The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

Still sitting here, same symptoms, starting to get sharp pains in my lower abdomen and cramping, headache added into symptom list aswell. My beta blockers are left at home and it's around that time I take my bedtime Cialis and propranolol.. I'm sure my blood pressure is even worse at this point.
Day 26 log


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 126/77/65
Bedtime 129/72/77
Using propranolol

Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Starving, Horny, Feeling lazy, DOMS in hamstrings from RDL

Night: Starving still, Feeling exhausted without caffeine.

Took 1mg melatonin again as I slept well last night.

Water consumption 3 Litres
Workout today

dumbbell bench press on floor x4 sets
Standing dumbbell chest flys x3 sets
Standing dumbbell shoulder press x3 sets
Dumbbell lat raises x3 sets
Front lat raise only on ac seperated shoulder x3 sets
Lower chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Lowered arm chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension x3 sets
Chair dips x3 sets last set to failure
¶Tren is starting to make me sweat like a pig, and make me hungry like one aswell.
¶Pip accumulating in glutes from TREN (not the DHB)
¶Slight TREN cough
¶Horrible cardio, gasping for air after a 10minute slam session with the

Thank you so much for your concerns, especially when you didn't just say "stay off the gear you have problems". To ease the mind my wife is watching me closely for any outbursts, anger, depression, etc. it's also helping to update my symptomatic feelings daily here in the log to keep track of how I am feeling. I've done my fair share of crack, meth and opiates, but mainly my issue with drugs seems to be opiates and psychedelics. I have noticed I'm becoming more lazy and procrastinating more than usual since the tren has been kicking in, do you recon it may get worse? I do know if I miss too many workouts in a row I will relapse because my mental health goes out the window when I don't have routine. But I have noticed I have increased anxiety and had to drop the caffeine completely.
I can tell you from my own personal experience with fucked with my head...I didn't realize how bad until I was off of it for about a month and started thinking "normal" again. And I also went through psychological withdrawal from tren...I didn't want to stop because of the physical results and I felt irritated a lot but felt almost invincible at the same time. I was on Tren E though. I'm telling you man you don't need all those compounds...Check your BP also. if it gets high it can cause really bad anxiety. I felt really tired on tren at times as well...cardio went to shit...Man, run EQ at 500mg a week along with Test E or C at 500mg a week...It's just enough to make you feel really good and get very decent gains. I feel GREAT on an EQ and Test cycle. What's the point in looking good if you feel like shit??? Find a balance..I understand you said your girl is "watching you" but she can watch 24 hours a day and not prevent negative side effects just by watching...and if you're running tren and having a bad day you might take it COMPLETELY wrong if she says something to you about the way you are acting. I didn't ruin any relationships or friendships when I was on Tren but I definitely tarnished some and am still apologizing to this very day for the way I safe man...
Got into the room finally just got my blood pressure, 123/76, am I fucking missing something?
Well... count yourself lucky I suppose better than suffering from major cardiac complications... perhaps a tren fueled panic attack? That could do crazy things to your heart and bp
Well... count yourself lucky I suppose better than suffering from major cardiac complications... perhaps a tren fueled panic attack? That could do crazy things to your heart and bp
You sir, are probably spot on, I think I'm having panic attacks which is litterally creating symptoms.
Still sitting here, same symptoms, starting to get sharp pains in my lower abdomen and cramping, headache added into symptom list aswell. My beta blockers are left at home and it's around that time I take my bedtime Cialis and propranolol.. I'm sure my blood pressure is even worse at this point.
Missing prop will cause headaches...

Everything ok? @Lunar Vera
It may show other bloodwork from previous hospital visits, ignore it. Check date.


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You sir, are probably spot on, I think I'm having panic attacks which is litterally creating symptoms.
I hope that's the case, removing a compound from your stack is just about the easiest solution it seems here. I'm by far not the most educated person on these forums, but I know a thing or two, and one thing I know is tren will fuck your mental state up, especially if it's already been semi compromised by rec drugs, not a dig at you, just calling it as I see it.
Unable to control blood pressure today, won't go below 135/90 and reached 155/80, when it reached 155+ I took Cialis and propranolol and it did drop But only to 130/80, took 80mg propranol (50mg more than usual today), 20mg Cialis (10mg more than usual)
I have pretty bad lower back pain, headaches, etc. (Unfortunately it's not back pump, it's kidney pain, burns slightly aswell)
My e2 should be fine so I don't know why my body decided to hold onto some of this water.
I have decided to drop Tren Ace from stack as it's not worth a few extra pounds of LBM. Hopefully I can see an improvement within the week but today was pin day. Does anybody know how long until Tren A will leave my system? If my kidneys are Infact stressed out does that mean I will have to come off my cycle entirely? Looking to hear some of your opinions, I tried kickstarting this cycle with anavar and got the same pain and bloodpressure issue so I dropped the var after 2 weeks and it's back again but it's from Tren this time.

Do I call the doctors tomorrow? Or do I wait it out until the Tren leaves my system and combat the high bp the best I can for the time being? I have been chugging cranberry juice and my water intake still sits around 4-6L a day. Not including 1L pineapple nectar, 400ml milk.
Tren should be mostly cleared within the week. Does superdrol give you BP issues?

Hopefully you get this figured out. Good luck and keep us posted my friend!
My bp goes whacko on "wet compounds", fairly quickly. Superdrol doesn't increase bloodpressure above 130/80 @20mg a day. That's with minimal hypertension medication too. So sdrol is G2G for me.
Do you think now that I got bloodwork I could essentially stay on the Tren dosage because I have reassurance of not killing myself and it may possibly ease the panic and anxiety?
Hyponatremia.. when on anavar I chugged 500ml bottles of water back to back to make sure I was hydrated, when seeing blood pressure rise I drink more water check again and repeat. I went through 30 - 500ml water bottles in the last 24 hours this time on tren obsessing about hydration. This is so embarrassing.. also explains the water retention I get mid day, and explains why I wake up and fall asleep with normal bp ranges. Fuck man. When intaking caffeine in particular I also drink more water to make sure im hydrated, holy shit... I'm thinking im drinking 4-5L and im drinking like 10-15L...
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I think I'm just drinking more water than my kidneys can efficiently discard. I'm stuck on stupid. Blood pressure leveled out at hospital because I stopped drowning my kidneys and gave them time to empty additional body fluid..
Hyponatremia.. when on anavar I chugged 500ml bottles of water back to back to make sure I was hydrated, when seeing blood pressure rise I drink more water check again and repeat. I went through 30 - 500ml water bottles in the last 24 hours this time on tren obsessing about hydration. This is so embarrassing.. also explains the water retention I get mid day, and explains why I wake up and fall asleep with normal bp ranges. Fuck man. When intaking caffeine in particular I also drink more water to make sure im hydrated, holy shit... I'm thinking im drinking 4-5L and im drinking like 10-15L...
Yes that seems a bit excessive...

As for staying on the tren... that’s a personal decision you will have to make. You can try and monitor your fluid intake. If this BP scare happens again though... I would be inclined to drop it no questions asked.

What are you going to do?