The Controlled Delivery Thread Opened Some Doors...


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10+ Year Member
I posted this to TID explaining why I had to vanish for a while:
Important!! Please read!!
Hello guys...many of you know me either from here or another board. I've been around a while and have moderated 5 different AND discussion forums ( including this one in 2010). I spent the majority of my time over the past few years working as a moderator and publishing my K.O.G. blog. My reputation has always been important to me and I had plans to eventually own a steroid/source discussion board of my own.

This all ended around December last year. I was "friends" with a guy for several years and we shared a love of the gym and he knew I was in good standing with several supplement sources. He asked for some gear on a handful of occasions and knowing him as a bro, he was helped out.

I cannot pretend to know when, why, or how he was pinched with something I ordered for him, but he was and my "bro" decided that he would help himself by rolling on me!! He must have told LE I was a freaking kingpin or something absurd like that because one cold morning I was greeted by 6 or 7 very "amped" (pun intended) narc cops. They knocked on my door with a door ram and introduced my face to my bedroom floor.

As I am not a lab, nor a dealer I was arrested only for my personal supplements and charged with possession of controlled...after some headaches from a very motivated and prison happy DA, I finally got probation and an ass ton of fines.

Ok...why am I spilling all this? I have a few reasons...I want to really stress the obvious for a second, AAS use is not a game! It carries with it heavy burdens of responsibility. Never forget ladies and gentlemen that although you feel safe taking to other people on a forum about anabolics...never forget that you owe it to them in addition to yourself to be responsible and discrete. LE is always watching on some level.

TID has rules. Also, TID uses MODs who are very knowledgeable of the seriousness of certain topics to enforce these rules. These are in place to keep us safe from ourselves (so to speak). Follow the rules please.

Now I want to give a "worse case" scenario and ask you to roll with me on this...If you get an unwanted visit from Mr. Handcuffs for AAS possession I recommend a few proactive damage control measures. I failed by allowing myself to be complacent. These measures I am suggesting were the few things I did right...IMO, at least.

1) Let your source(s) know not to contact you and why. If you are active here or on any steroid discussion boards like this one PM a MOD and ask them to suspend your account until further notice. Then do not go to any AAS discussion board until you are not hot anymore. Why risk all your bros and administration's freedom? If you are hot stay away!

Not saying here that if you got pinched and continued to participate on the forums would lead to any other members getting popped...but its just common courtesy and smart from a legal perspective.

2) Suck it up and if you are on cycle then quit/if you're planning a cycle stop. Why risk additional charges? I also wonder why risk your source by ordering when you may be monitored. Don't be selfish...Take it from me, I had a very hard time giving up my forums and sources, but I knew I couldn't bring my heat to anyone else.

3) Finally, zip it!! Ask for an attorney before you say a word!! Depending on your circumstance you may find yourself in an interview room watching "good cop" send "bad cop" out to calm down....if this happens then get ready for the statement "I can help you out, if you'll help us." Again...they want you to rat...just lawyer up! DO NOT BE A NARC, PLEASE!!!!! Rolling on a source or anyone for that matter is only going to be an additional stressor, plus, you'd just be a punk! Man up to your decisions and if you play then be prepared to pay (I hope none of you are ever presented with a scenario like this) as AAS use was and is your choice.

I am no lawyer and am not advising as such. I am however happy to share my experience with you guys and hopefully remind all to be very cautious. If the worst happens though....I hope you consider your friends and associates online and help protect your web community. The tips I gave allow me to share the things I did right and also allow me to tell my story.

Thanks for listening and also welcoming me back!

Thanks to Millard for letting me bring this back up.

Thanks for sharing. We often forget that what we are discussing is an illegal activity but the repercussions can be serious and your experience is a good example of what can happen, especially when we least expect it. I'm sure your post will cause others to think about their security a little more.

Thanks again

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thanke as a new bee all good information fron a old timer is precious info thanks you very not saying your old just you seem to have lots of experance thanke for shairing
Wow, big heads up there. I wonder if they would do some type of controlled delivery for Clomid, Nolvadex, or Arimidex (or similar PCT/AI drugs). They aren't controlled, but are still illegal from what I am aware of.
Funny enough, no. I've been off probation for over a year approx. I was on drug court with crack heads and junkies. They really just wanted those probation and drug test fees! The system is a money racket bro!
Good info Robbie, sorry you had to go through all of that.

