The woman im attracted to...and my Wife.


I like women that look great when naked. Full body with all the curves. I'm not into obese nasty fat but also not those skinny things that look less appealing when the clothes come off. My wife is one of those full figured woman and I've always found her to be attractive.

A little over a year ago she asked me what she could take to help her with fat loss. We have a completely honest relationship but I had to tell her "no gear or hgh until your able to drop a lot of that weight". I said your beautiful to me as you are but if you want to drop weight you must first make big changes to your diet and lifestyle. Well long story short, she took everything to heart. With just a little support from myself, and a lot of work and dedication on her part, she has now lost over 120lbs in a years time.

She looks AMAZING! Now, after labs and full health make up, she asked me again if she's ready for peds. I looked at her and said Hell yes?

10mg of var split for morning and evening, 1.5iu HGH ed. Her ass muscles are back ( I really love this), and her thighs have filled in with muscle. As a bonus that loose skin has gone about 80% away now that fat is replaced by beautiful muscle. And she's very happy with herself...this I love the most!

She's only half way thru her anavar cycle with great results and zero side effects, except increase hunger. We've been hitting that with healthy nutrient dense meal. We're both in our 50s. I've loved her from the beginning and will always love her no matter how she looks. But just seeing her this happy and full of pride makes me ecstatic!

The title to this post was just the clencher to get you to read my post. This woman is my only woman. God blessed me with an amazing person to live life with. I'm a very greatful and very happy husband.
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That’s awesome! Congrats to her, it’s hard being a woman and navigating how to achieve your health goals. She’s lucky to have you to bounce stuff off of. Curious, how often is she working out and what did she do to drop the 120? I am trying myself to drop weight and have dropped about 20 so far, about 40 pounds to go. I used to be an athlete but then kids and life happened. I am about to be 43 and now my kids are at an age where I don’t have so much going on all the time. I do orange theory and go to the gym. Trying to ease into a solid training schedule but don’t want to go to hard in the beginning. Just curious how she did it from a training perspective, that’s really impressive.
The biggest change was she got on board with my eating style. Smaller portions, healthy meals at least 3x a day with a healthy snack between meals. We get one cheat meal per week. Also she really had to learn that she wasn't "missing out" when I was able to eat more and more often then her. The cheat meal really helps because it gives you something to look forward to. It's not only a reward but it helps keep you sane. Nice cheese burger with fries...or what ever you've been craving that week. But when you're full you're done. Don't stuff yourself because it's a cheat meal!
Second, NO alcohol or other empty calories like chips and candy. Calories that provide no nutritional value. Except for the alcohol, if you've been craving say doritos...then that's your cheat meal for the week. The food you put into your body must serve a purpose.
Then just getting active. Even if it's just walking the dog everyday. Slowly increasing your activity. Start off slow in the gym at least 3 days a week.
Started on the treadmill now on the bike with some weight machines. She spends 45-60
minutes on the bike now, training some upper body but her main focus is her butt and legs.
The hardest part is sticking to a plan and carrying it out in the long term. Once she started noticing the weight loss it just got easier with the increase in motivation.

I Also need to mention that's carbs are really important. No more mashed potatoes, instead mashed yams for example. And you don't need to have a carb with every meal. Stir fry loaded with veggies and a meat like lean ground turkey or chicken. I would always get on her "hun you don't need a carb with every meal". Breakfast for her was something like eggs scrambled with a little diced yams and what ever veggies you want.

Also once you're full STOP eating. You should always be just a hint of hungry but never full!
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The biggest change was she got on board with my eating style. Smaller portions, healthy meals at least 3x a day with a healthy snack between meals. We get one cheat meal per week. Also she really had to learn that she wasn't "missing out" when I was able to eat more and more often then her. The cheat meal really helps because it gives you something to look forward to. It's not only a reward but it helps keep you sane. Nice cheese burger with fries...or what ever you've been craving that week. But when you're full you're done. Don't stuff yourself because it's a cheat meal!
Second, NO alcohol or other empty calories like chips and candy. Calories that provide no nutritional value. Except for the alcohol, if you've been craving say doritos...then that's your cheat meal for the week. The food you put into your body must serve a purpose.
Then just getting active. Even if it's just walking the dog everyday. Slowly increasing your activity. Start off slow in the gym at least 3 days a week.
Started on the treadmill now on the bike with some weight machines. She spends 45-60
minutes on the bike now, training some upper body but her main focus is her butt and legs.
The hardest part is sticking to a plan and carrying it out in the long term. Once she started noticing the weight loss it just got easier with the increase in motivation.

I Also need to mention that's carbs are really important. No more mashed potatoes, instead mashed yams for example. And you don't need to have a carb with every meal. Stir fry loaded with veggies and a meat like lean ground turkey or chicken. I would always get on her "hun you don't need a carb with every meal". Breakfast for her was something like eggs scrambled with a little diced yams and what ever veggies you want.

