Listen putz, I've never said I hated anybody. I challenge you to find one thread of mine that EVER mentions I hate blacks. I do feel they are different in many ways than whites. Is that a problem for you?
I cant even understand what you're point is here. And if it makes you feel better about yourself you can convince yourself of whatever you want in regards to my sexual preference. I don't give a fuck.
And what incident in a Utah mall was McVeigh and Nichols involved in? WTF?
You may possibly be the stupidest person on Meso. I think you should get an award... or special avatar or something.
I'm done with you. Don't waste my time moron or I"ll have to bill you.
Everyone else,
As far as mixed races go, I've seen beautiful women of all races, even mixes. Personally I am not attracted at all to black women. That doesn't mean I cant admit there are some pretty ones.
Some Hispanic women have amazing asses... like Brazilians, wow.
But at the end of the day I am mainly attracted to fair skinned women. I married a Polish/Italian
For what its worth, the US was founded (as we know it today) by Europeans. Hence, many European traditions, customs and lifestyles carried over to America and are still practiced today, only it has long been forgotten that they came from Europe.
Tradition is important only to those whom believe in it. Our European ancestors frequently died in brutal battles so that those that come after them may carry on living in the way they were accustomed. Some people don't care about that, and don't care if our lifestyles morph into that of other cultures. Is that a bad thing? I guess that depends on who you ask. Perhaps that is the future for the US.
As the demographics change in the US, then so must its customs. Some day Cinco de Mayo may be a national holiday.

The Animal said:"If your from the ghetto you're a moron.'" I'm as white as youhttp://forum.mesomorphosis.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
, and just as black as the one you hate.
Listen putz, I've never said I hated anybody. I challenge you to find one thread of mine that EVER mentions I hate blacks. I do feel they are different in many ways than whites. Is that a problem for you?
The Animal said:And according to you pushing this analysis, it is not that blacks and other people of color have defective DNA, but rather, that their families are dynsfunctional, their values counterproductive and their behavior pathalogical. As much as you talk about homosexuality, I'm convinced you have had at least one gay experience.
I cant even understand what you're point is here. And if it makes you feel better about yourself you can convince yourself of whatever you want in regards to my sexual preference. I don't give a fuck.
And what incident in a Utah mall was McVeigh and Nichols involved in? WTF?
You may possibly be the stupidest person on Meso. I think you should get an award... or special avatar or something.
I'm done with you. Don't waste my time moron or I"ll have to bill you.
Everyone else,
As far as mixed races go, I've seen beautiful women of all races, even mixes. Personally I am not attracted at all to black women. That doesn't mean I cant admit there are some pretty ones.
Some Hispanic women have amazing asses... like Brazilians, wow.
But at the end of the day I am mainly attracted to fair skinned women. I married a Polish/Italian
For what its worth, the US was founded (as we know it today) by Europeans. Hence, many European traditions, customs and lifestyles carried over to America and are still practiced today, only it has long been forgotten that they came from Europe.
Tradition is important only to those whom believe in it. Our European ancestors frequently died in brutal battles so that those that come after them may carry on living in the way they were accustomed. Some people don't care about that, and don't care if our lifestyles morph into that of other cultures. Is that a bad thing? I guess that depends on who you ask. Perhaps that is the future for the US.
As the demographics change in the US, then so must its customs. Some day Cinco de Mayo may be a national holiday.