This Is Why I Love Napsgear Pharma Grade Stuff


this is the main reason why i only shop at napsgear for pharma grade stuff.. im on his karachi pharma sustanon 250 amps .. i took this i think around week 8 im not really sure im not really keeping track. i was running around 500-750 a week.. changed my dosage around a few times.. but iScreenshot (1).jpg really like those numbers .. by the way im not no fan boy .. i can tell you that majority of his other stuff i tried was some really bunk stuff.. geneza labs, gen shi, jintani labs all those labs i have tried from naps and i was really disappointed .. but i have never had a issue with the test pharma amps he gets.. by the way if anybody has any of those amps the batch i was using was

batch # 0306
feb 2012-feb 2017
They might have something which works but the question is how they get the gear. Even in places like Pakistan they have some justice system and I do not believe that pharmaceutical companies sell to dealers on the black market.

I know that there were a few UG labs which really had sustanon, all 4 esters nicely mixed. But this is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
Yea I much prefer narrative lab reports like this where some Company shill can EASILY delete the listed TT level and reinsert those numbers more to his liking.

A cut and paste process that requires little more than five minutes AND bingo, it's a done deal, evidence another UGL is GTG, NOT!

Now of course I'd like to suggest you obtain LC/MS reports performed on NAPs raws but turns out they are bullshit also.

Besides no customer will receive raw grade purity.

You wanna KNOW do the tests yourself, and certainly don't trust one post wonder boys marveling at the quality of ANY I-net UGL
Yea I much prefer narrative lab reports like this where some Company shill can EASILY delete the listed TT level and reinsert those numbers more to his liking.

A cut and paste process that requires little more than five minutes AND bingo, it's a done deal, evidence another UGL is GTG, NOT!

Now of course I'd like to suggest you obtain LC/MS reports performed on NAPs raws but turns out they are bullshit also.

Besides no customer will receive raw grade purity.

You wanna KNOW do the tests yourself, and certainly don't trust one post wonder boys marveling at the quality of ANY I-net UGL
Yea I much prefer narrative lab reports like this where some Company shill can EASILY delete the listed TT level and reinsert those numbers more to his liking.

A cut and paste process that requires little more than five minutes AND bingo, it's a done deal, evidence another UGL is GTG, NOT!

Now of course I'd like to suggest you obtain LC/MS reports performed on NAPs raws but turns out they are bullshit also.

Besides no customer will receive raw grade purity.

You wanna KNOW do the tests yourself, and certainly don't trust one post wonder boys marveling at the quality of ANY I-net UGL
how the fuck can you just assume this stupid shit your saying?.. not everybody out there is out fuckin trying to scam the world you stupid fuck.. these are the results i got from running karachi sustanon 250 amps.. so before you sit here and just ramble stupid shit to make your self sound smart.. if you look at my post about naps i have said that all his other gear i fuckin tried is garbage, and i have not had any issues with his pharma stuff.. go troll somewhere else ..
Hey what you have a guilty conscience, because NOT ONCE were you specifically mentioned. EVERYTHING I SAID IS TRUE the only problem, the assumption I was referring to you!

You probably should strongly consider lowering that AAS dose some fella! I mean it seems your wound up a little to tight for even an AAS forum.
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I do not believe in the Pharma Grade Stuff, there is some in circulation but very limited supply. The rest is counterfeit, it is in the news all the time. More than half of drugs (malaria etc) sold in Africa is counterfeit, sugar pill.

I had Balkan recently it was supposed to be the real deal but it fact it was bunk, counterfeit.
I do not believe in the Pharma Grade Stuff, there is some in circulation but very limited supply. The rest is counterfeit, it is in the news all the time. More than half of drugs (malaria etc) sold in Africa is counterfeit, sugar pill.

I had Balkan recently it was supposed to be the real deal but it fact it was bunk, counterfeit.

That is because Balkan Pharma is really just UGL. It's run by Alin. Not to say that is a reason for it to be bunk, but you gotta watch out because names can be misleading in this biz.
Dr jim knows his shit backwards and forwards if you think what he said is "stupid shit" the joke is on you...
That is because Balkan Pharma is really just UGL. It's run by Alin. Not to say that is a reason for it to be bunk, but you gotta watch out because names can be misleading in this biz.

where did you get the information, it is state licenced company in Moldavia.

they do not sell UGL in pharmacies

I got some Balkan on prescription from pharmacy and it was the best gear ever.

you can call or visit them in person

SC "Balkan Pharmaceuticals" SRL
str. Nicolae Grădescu 4
mun. Chișinău, Republica Moldova
tel. oficiu: +373 22 536 160
That's not true, I would just rather my comments be rebutted by someone whom possesses a reasonable fund of knowledge and Burr, Angus's secretary, doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

No that's not just my opinion, it's a fact based upon Burrs posts with few exceptions.
I may not no my ass from a hole, but I can spot a fake Dr when I see one.

