This is what a personal home gym looks like if you are really really rich.


My mother took this video when a family friend was helping to the estate go to auction. It’s masive and over looks the Pacific Ocean in Pebble Beach Ca. The house is also masive to the point of insane.
All this equipment was donated to a non profit organization.

Wow that sure is quite cool, especially if you have the money to splash around.
Omg that view! If that was my gym I would "always be in there" but really be out on the balcony admiring The View sipping beer.
I didn't see any dumbbells that looked more than 60 lbs. The owner is a , j/k , that's a hell of a nice place!!!
Guy on body who is a doctor has flown all over the world testing machines and buying them. Has spent 2 million or so on it. Used to live in Florida and had the whole thing moved to Florida. He has a ton of older equipment he had refurbished and all his sets come with the weight stack maxed out. Best bars and plates too. It's rediculous.
That place is pretty cool for big $$$ people, started mine in 1977/78, 40 years later, still training, sweating, bleeding in it...gym-bw-apr-18.jpg
Yep that's how I am man, pretty much all of my compound lifts are in the squat rack since I lift alone. All the auxiliary ones I can do outside the rack but those main compound movements are done in there. You have a lot more dumbells than I do, that's something I've wanted to invest in for a while but they are quite pricey
man, i'd have the treadmill and cardio equipment facing the water not a shoulder press.

sweet gym though. i live in a blue collard town outside of one of the richest counties in the US and our line for seeing houses like that is:
"They have Fuck you money"
I to prefer the dungeon to that equipment but that view is killer. I think the House was $31 million or something.