The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

@Lunar Vera
I wanted to say congratulations on kicking the drug habit and choosing the “healthier” path.
It is no small feet changing your life around!

Good luck on the log and I will be following it as well.

Why did you decide to workout at home vs the gym?
What does sucking cock have to do with building muscle? ... Even if I were gay how is that an insult? Lol. Here's the deal, if I see this cycle through (which I will) and I actually make great progress (which I will).. all of you guys will just tell me I didn't eat 5000 calories 350g protein. Regardless of what progress I make you will all have something to say about it so do you really think I care about your antics? By the way, your Tren is showing my guy. Just because you're on steroids doesn't mean you can't treat other humans with respect because you're simply manly, you are obviously a douche, I don't care how big you are, how much you bench press, or how much protein you boof. Your muscles don't hide your shitty personality and disrespectful demeanor.
My bad dude, I assumed you were out there sucking dick for crack rocks before you got into these home workouts sprinkled with yogurt and granola
@Lunar Vera
I wanted to say congratulations on kicking the drug habit and choosing the “healthier” path.
It is no small feet changing your life around!

Good luck on the log and I will be following it as well.

Why did you decide to workout at home vs the gym?
Thanks man! I don't think I'm going back, I actually had a relapse about a month or two ago and instantly regretted it and I knew from that point onward I was finally recovering. Covid hit and gyms all had vaccination requirements and I ended up getting covid 4 times, I lost my birth certificate and health card. By the time I got new identification gyms were closed again so I didn't bother. Bought some 552 dumbbells and bands and decided to make do with what I have until gyms open with no vaccination mandate. They opened up in March but I wanted to see how much I could truly gain at home with workout equipment at home, just thought it would be cool. That's why I mentioned it being a $400 gym budget, because I know not everyone who wants to workout has access to a gym. I have a GoodLife fitness maybe 30 second walk across the street, I did mention I was thinking about going to a gym but honestly I haven't really hit a wall where I need a gym membership yet in my opinion. I think I am making do with what I have just great, and if I do end up halting progress anywhere I will just cross the street, but I would love to see how well I can maingain some mass with my girly workouts, my wife says she loves the booty gains so I refuse to stop hitting my glutes.
My bad dude, I assumed you were out there sucking dick for crack rocks before you got into these home workouts sprinkled with yogurt and granola
I would occasionally binge on some drugs here and there for a week or two every few months but it truly destroyed me mentally between the binges. Yogurt and granola + glute kickbacks, if you don't know what a dumptruck looks like I'll show you in 8 weeks flat.
I thought logs were supposed to be sacred? Isn't that the meso way? Leave the dude alone instead of berating him for his protein intake.
Some of my most recent changes, usually take measurements with renpho tape measure. I didn't add all of them because some measurements are unchanged ofcourse.

Here we go! Today I weigh in at 188lbs
Reasoning to run all dry compounds is simply because I want the weight gain and measurements to be accurate with most of it being LBM. Focus is to bring down waist size while simultaneously getting more muscular all around keeping around same bodyfat, that is also the reason I do not focus abs/core workouts other than stomach vacuums.

I do not want unwanted fat, so I will be doing my best to keep my current bodyfat % or lower.


