The Lobster International,EU and UK domestic HGH,PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

This is the 2nd time in all my years at meso that I've recommended and had a client order from an open source here at Meso. I've got guys I look to for whatever it is someone is after. They are usually guys that are quiet and not easy to find. They're also domestic.

Rimos are always in demand and the only other time I recommended a source here was also for Rimo's. The first hundred were picked off. A different ship method was used for that reship and they got through. My guy was a little nervous after he got the Love Letter but he's a little nervous anyway.

I told my guy this time to take any advice this guy gives as far as shipping goes. Its his business afterall. He was fortunate that the rimos he got and all the others over the past few years have all been legit. The fakes are getting tougher to pick out with these old eyes so I'll have him send a sample to Jano for peace of mind. I'm hoping for a better outcome than the other samples I've had sent to Jano. I've only sent ugl gear to test. One was supposedly pharma but wasn't. Evolve biolabs was shown to put out underdosed Primo and then there was the domestic ugl that 24hreup wa selling. I can't remember the name of the lab...Oh yeah...Odin. I sent in 10 or 11 samples of Odin for 24hreup. They paid for the testing I just got them to Jano. Every sample was fucked. The compounds I didn't send it were sent to test by @SkankHunt with similar results. Its in the 24hr thread here.

I don't send jano every product i come in contact with...just when I have a hunch or if they're Rimos. A lot of guys don't want the source to know what their handle is and how it relates to their order. I don't like to get burned and with a lot of research and a little luck my guys or myself won't be. I don't mind sources know that I'm connected to an order. I've been around and am a member at a lot of places. I know a lot of staff members and board owners.

I wasn't scammed but a few Meso members were by the Turkish source Adnan sanat. I chased his scamming ass all over the Community and the only place he found refuge was at Bostin Loyd's paid board. Adnan had scammed Bostin before he knew who he was. Sent him fake Humatrope just like he did to our guys. Adnan made good on the 10 kits he beat Bostin for. I spoke to Bostin at length about how adnan had threatened to send hot packs and inform the FBI about what our guys ordered. Didn't matter. Bostin said as long as he replaced and counterfeits that his members got from him that was good enough for him? He was enjoying some arrangement. I was disappointed but I ran him out of meso, ugbb, and superiormuscle. My friends at 24hreup sent the guys who got fakes real Humatrope kits at no charge so it all worked out.

Anyway, I got a good feeling about this source...even with the fan bois stroking him throughout the thread. Its not a good look but what do I know. We'll see how things go.....
This is the 2nd time in all my years at meso that I've recommended and had a client order from an open source here at Meso. I've got guys I look to for whatever it is someone is after. They are usually guys that are quiet and not easy to find. They're also domestic.

Rimos are always in demand and the only other time I recommended a source here was also for Rimo's. The first hundred were picked off. A different ship method was used for that reship and they got through. My guy was a little nervous after he got the Love Letter but he's a little nervous anyway.

I told my guy this time to take any advice this guy gives as far as shipping goes. Its his business afterall. He was fortunate that the rimos he got and all the others over the past few years have all been legit. The fakes are getting tougher to pick out with these old eyes so I'll have him send a sample to Jano for peace of mind. I'm hoping for a better outcome than the other samples I've had sent to Jano. I've only sent ugl gear to test. One was supposedly pharma but wasn't. Evolve biolabs was shown to put out underdosed Primo and then there was the domestic ugl that 24hreup wa selling. I can't remember the name of the lab...Oh yeah...Odin. I sent in 10 or 11 samples of Odin for 24hreup. They paid for the testing I just got them to Jano. Every sample was fucked. The compounds I didn't send it were sent to test by @SkankHunt with similar results. Its in the 24hr thread here.

I don't send jano every product i come in contact with...just when I have a hunch or if they're Rimos. A lot of guys don't want the source to know what their handle is and how it relates to their order. I don't like to get burned and with a lot of research and a little luck my guys or myself won't be. I don't mind sources know that I'm connected to an order. I've been around and am a member at a lot of places. I know a lot of staff members and board owners.

I wasn't scammed but a few Meso members were by the Turkish source Adnan sanat. I chased his scamming ass all over the Community and the only place he found refuge was at Bostin Loyd's paid board. Adnan had scammed Bostin before he knew who he was. Sent him fake Humatrope just like he did to our guys. Adnan made good on the 10 kits he beat Bostin for. I spoke to Bostin at length about how adnan had threatened to send hot packs and inform the FBI about what our guys ordered. Didn't matter. Bostin said as long as he replaced and counterfeits that his members got from him that was good enough for him? He was enjoying some arrangement. I was disappointed but I ran him out of meso, ugbb, and superiormuscle. My friends at 24hreup sent the guys who got fakes real Humatrope kits at no charge so it all worked out.

Anyway, I got a good feeling about this source...even with the fan bois stroking him throughout the thread. Its not a good look but what do I know. We'll see how things go.....

I don’t understand why you wrote such a long response, but it doesn’t matter. What you're talking about isn't even related to me.

By the way, no one is praising me. People are just sharing their thoughts on the service they received.Even though other sellers are jealous of this, no one is making exaggerated claims or posting fake reviews.

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I don’t understand why you wrote such a long response, but it doesn’t matter. What you're talking about isn't even related to me.

By the way, no one is praising me. People are just sharing their thoughts on the service they received.Even though other sellers are jealous of this, no one is making exaggerated claims or posting fake reviews.

I guess you aren't familiar with my work? My response was short, relative to what I usually put up. Its our thread....mine and the other members. If I want to make this thread more like my personal journal then that's what it'll become.

