The smith machine needs to die

John Meadows has a lot of smith machine work in his programs. It’s not my favorite for anything but it’s my 2nd favorite setup for a lot of things. (Shoulder pressing, rows, lunges, and incline bench)

I also like knowing I won’t get decapitated if I push too far fail my last rep.
Why are there smith machines in gyms? I fucking hate smith machines, they are the Plymouth Prowlers of the gym world but for some god forsaken reason they are still around...I wish they would just die off and go away like the prowler only to be kept alive in conversation. Hey remember the Plymouth Prowler?? Haha yeah those were so fucking stupid... now re-frase that with "smith machine" doesn't that just sound like a world you'd want live in?

Here is an article explaining why the ugly Prowler was an epic fail and the reasons sound oddly familiar. God please kill the smith machine

Man you’re passionate about this
Man you’re passionate about this
I was heated last night because of my knee and I blame the smith machine. I may have overreacted but to be fair it is the knee and please do not fault me for my passion. Also I have a passionate hate for that Doctor who came out and said every human ever has been doing squats wrong by coming to the conclusion the knee should never go past the toes. No one ever, even people with knee problems thought hmmm I bet it's because my knees go past my toes. No, whatever your natural movement is, that's it, if you are healthy and have no injuries or lagging muscle groups and good posture who gives a fuck about toe to knee ratio. This isn't the first time a German sold everyone on a bad idea. Oh? he was an American you say? Well you have a point but his initials were K.K.K.
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This made me think of the gypsies, they were often labeled as tricky bastards but I think certain Germans saw them as competition. At least the gypsies were practicing hoodwinkery to eat and survive while a German does it for ego. If you ever find yourself in the presents of a German just believe in yourself and follow your gut. They can't hurt you if you believe in yourself.
If you're around gypsies keep your hands in your pockets, The gypsy falling victim to his own nature will mimic you in an attempt to gain your trust and will then put his hands in his own pockets thus rendering him ineffective. You'll walk away with all your things leaving the gypsy in bewilderment, thinking to himself "that guy was pretty cool".
This made me think of the gypsies, they were often labeled as tricky bastards but I think certain Germans saw them as competition. At least the gypsies were practicing hoodwinkery to eat and survive while a German does it for ego. If you ever find yourself in the presents of a German just believe in yourself and follow your gut. They can't hurt you if you believe in yourself.
If you're around gypsies keep your hands in your pockets, The gypsy falling victim to his own nature will mimic you in an attempt to gain your trust and will then put his hands in his own pockets thus rendering him ineffective. You'll walk away with all your things leaving the gypsy in bewilderment, thinking to himself "that guy was pretty cool".
What has this racist nonsense got to do with Smith machines????
I'm a little sour right now because my right knee is a little tweaked after today. It feels like the tendon above the knee. I've had it before and it went away within a week. I feel so out of place squatting in a smith machine.

Oh and its REPHRASE. sorry I was silently heated rage typing
Knee pain wouldn't of happened if you were squatting in the smith machine
Knee pain wouldn't of happened if you were squatting in the smith machine
But it was the smith machine when I was squatting. Granted I could have aggravated it doing leg press or leg extensions and only noticed once I hopped in the smith..I'm just so uncomfortable doing squats in the smith machine. Maybe I my stance /posture is all messed up for the smith but I can't seem to figure it out.

Edit: it's not a vertical smith machine if that makes a difference.
Ever tried facing the opposite way? Made all the difference for me.
I thought about this after I posted that. It's the slanted smith machine. When I hop into the machine I'm facing away from the angle towards the back of the machine. So the guide bar/Trac is closest to me at my feet and then further away at my head. Like the picture below


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I thought about this after I posted that. It's the slanted smith machine. When I hop into the machine I'm facing away from the angle towards the back of the machine. So the guide bar/Trac is closest to me at my feet and then further away at my head. Like the picture below
Yep that’s what I’m talking about too. Try facing the opposite direction and see if it doesn’t make a big difference for you. My buddy that’s a trainer showed me that and it made a huge difference for me.
@Smashshit just to be clear your talking facing the middle of the machine. I've been facing away from the machine.

Nvm I'll just try the opposite of what I'm doing