I constantly see posts on here that make me shake my head due to the amount of personal info being disclosed in relation to activities that currently aren't legal.
Thank you bro...yes, I agree. I don't even go in steroid underground! Its a personal info, LE carcass and its only a matter of time before someone who posted the date, time and fuckin hour their pack arrived will be eaten!
I've seen guys post their expected arrival date. Just asking for trouble IMO, there is enough risk involved when you are being careful no need to add to it.
Thanks for the reminder @bigrobbie that this can be a dangerous game we play.
It is so easy to get complacent and take undo risks. We get focused on having a reliable clean source that we overlook the greater risk to our very freedom.
I am glad that you have been able to get things worked out.
its bullshit that we even have to worry about johnny law, but it is what it is and that is a great reminder bro, and a lot of good advice

I feel ya stupid mfs our there I did 12 years in the joint and didn't have to do a day of of but I have more self respect for myself then the rats who told on me the worst part of it I put a man in a wheelchair (where he belongs) for molesting my MRDD cousin and one of the witnesses knowing what that sick fuck did still came to court to testify. I think child molesters should all get the death penalty anyway sorry crazy subject for me, what does a simple possession of aas carry felony or mis? And if it's threw the mail a controlled delivery carry for personal use. I was in the joint with a guy he got 8 years but he had a trunk full when he went the the post office to pick up a box where the boys was waiting
Sure...lucky for me they confiscated only a small amount of actual gear...they found a good number of empty fina carts and talked some s**t about a manufacture charge but in the end I was hit with only felony possession for which I received a suspended sentance / probation...they had a weak case due to the misleading informant.

The low life who rolled on me knew my wife and daughter and was called a "friend" for several years prior to this...

I considered repercussions but decided that was as good as a guilty plea to the absurd charges he made of me! He made me out as a lab/cocaine dealer and told narcs I'd have a ton of stuff that really prompted them to make him a deal.

I hope he was held accountable for misleading them...but I feel they were convinced they had simply bashed in my door on a day I was not holding or something....oh well...

I feel ya stupid mfs our there I did 12 years in the joint and didn't have to do a day of of but I have more self respect for myself then the rats who told on me the worst part of it I put a man in a wheelchair (where he belongs) for molesting my MRDD cousin and one of the witnesses knowing what that sick fuck did still came to court to testify. I think child molesters should all get the death penalty anyway sorry crazy subject for me, what does a simple possession of aas carry felony or mis? And if it's threw the mail a controlled delivery carry for personal use. I was in the joint with a guy he got 8 years but he had a trunk full when he went the the post office to pick up a box where the boys was waiting
@bigrobbie thanks for sharing your tuff situation. Big reminder to everyone no matter how careful you are no matter how much you respect not snitching it only goes as far as the next guy you've trusted with your info. I see it all the time with the "it guys" running back and forth to there cars gym managers and members heading to the tanning room and not too mention all the idiots telling me what their cycling. When I made the choice to do AAS I made the decision source my own gear and only my gear. I don't ask nor tell anybody anything. It makes me the loner a little because I keep my distance but I'm not going to loose because some fuckin snitch thinks him being with his family is more important than me being with mine. I voice a lot on meso and love the confidentiality and safety behind my handle. This is the only place I feel I can ask answer and be apart of something without the hassle of LE. As much as I would think my guys would have my back in the gym I don't trust my fate with anybody.
Good stuff bro! It's been a while back this happened to me...I will always, however, be an open book about my LE troubles as it helps keep other guys on their toes!

Thanks for the kind words my friend...

@bigrobbie thanks for sharing your tuff situation. Big reminder to everyone no matter how careful you are no matter how much you respect not snitching it only goes as far as the next guy you've trusted with your info. I see it all the time with the "it guys" running back and forth to there cars gym managers and members heading to the tanning room and not too mention all the idiots telling me what their cycling. When I made the choice to do AAS I made the decision source my own gear and only my gear. I don't ask nor tell anybody anything. It makes me the loner a little because I keep my distance but I'm not going to loose because some fuckin snitch thinks him being with his family is more important than me being with mine. I voice a lot on meso and love the confidentiality and safety behind my handle. This is the only place I feel I can ask answer and be apart of something without the hassle of LE. As much as I would think my guys would have my back in the gym I don't trust my fate with anybody.