Maybe "praising" isn't the right word? This guy...Trenloverboy....that's what we here at meso call "Sucking a Source off..."

I was being nice. If you want to joust we can do that too? You've got a lot of comments about the things members say in this thread. My post didn't require you to pick it apart and analyze it? How often do you find yourself thinking that you're the smartest guy in the room? Maybe you are? Probably not, but maybe?

The condescending tone that you blend in with whatever kind of dry humor you put out isn't going to win over many members here. That kind of shit usually works out well for you? Looks like we're off to a great start? You're probably used to guys taking whatever you dish out worried that their order might not work out? I couldn't care less. I'd rather you choke on it if this is how things go with you. You need to be stroked in order to treat your customers well and with respect?

Your acting like your the one who has been here through thick and thin. You just got here. Acting like you own the place. You're a guest. Free loading. Couch Surfing.
I guess you aren't familiar with my work? My response was short, relative to what I usually put up. Its our thread....mine and the other members. If I want to make this thread more like my personal journal then that's what it'll become.

Maybe "praising" isn't the right word? This guy...Trenloverboy....that's what we here at meso call "Sucking a Source off..."

I was being nice. If you want to joust we can do that too? You've got a lot of comments about the things members say in this thread. My post didn't require you to pick it apart and analyze it? How often do you find yourself thinking that you're the smartest guy in the room? Maybe you are? Probably not, but maybe?

The condescending tone that you blend in with whatever kind of dry humor you put out isn't going to win over many members here. That kind of shit usually works out well for you? Looks like we're off to a great start? You're probably used to guys taking whatever you dish out worried that their order might not work out? I couldn't care less. I'd rather you choke on it if this is how things go with you. You need to be stroked in order to treat your customers well and with respect?

Your acting like your the one who has been here through thick and thin. You just got here. Acting like you own the place. You're a guest. Free loading. Couch Surfing.

Holy crap this is boring

And I didnt even read
Holy crap this is boring

And I didnt even read bad. Difficult to emulate the gems you've blessed us with in this thread.

This is an example of a member attempting to strike up some kind of friendship with a source. It affords him a sense of security. He believes the source will remember the posts he made stroking him and putting down posts by members with not so friendly remarks. Its the lame's version of "Putting In Work".

Made my first order. Shipping in 12 hours. Looks cool, i will report when it gets delivered

Lobster Prime delivered.

2nd order delivered, 5 days via Fedex

peptides only

Are you retarded?

If hes afilliated with K4L, thats not our problem, he’s not K4L. Many guys buy their shit from QSC and resell with floaters. If you arent happy, test by yourself. The guy is legit.

another package have been delivered via Fedex.

Ngenla pen and some peps (mt2 and tb500)

I will post a picture soon, but I am bored now

Bro, haven't you heard? TheLobster is Turkiye, those guys are mingy as fuck. Just kidding @TheLobster. Love you

I will test next week. I will make bloods before using to make sure about my hGH/IGF-1, and I will test it 3 hours after injection and 3 days after the first pin and 7 days after the first pin

That's a compliment after all. The guy is so retarded

He ordered
He received his products
And he got scammed?

This is a medical case

We gotta try to extort harder!! Lol just kidding lobster

stop crying

GAY and faggot

I asked

She called you a beatiful man

your love for me is fake bad.

You are very far from boring...

This is an example of a member attempting to strike up some kind of friendship with a source. It affords him a sense of security. He believes the source will remember the posts he made stroking him and putting down posts by members with not so friendly remarks. Its the lame's version of "Putting In Work".

Yes, but there are many other people like him, in every source thread, not just this.
What I don't like here is the constant showing of tracking info.
Like, when you said you got the package, happy days.
The worst one was done by the source itself, just to have one up on a customer that complained about something.
That is a no, in my book.
So, if you take issue with people kissing butt here, then we have to say the same about everyone else.
If you don't like the attitude and think there are ulterior motives, it's fair enough and you are free to say so.
You have helped members highlight or sort out problems with sources, in the past, so I don't think anyone should begrudge that.
They may not like it, but everything ends up being food for thought = good.

I don’t understand why you wrote such a long response, but it doesn’t matter. What you're talking about isn't even related to me.

By the way, no one is praising me. People are just sharing their thoughts on the service they received.Even though other sellers are jealous of this, no one is making exaggerated claims or posting fake reviews.

You are very far from boring...

Yes, but there are many other people like him, in every source thread, not just this.
What I don't like here is the constant showing of tracking info.
Like, when you said you got the package, happy days.
The worst one was done by the source itself, just to have one up on a customer that complained about something.
That is a no, in my book.
So, if you take issue with people kissing butt here, then we have to say the same about everyone else.
If you don't like the attitude and think there are ulterior motives, it's fair enough and you are free to say so.
You have helped members highlight or sort out problems with sources, in the past, so I don't think anyone should begrudge that.
They may not like it, but everything ends up being food for thought = good.
If you look back to the original post made by this vendor that I quoted up above your post that I quoted you'll see that it was edited and not by the OP.

He made his comments about not getting why my post was so long etc. Thr last couple of sentences he said that my order had shipped and that he had emailed tracking etc.

I made a point of saying the order was placed by a friend of mine and how I decided to point him in this guys direction. Why a vendor would think it's ever ok to post something like that in the open is beyond me.

It was way past the time where the op could edit out the info so I went ahead and handled it and edited out the potentially harmful parts of his post.

You are absolutely correct, Iris, and I can't remember a time when i have seen more information about pkg's with illicit products inside them being delivered. Its as if all the rules The Community has abided by for years have been thrown out the window?