The Science of Race


The Animal said:
"If your from the ghetto you're a moron.'" I'm as white as you
;), and just as black as the one you hate.

Listen putz, I've never said I hated anybody. I challenge you to find one thread of mine that EVER mentions I hate blacks. I do feel they are different in many ways than whites. Is that a problem for you?

The Animal said:
And according to you pushing this analysis, it is not that blacks and other people of color have defective DNA, but rather, that their families are dynsfunctional, their values counterproductive and their behavior pathalogical. As much as you talk about homosexuality, I'm convinced you have had at least one gay experience.

I cant even understand what you're point is here. And if it makes you feel better about yourself you can convince yourself of whatever you want in regards to my sexual preference. I don't give a fuck.

And what incident in a Utah mall was McVeigh and Nichols involved in? WTF?

You may possibly be the stupidest person on Meso. I think you should get an award... or special avatar or something.

I'm done with you. Don't waste my time moron or I"ll have to bill you.


Everyone else,

As far as mixed races go, I've seen beautiful women of all races, even mixes. Personally I am not attracted at all to black women. That doesn't mean I cant admit there are some pretty ones.
Some Hispanic women have amazing asses... like Brazilians, wow.
But at the end of the day I am mainly attracted to fair skinned women. I married a Polish/Italian



For what its worth, the US was founded (as we know it today) by Europeans. Hence, many European traditions, customs and lifestyles carried over to America and are still practiced today, only it has long been forgotten that they came from Europe.

Tradition is important only to those whom believe in it. Our European ancestors frequently died in brutal battles so that those that come after them may carry on living in the way they were accustomed. Some people don't care about that, and don't care if our lifestyles morph into that of other cultures. Is that a bad thing? I guess that depends on who you ask. Perhaps that is the future for the US.

As the demographics change in the US, then so must its customs. Some day Cinco de Mayo may be a national holiday. :D :D
Dionysus said:

I think you should get an award... or special avatar or something.

How many times have I heard this? Note: Use your own material.


Everyone else,

As far as mixed races go, I've seen beautiful women of all races, even mixes. Personally I am not attracted at all to black women.

I can only imagine how difficult it may be, being attracted to something I can't handle. "Beautiful women of ALL races.....But I'm not attracted to black women."
The Animal said:
Dionysus said:

I think you should get an award... or special avatar or something.

How many times have I heard this? Note: Use your own material.

LOL yea I guess a dumbass like you would hear that alot... ROTFL


Keep posting, animal, you keep proving your stupidity.
jasthace said:
Heres some more interesting and informative sites for you dumbass/jackass racists to ponder over.
If you can be bothered, which I very much dought........

What is your definition of a racist, jasthace?

"Racist" seems to be a label freely given to anyone who doesn't personally agree with race mixing, among other things.
I know many black people, jewish people, spanish people, and asians who want to see their children marry within their race and/or culture.
These people considered just being "old fashioned" or "traditional" yet if whites want the same they are considered racists.

Anyhow, as I've said before, I have a lot of respect for everyone and every race. We all have contributed in our own ways, and we've all had our share of problems.
jsupstarz said:
For all intensive purposes every human is the same, it is the environment that creates differences not race.

You are correct and incorrect. The environment does create major differences. Saying every human is the same sounds pretty, but it is incorrect because the environment is not the same everywhere, nor has it ever been, therefore subtle differences between races have emerged over time.
Dionysus said:
You are correct and incorrect. The environment does create major differences. Saying every human is the same sounds pretty, but it is incorrect because the environment is not the same everywhere, nor has it ever been, therefore subtle differences between races have emerged over time.
I was trying not to go deep into it. It is as complicated as you have time to spend on this earth.
Dionysus said:
What is your definition of a racist, jasthace? .

I consider a racist to be someone that judges people negatively because of their race,
without actually meeting the person.
If you meet a person and hate them and then call them a stupid white{asian,black,SA,} cunt,fair enough,but if you call them a stupid white cunt before you have meet them, then you're simply racist.
To me marriage is not about who mum & dad want their son/daughter to marry and in particular of what race.It's about marrying someone you love and know will make a good husband or wife.
Who gives a fuck what colour/race they are?
If they do give a fuck,then this is racism,in that they think that PERSON is not good enough for them because of their race.
If people are worried about other peoples negative views,then they are weak.
These views need to be confronted so that they can be dispelled for the better.
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jasthace said:
I consider a racist to be someone that judges people negatively because of their race,
without actually meeting the person.
If you meet a person and hate them and then call them a stupid white{asian,black,SA,} cunt,fair enough,but if you call them a stupid white cunt before you have meet them, then you're simply racist.
To me marriage is not about who mum & dad want their son/daughter to marry and in particular of what race.It's about marrying someone you love and know will make a good husband or wife.
Who gives a fuck what colour/race they are?
If they do give a fuck,then this is racism,in that they think that PERSON is not good enough for them because of their race.
If people are worried about other peoples negative views,then they are weak.
These views need to be confronted so that they can be dispelled for the better.
It's how you are brought up. Many people with the marriage thing are just scared about how their friends and family would view them. I agree with you though jas, who fucking cares, see people not colors.
jasthace said:
I consider a racist to be someone that judges people negatively because of their race,
without actually meeting the person.

