The Comeback - Test/Mast/Tren/DHB/Sdrol (Adjustable dumbbells and bands only)

Just traded a cab driver some Viagra for his perindopril 8mg script. Scored like 30-40 pills. He's also going to hook me up with some diuretics aswell. Blatantly said "hey I have Viagra I can trade for some blood pressure medication, interested?" Litterally whipped it out on the spot.


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Day 29 log (Week 5)


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 127/80/70
Bedtime 122/71/45
No longer using anything to control blood pressure.
Still taking 10mg Cialis before workout for pump.
Still taking 30mg propranolol daily as prescribed.

Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Motivated, Thinking wife's cheating, No appetite, Wonky sex drive up/down,

Night:Happy, slight headache, No appetite, Horny
Water consumption : 3L again

Workout today


Bulgarian Split squats holding dbs x 3 sets
goblet squats x3 sets
Paused goblet squats x2 sets
Sitting leg band extensions (quad dominant) x3 sets
Skipped hamstring focused excercise due to hamstring tendonitis pain
Hip abductions w/bands x3 sets
Hip adduction w/bands x3 sets
Glute kickbacks w/bands x3 sets
Db one leg calf raises x6 sets
Skipped HIIT cardio because squatting for 10 minutes had my heart rate over 9000 (I'm counting this shit as cardio, I'll do HIIT tomorrow)

¶Body dysmorphia 10/10 today.
¶Super motivated.
¶Really enjoying working out and being consistent.
¶Hamstring tendonitis pain behind knee/lower hamstring.
¶Cant wait for tomorrow so I can workout again. excited for HIIT cardio tomorrow too!
¶instead of 90% effort during my workouts I am now at 110%.
¶slight back pump even with 6g taurine.
Uncomfortable heart palpitations last night while trying to fall asleep, finally fell asleep after about 45 minutes and managed to get 6 hours of sleep.
Dropping raloxifene until end of cycle.(no sense putting extra stress on body if I can run raloxifene at another time). Coming off of the tren and won't be ordering again, I will not be getting any more, @Demondosage had a point and I don't think the trens benefits are worth the minimal reward I am receiving. I'd honestly rather not fuck around with tren, especially if I'm finishing with Anavar and Winstrol already, it's completely unnecessary for my goals in my opinion.

to recap, telling wife to throw tren into the garbage because even though I'm feeling how I am, there is a part of me that wants to "just use the rest of the vial". I obviously lose better judgement/common sense when using Tren and I'd just rather not.
to recap, telling wife to throw tren into the garbage because even though I'm feeling how I am, there is a part of me that wants to "just use the rest of the vial". I obviously lose better judgement/common sense when using Tren and I'd just rather not.
Good call.
Dropping raloxifene until end of cycle.(no sense putting extra stress on body if I can run raloxifene at another time). Coming off of the tren and won't be ordering again, I will not be getting any more, @Demondosage had a point and I don't think the trens benefits are worth the minimal reward I am receiving. I'd honestly rather not fuck around with tren, especially if I'm finishing with Anavar and Winstrol already, it's completely unnecessary for my goals in my opinion.

to recap, telling wife to throw tren into the garbage because even though I'm feeling how I am, there is a part of me that wants to "just use the rest of the vial". I obviously lose better judgement/common sense when using Tren and I'd just rather not.
Day 30 (Week 5)


Time Sys/Dia Bpm

Morning 127/80/77
Bedtime 137/72/78

Going to take 4mg perindopril ED starting Friday

Took aromasin to drop water weight and relieve high BP
Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Craving shitty food, Body dysmorphia, Water retention, Gyno flare ups, Exausted, Fever, Watery stools

Night: Never satiated, Water retention, Gyno flare ups, Anxiety, Water stools

Took 5mg melatonin
Slept 2am - 7am

Water consumption 4 Litres
Workout today

dumbbell bench press on floor x3 sets
Standing dumbbell shoulder press x3 sets
Lat raises with bands x3 sets
Front lat raise only on ac seperated shoulder x3 sets
Lower chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Lowered arm chest flys w/ bands x3 sets
Dumbbell overhead tricep extension x5 sets
Band overhead extensions x3 sets

¶Slight strain in rear delt when doing shoulder press
¶Cardio is getting alot better
¶Back pump regardless of 6g taurine
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Well, seeing some of these measurements sure are discouraging, I know it's never 100% accurate but ive been busting my ass and expected more than this :( getting updated pictures now.
187lb in the morning.


