The Lobster International,EU and UK domestic HGH,PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

How are you going to use Ngenla? Dose/protocol?

Please do IGF-1 testing after a few weeks. Maybe we can negotiate some reimbursement from @TheLobster so users can get an idea how this new product compares to typical IGF-1 responses from hGH.

What do you think, @TheLobster? Seem reasonable?

Bro, haven't you heard? TheLobster is Turkiye, those guys are mingy as fuck. Just kidding @TheLobster. Love you

I will test next week. I will make bloods before using to make sure about my hGH/IGF-1, and I will test it 3 hours after injection and 3 days after the first pin and 7 days after the first pin
Bro, haven't you heard? TheLobster is Turkiye, those guys are mingy as fuck. Just kidding @TheLobster. Love you

I will test next week. I will make bloods before using to make sure about my hGH/IGF-1, and I will test it 3 hours after injection and 3 days after the first pin and 7 days after the first pin
Ahh, thanks for reminding me! You still owe $0.89 from your last order. You didn't think I would forget, did you?