Also once you're full STOP eating. You should always be just a hint of hungry but never full!
Yes, diet is a big part of it. I have definitely got that under control now. I am currently living off egg whites, high protein greek yogurt, chicken, all kinds of veggies and fruits, protein shakes, etc. The 20 pounds has come off in 2 months but I am also kicking my butt on the cardio. I even bought a standing desk with a treadmill for work as I used to sit all day long (I’m in the IT field). Once I get the remaining weight off, definitely want to move on to becoming as lean as possible so I’m going to keep this thread saved.

Thanks for sharing this story, it really helps me stay motivated.
does anavar make a woman's libido go crazy?
It can for some. Also improves sensitivity and makes achieving orgasm easy.
I have to do the clitoris inspection every week...such a chore lol. Gotta make sure it doesn't get too big. A little swelling is fine with me.
It can for some. Also improves sensitivity and makes achieving orgasm easy.
I have to do the clitoris inspection every week...such a chore lol. Gotta make sure it doesn't get too big. A little swelling is fine with me.
I'm very happy for you. Those are the types of stories I love to hear. I'm in the same boat. next month is me and my wifes 15th anniversary, I'm planning something special for her. I wouldent be alive today without her, let alone the man I've became with her by my side.
Can I convince you to give secretagogues & some genuinely effective prohormones (to 19-nortestosterone) a try before Var & rhGH for her?

Despite my probably being regarded as anti-GH-peptides and pro-rhGH here, this view totally changes for women that meet her description, and these women typically do come along with a well-intentioned husband/boyfriend suggesting 1.5 IU/d rhGH.

Don't waste the money, for worse efficacy, on rhGH. Women respond better to the secretagogues and quite poorly to rhGH, actually (unlike men), especially if she's on estrogens. I have written about this here: Women and rhGH: Misconceptions abound

Clen, Var, Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin is actually a pretty intermediate combination.

Before I'd start her with an AAS like Var I'd want my wife, if I am a loving husband to her like yourself, to instead try out something milder like norandrostene (norandrostenedione) & norandrodiol (4-norandrostenediol), starting low in dose in the first 2-3 weeks and carefully monitoring for signs of virilization, especially changes in vocal pitch that can come on rapidly, using the "Voice Pitch Analyzer" app daily.
Can I convince you to give secretagogues & some genuinely effective prohormones (to 19-nortestosterone) a try before Var & rhGH for her?

Despite my probably being regarded as anti-GH-peptides and pro-rhGH here, this view totally changes for women that meet her description, and these women typically do come along with a well-intentioned husband/boyfriend suggesting 1.5 IU/d rhGH.

Don't waste the money, for worse efficacy, on rhGH. Women respond better to the secretagogues and quite poorly to rhGH, actually (unlike men), especially if she's on estrogens. I have written about this here: Women and rhGH: Misconceptions abound

Clen, Var, Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin is actually a pretty intermediate combination.

Before I'd start her with an AAS like Var I'd want my wife, if I am a loving husband to her like yourself, to instead try out something milder like norandrostene (norandrostenedione) & norandrodiol (4-norandrostenediol), starting low in dose in the first 2-3 weeks and carefully monitoring for signs of virilization, especially changes in vocal pitch that can come on rapidly, using the "Voice Pitch Analyzer" app daily.
I'd have to do some pretty in depth research on the things you're describing. She's been having great success with hgh ( 2 months in) and It'll be difficult to get her to change, unless i can show her she'll have the same results. Her skin, hair, and swinkles have improved very noticeably. She had a lot of crepey loose skin that has improved dramatically. The var also provide great results at the 2-3 week mark. All the muscle she lost during her weight loss have been completely restored ( muscle memory I'm sure).
Other then some water weight ( about 3-4lbs) she has experienced zero side effects.
I'd have to do some pretty in depth research on the things you're describing. She's been having great success with hgh ( 2 months in) and It'll be difficult to get her to change, unless i can show her she'll have the same results. Her skin, hair, and swinkles have improved very noticeably. She had a lot of crepey loose skin that has improved dramatically. The var also provide great results at the 2-3 week mark. All the muscle she lost during her weight loss have been completely restored ( muscle memory I'm sure).
Other then some water weight ( about 3-4lbs) she has experienced zero side effects.
It works, of course, just not really great. I'm glad you like the results. This is the standard thing I see guys put their ladies on, can't be bad right?
Can I convince you to give secretagogues & some genuinely effective prohormones (to 19-nortestosterone) a try before Var & rhGH for her?

Despite my probably being regarded as anti-GH-peptides and pro-rhGH here, this view totally changes for women that meet her description, and these women typically do come along with a well-intentioned husband/boyfriend suggesting 1.5 IU/d rhGH.

Don't waste the money, for worse efficacy, on rhGH. Women respond better to the secretagogues and quite poorly to rhGH, actually (unlike men), especially if she's on estrogens. I have written about this here: Women and rhGH: Misconceptions abound

Clen, Var, Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin is actually a pretty intermediate combination.