Fair enough, no one should ever be judged negatively on race alone. I can attest to this.

jasthace said:
To me marriage is not about who mum & dad want their son/daughter to marry and in particular of what race.It's about marrying someone you love and know will make a good husband or wife.
Who gives a fuck what colour/race they are?

Do you have kids?

jasthace said:
If they do give a fuck,then this is racism,in that they think that PERSON is not good enough for them because of their race.

What makes you assume someone may think another race is not good enough for them just because they "give a fuck" about race? Its not about being better. That was a terribly ignorant comment.
It's not your place to judge what should and shouldn't be important to other people.

jasthace said:
If people are worried about other peoples negative views,then they are weak.

Thats why I discuss my opinion here. I realize I am in the minority today for feeling the way I do, but thats how I feel and I'm not worried how others view me.

jasthace said:
These views need to be confronted so that they can be dispelled for the better.

This is the way Hitler thought. Mind Control. Everyone must think like him, or face being "dispelled". I guess you'd round us all up and brainwash us into liking only what you like, eating only what you eat, wearing only what you wear... etc.

No, I think people should have the freedom to choose whats right for them, without the fear of being labeled a racist if they are proud of their race and wish to sustain it.

It's ok to be proud to be Black.
It's ok to be proud to be Latino.
It's ok to be proud to be Gay.
But if you're proud to be white, you're labeled a racist.
Dionysus said:
It's ok to be proud to be Black.
It's ok to be proud to be Latino.
It's ok to be proud to be Gay.
But if you're proud to be white, you're labeled a racist.
Interesting :confused: :rolleyes:
Do you have kids?

No kids of my own.
2 x thai step sons.

What makes you assume someone may think another race is not good enough for them just because they "give a fuck" about race? Its not about being better. That was a terribly ignorant comment.
It's not your place to judge what should and shouldn't be important to other people.

I understand what you are saying,you are refering to conserving culture.
Tell me this,if you daughter or son come home with a person of a particular ethnicity, undesirable in your view of conserving your culture,how far would you error your relationship with him/her to mantain your beliefs.

This is the way Hitler thought. Mind Control. Everyone must think like him, or face being "dispelled". I guess you'd round us all up and brainwash us into liking only what you like, eating only what you eat, wearing only what you wear... etc.


No, I think people should have the freedom to choose whats right for them, without the fear of being labeled a racist if they are proud of their race and wish to sustain it.

Thats is correct,you can make your one choice who you marry,and everybody else can too,including your children.

if you're proud to be white, you're labeled a racist.

This is probably what hitler though too.......:p
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jasthace said:
Tell me this,if you daughter or son come home with a person of a particular ethnicity, undesirable in your view of conserving your culture,how far would you error your relationship with him/her to mantain your beliefs.
That bridge I will have to cross if I ever come to it. A knee jerk response cannot possibly take into account a parents unconditional love for their children, therefore any answer I offer would be strictly conjecture.

However, to satisfy the moment: I like to think that if I educate my children about their lineage and instill in them the pride, honour and respect for our forefathers that was instilled in me, my children will make will make a proper decision.

jasthace said:
This is probably what hitler though too.......:p

You might be right. Even a broken clock is right twice a day! ;)
Was this thread about inter-racial relationships or did it just turn that way? I don't feel like going back through it to find out.

I'm seeing a black chick. I must admit that it is a bit weird to see her midnight black head with the blazing white teeth and super pink tongue hanging over me in the middle of the night, but it doesn't bother me to be seen with her or anything.

I don't see anything wrong with race mixing. Doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm more partial to some races than others, but I'd marry any of them provided she was a good enough girl.
Grizzly said:
I'm seeing a black chick. I must admit that it is a bit weird to see her midnight black head with the blazing white teeth and super pink tongue hanging over me in the middle of the night, but it doesn't bother me to be seen with her or anything.

LOL, wow I dont even know how to reply to that... [:o)]