more lmfao I need this bad energy my guy, this is fuel, don't make me be friends with my arch nemesis.