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I know it's never 100% accurate but ive been busting my ass and expected more than this

So if you are having what you listed below:
Symptoms/Side effects

... Exhausted, Fever, Watery stools

Size gains are going to be slow to nonexistent because you are in essence: ill.

Judging only from your macro post way back you should be eating enough calories but it seems like your digestion might be a bit of a problem?

Might be time to shift to diet contents a bit. Not necessarily in terms of macro totals but perhaps in terms of fiber intake etc?
So if you are having what you listed below:

Size gains are going to be slow to nonexistent because you are in essence: ill.

Judging only from your macro post way back you should be eating enough calories but it seems like your digestion might be a bit of a problem?

Might be time to shift to diet contents a bit. Not necessarily in terms of macro totals but perhaps in terms of fiber intake etc?
I thought my fiber was okay, I don't think I have had any issues for the last 4 weeks, it could possibly be due to one of the following medications or some type of interaction. Winstrol, anavar, raloxifene, it didn't stick around for long and was only present on day 30, do you have a recommendation for a certain amount of fiber?
It feels impossible to flex and stand a certain way and keep the pictures the same with minimal pump etc. My body looks completely different with pump and without, especially lately. Im not entirely happy with my weekly results, but nonetheless, I will train harder, and get more sleep and try to do better next week.


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It feels impossible to flex and stand a certain way and keep the pictures the same with minimal pump etc. My body looks completely different with pump and without, especially lately. Im not entirely happy with my weekly results, but nonetheless, I will train harder, and get more sleep and try to do better next week.
My right bicep is tilted inwards and is not actually as it seems, it is at a more of an outer angle on my right bicep.
I don't think I have had any issues for the last 4 weeks,
This confuses me since you have 3 issues listed in last night's log.

I don't think your training or the gear is an issue, but if you are exhausted, feverish, and have loose stools then health-wise you are ill.

do you have a recommendation for a certain amount of fiber?
Sorry I don't. This varies so wildly form person to person. There may be a FODMAP isue in addition or that could even be the root cause.

in any case, you need to experiment with your diet a bit and see if you can't get beyond those 3 symptoms.

You really shouldn't feel exhausted, feverish, or anything but healthy when taking a shit to make gains (optimally speaking, everyone has off days eh?).
This confuses me since you have 3 issues listed in last night's log.

I don't think your training or the gear is an issue, but if you are exhausted, feverish, and have loose stools then health-wise you are ill.

Sorry I don't. This varies so wildly form person to person. There may be a FODMAP isue in addition or that could even be the root cause.

in any case, you need to experiment with your diet a bit and see if you can't get beyond those 3 symptoms.

You really shouldn't feel exhausted, feverish, or anything but healthy when taking a shit to make gains (optimally speaking, everyone has off days eh?).
I will try readjusting my diet, and keep everyone up to date as to what I come up with, thank you!
I will research this "FODMAP" you are referring to and see what's going on or if I may have changed something without realizing.
I did drop my AI on a hunch and gyno sparked up, this is me on march 22nd - 3 days ago with pump on pull day, my overall physique felt tight and hard, today I feel watery and bloated, I have zero mental sides whatsoever over the last day or two. But I was presenting high blood pressure aswell so I popped Aromasin last night. I feel like I look fat and bloated today and I should have instead of dropping AI completely like a fucking retard probably just reduced frequency. But I was experiencing loose stools and fever last night, so like you suggested that may be diet related.


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I will research this "FODMAP" you are referring to and see what's going on or if I may have changed something without realizing.

Fermentable Oligosaccharides (oligo –“few,” saccharide – “sugar”) Disaccharides (“two sugars”) Monosaccharides (“one sugar”) And Polyols (these are sugar alcohols)


Fermentable Oligosaccharides (oligo –“few,” saccharide – “sugar”) Disaccharides (“two sugars”) Monosaccharides (“one sugar”) And Polyols (these are sugar alcohols)

Now I went over some of it, I have never had an issue with these things before and have always leaned towards very high carb diet, I very seldom experience constipation or runny stools, my stools are still runny and I still have a fever, since the possibility of it being non diet related I'm going to hold off on a full diet remapping. Would the doctor be able to figure out what is going on?
Would the doctor be able to figure out what is going on?
hard to say... he is going to be doing the same differential diagnosis I am unless something pops on bloodwork.

I have never had an issue with these things before and have always leaned towards very high carb diet,
Much like other metabolic issues, these things often appear after time. They are chronic tolerance issues for most people rather than acute issues (like celiac).

FODMAPs are carb foods. No carbs = no FODMAP potential.