Before I'd start her with an AAS like Var I'd want my wife, if I am a loving husband to her like yourself, to instead try out something milder like norandrostene (norandrostenedione) & norandrodiol (4-norandrostenediol), starting low in dose in the first 2-3 weeks and carefully monitoring for signs of virilization, especially changes in vocal pitch that can come on rapidly, using the "Voice Pitch Analyzer" app daily.
Do you have a suggested protocol I can research into?
And yes she takes estrogen and progesterone. Had a complete hysterectomy years back.
Can I convince you to give secretagogues & some genuinely effective prohormones (to 19-nortestosterone) a try before Var & rhGH for her?

Despite my probably being regarded as anti-GH-peptides and pro-rhGH here, this view totally changes for women that meet her description, and these women typically do come along with a well-intentioned husband/boyfriend suggesting 1.5 IU/d rhGH.

Don't waste the money, for worse efficacy, on rhGH. Women respond better to the secretagogues and quite poorly to rhGH, actually (unlike men), especially if she's on estrogens. I have written about this here: Women and rhGH: Misconceptions abound

Clen, Var, Mod GRF (1-29) & Ipamorelin is actually a pretty intermediate combination.

Before I'd start her with an AAS like Var I'd want my wife, if I am a loving husband to her like yourself, to instead try out something milder like norandrostene (norandrostenedione) & norandrodiol (4-norandrostenediol), starting low in dose in the first 2-3 weeks and carefully monitoring for signs of virilization, especially changes in vocal pitch that can come on rapidly, using the "Voice Pitch Analyzer" app daily.
So something like GHRP-2 (pralmorelin) and norandrostene and norandrodiol, would be more safe and effective for her?
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So something like GHRP-2 (pralmorelin) and norandrostene and norandrodiol, would be more safe and effective for her?
So Ipamorelin is actually different from Pralmorelin (GHRP-2). It's a bit more selective which we like, has virtually no stimulatory effect on prolactin.

Certainly, I think that what I said above (worth re-reading), a couple prohormones (a -dione & a 4-prohormone, to 19-nortestosterone, gauging virilization symptoms) and combined GH secretagogues for GHRH (feedforward) & GHRP/Ghrelin (drive) (i.e., combined Ghrelin mimetic & GHRH analogue), is more favorable with respect to efficacy/tolerability tradeoffs for anyone matching your wife's basic profile.
Do you have a suggested protocol I can research into?
And yes she takes estrogen and progesterone. Had a complete hysterectomy years back.
Honestly, boilerplate protocols are usually shit, and I only delve into dosing with clients of mine after waiver, etc.

With that being the case, her being on estrogen and progesterone, rhGH is very likely going to cause her grief with edema/fluid retention, weight gain, basically all the negative side effects, without great benefit.

I apologize I know that these are probably difficult to research. All I can do for you here is shamelessly plug my anticipated book, Bolus: A Practical and Research Guide to the Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (& GH Secretagogues, perhaps?) that will discuss these. Even without being mentioned in the title, tI have now written comprehensive sections about secretagogue peptides and continue actually to build them out, since they have been coming up frequently in questions that I am asked.
So Ipamorelin is actually different from Pralmorelin (GHRP-2). It's a bit more selective which we like, has virtually no stimulatory effect on prolactin.

Certainly, I think that what I said above (worth re-reading), a couple prohormones (a -dione & a 4-prohormone, to 19-nortestosterone, gauging virilization symptoms) and combined GH secretagogues for GHRH (feedforward) & GHRP/Ghrelin (drive) (i.e., combined Ghrelin mimetic & GHRH analogue), is more favorable with respect to efficacy/tolerability tradeoffs for anyone matching your wife's basic profile.

Honestly, boilerplate protocols are usually shit, and I only delve into dosing with clients of mine after waiver, etc.

With that being the case, her being on estrogen and progesterone, rhGH is very likely going to cause her grief with edema/fluid retention, weight gain, basically all the negative side effects, without great benefit.

I apologize I know that these are probably difficult to research. All I can do for you here is shamelessly plug my anticipated book, Bolus: A Practical and Research Guide to the Use of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (& GH Secretagogues, perhaps?) that will discuss these. Even without being mentioned in the title, tI have now written comprehensive sections about secretagogue peptides and continue actually to build them out, since they have been coming up frequently in questions that I am asked.
Thank you for the info. I'll do some research.
It can for some. Also improves sensitivity and makes achieving orgasm easy.
I have to do the clitoris inspection every week...such a chore lol. Gotta make sure it doesn't get too big. A little swelling is fine with me.
You should quit being a pussy and buy a ball cap that says Certified Clitoris Inspector.
I'd have to do some pretty in depth research on the things you're describing. She's been having great success with hgh ( 2 months in) and It'll be difficult to get her to change, unless i can show her she'll have the same results. Her skin, hair, and swinkles have improved very noticeably. She had a lot of crepey loose skin that has improved dramatically. The var also provide great results at the 2-3 week mark. All the muscle she lost during her weight loss have been completely restored ( muscle memory I'm sure).
Other then some water weight ( about 3-4lbs) she has experienced zero side effects.
I wil now and forever call them “swinkles”