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My goal of minimal fat gain may be unrealistic, but if I don't get fat in the first place then I don't have to worry about running a cut. Seems logical I suppose.
Definitely am not hitting my quads, calves or lats to their full potential, everything else is improving. I will take some gym rings outside later today and do some ring work to make up for it
Did you drop the Rec drugs completely? Good work if so. I know it’s not easy. Been there many times.
I find for myself it's easier to completely avoid drugs then trying to moderate them, especially considering rec drugs have a huge potential for addiction. I have tried everything to reduce my usage and even dabbling, but for me, I can't use recreational drugs. I had my fun with drugs I just think it has no place in my future I see for myself. I feel so much better working out than nodding off. It took a very long time to get to where I am today and I am proud, I do this for me, not for the likes, or the attraction, but simply because I want better for myself. I hope you guys stick around, I have enough support doing this myself, but there is that small part of me that really does appreciate your guys support, so thank you.
I find for myself it's easier to completely avoid drugs then trying to moderate them, especially considering rec drugs have a huge potential for addiction. I have tried everything to reduce my usage and even dabbling, but for me, I can't use recreational drugs. I had my fun with drugs I just think it has no place in my future I see for myself. I feel so much better working out than nodding off. It took a very long time to get to where I am today and I am proud, I do this for me, not for the likes, or the attraction, but simply because I want better for myself. I hope you guys stick around, I have enough support doing this myself, but there is that small part of me that really does appreciate your guys support, so thank you.
That’s great, man. I’m the same actually. I can’t dabble one iota or I’m going to end up in a dark place eventually. Moderation isn’t in my vocabulary either so abstinence it is. Have fun on the comeback!
Unable to control blood pressure today, won't go below 135/90 and reached 155/80, when it reached 155+ I took Cialis and propranolol and it did drop But only to 130/80, took 80mg propranol (50mg more than usual today), 20mg Cialis (10mg more than usual)
I have pretty bad lower back pain, headaches, etc. (Unfortunately it's not back pump, it's kidney pain, burns slightly aswell)
My e2 should be fine so I don't know why my body decided to hold onto some of this water.
I have decided to drop Tren Ace from stack as it's not worth a few extra pounds of LBM. Hopefully I can see an improvement within the week but today was pin day. Does anybody know how long until Tren A will leave my system? If my kidneys are Infact stressed out does that mean I will have to come off my cycle entirely? Looking to hear some of your opinions, I tried kickstarting this cycle with anavar and got the same pain and bloodpressure issue so I dropped the var after 2 weeks and it's back again but it's from Tren this time.

Do I call the doctors tomorrow? Or do I wait it out until the Tren leaves my system and combat the high bp the best I can for the time being? I have been chugging cranberry juice and my water intake still sits around 4-6L a day. Not including 1L pineapple nectar, 400ml milk.
Checked blood pressure again, it's been one hour since I took propranolol and Cialis and my blood pressure actually has risen to 160/90,
Back pain is strong and burning ache, dizzy, heart rate is all over the place, Blood pressure is stuck at 160/90, considering the hospital
Back pain is strong and burning ache, dizzy, heart rate is all over the place, Blood pressure is stuck at 160/90, considering the hospital
That sounds like a head to the hospital and probably don't drive yourself there case my friend. High bp tied with dizziness and irregular heart rate is playing with Fire. Maybe chew a 5mg asa tablet if one is on hand as well.

Any pain radiating into either or both arms?
That sounds like a head to the hospital and probably don't drive yourself there case my friend. High bp tied with dizziness and irregular heart rate is playing with Fire. Maybe chew a 5mg asa tablet if one is on hand as well.

Any pain radiating into either or both arms?
Took an ambulance, got tramadol, pain went away, got to hospital and they pushed me into the waiting room with everyone else, pain is now back, joys of free Canadian health care, chest pains, heart palpitations, back pain. Sitting next to someone with a broken finger

Took an ambulance, got tramadol, pain went away, got to hospital and they pushed me into the waiting room with everyone else, pain is now back, joys of free Canadian health care, chest pains, heart palpitations, back pain. Sitting next to someone with a broken finger
Glad to hear you are at a hospital, those are some scary health markers and I'd assume something is definitely up. If a pain starts radiating down into your arms from your chest go tell a intern asap. Keep us updated and bust of luck man
I would occasionally binge on some drugs here and there for a week or two every few months but it truly destroyed me mentally between the binges. Yogurt and granola + glute kickbacks, if you don't know what a dumptruck looks like I'll show you in 8 weeks flat.
What kind of rec drugs were you using?