I understand the members sentiments. But, if a source prepares an order and sends you wu info and you pull out of the order, now you have valuable information about the source.
Again giving him your handle, maybe I'm not seeing things correctly, is just protection against himself from being scammed or from info collectors.
Again. I'll reiterate. If you don't trust a source, well then then really shouldn't be ordering from said source really. I wouldn't order from a source i don't trust.
I'll add, I don't trust brewkit, not for any other reason other m then his inexperience and how he conducted himself in his last thread. Reasons like that.
But To me it seems like not giving your board handle is giving scammers an avenue to scam.
I understand the members sentiments. But, if a source prepares an order and sends you wu info and you pull out of the order, now you have valuable information about the source.
Again giving him your handle, maybe I'm not seeing things correctly, is just protection against himself from being scammed or from info collectors.
Again. I'll reiterate. If you don't trust a source, well then then really shouldn't be ordering from said source really. I wouldn't order from a source i don't trust.
I'll add, I don't trust brewkit, not for any other reason other m then his inexperience and how he conducted himself in his last thread. Reasons like that.
But To me it seems like not giving your board handle is giving scammers an avenue to scam.
He hasnt proven himself enough to be trusted with Meso usernames ...Dont give it to him.