My disagreements with Jim originated with his dispute with finafan, and his tendency to call every UGL a scam and every good ugl review the work of a shill.
Jim, have you ever posted bloodwork to support the gear you run?
My disagreements with Jim originated with his dispute with finafan, and his tendency to call every UGL a scam and every good ugl review the work of a shill.

Do you suggest that all UGL go by FDA rules. I have never see UG which would be 100% reliable. None of them does good quality testing I mean real lab testing GC/MS.

Although they are scammed by powder suppliers too and they are probably aware that they sell bunk gear.

Here is example of Accordo RX they were told many times that their masteron prop is test prop, their tren ace is bunk and they still sell the junk.
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Mercury, I'm sure that no ugl's follow FDA rules. I'm just saying that some of them are not out to rip us off all of the time. Blood work, like posted above is one of the best tools we have to weed out the bunk gear ugl's.
I'm not gonna put 100% faith into one persons bloodwork, but I will take it into consideration when trying to access the quality of a UGL's gear.
If Jim was not such a dick, he would have said that the bloodwork above should not be taken as gospel, but just one more piece in the puzzle of finding good gear. He basically just came into this guys thread and called him a shill.
Yea BURR and you've had your head up your ass ever since you moron.

For example do enlighten us more, what was the result of that UGL Fina Fart ran.

How many people did he scam bc because people like you can't see the forest thru the trees and willingly support unknown entities such as that clown who was BOOTED FROM EROIDS before he pranced onto Meso.

Crap Bozo after the number of absolutely bogus LC/MS your friend Angus has posted, (whom you continue to blindly support) I was hoping you could have learned something of value that other members would benefit from.

Nope to this day you continue to endorse those whom scam others such as Angus and FinaFart!

Now that's the reason I believe your contributions to Meso approximate Zippo and only worthy of lazy ass, company like Captured Fart
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Dr jim knows his shit backwards and forwards if you think what he said is "stupid shit" the joke is on you...
Yea BURR and you've had your head up your ass ever since you moron.

For example do enlighten us more, what was the result of that UGL Fina Fart ran.

How many people did he scam bc because people like you can't see the forest thru the trees and willingly support unknown entities such as that clown who was BOOTED FROM EROIDS before he pranced onto Meso.

Crap Bozo after the number of absolutely bogus LC/MS your friend Angus has posted, (whom you continue to blindly support) I was hoping you could have learned something of value that other members would benefit from.

Nope to this day you continue to endorse those whom scam others such as Angus and FinaFart!

Now that's the reason I believe your contributions to Meso approximate Zippo and only worthy of lazy ass, company like Captured Fart
dr jim is a fuckin fraud .. you came on my post without any valid proof just fuckin assumptions.. threw some accusations around without even asking me questions.. i dont give a fuck how intelligent you are.. you still lack common sense.. those numbers you see up there are real.. those numbers there are from Organon, Karachi sustanon 250 amps that i purchased from napsgear.. dr jim go fuck your self and anybody that defends that fraud..
dr jim is a fuckin fraud .. you came on my post without any valid proof just fuckin assumptions.. threw some accusations around without even asking me questions.. i dont give a fuck how intelligent you are.. you still lack common sense.. those numbers you see up there are real.. those numbers there are from Organon, Karachi sustanon 250 amps that i purchased from napsgear.. dr jim go fuck your self and anybody that defends that fraud..

Oh my goodness Weseal apparently someone offended you prior to making your presence known on Meso. I mean dude why so serious, get over it, bc the discussion is about an UGL. But there you are making attempts at discrediting me calling me a fraud. Your projection and objections speak for themselves.

Do you always "feel" and behave in such an unfashionable manner whenever others, by their very words alone, compel you to face the truth!

Apparently you did not heed my warnings about steroid ABUSE, seriously dude lower the dose. Oh crap I forgot, unfortunately something tells me your a very unpleasant fella to be around and are generally very unhappy with life. If the latter is indeed the case lowering that dose will make NO DIFFERENCE, you will always be a hot head with a overly burdensome sense of worthlessness and a self esteem that rivals DemonXP.

Are you depressed or are those words of a patient with bipolar disease!

Nonetheless do try to locate some doc in the box, where ALL your problems are addressed, hopeful in short order. Perhaps then I could answer your PM where you query whether we could be friends :)
dr jim is a fuckin fraud .. you came on my post without any valid proof just fuckin assumptions.. threw some accusations around without even asking me questions.. i dont give a fuck how intelligent you are.. you still lack common sense.. those numbers you see up there are real.. those numbers there are from Organon, Karachi sustanon 250 amps that i purchased from napsgear.. dr jim go fuck your self and anybody that defends that fraud..
This^^^^^^includes moi? I was just gonna wish you a "Happy First Anniversary", my boy. The Doc is on OUR side.
I don't want to get carried away with assumptions but if I was a betting man I'd have to believe member weezsti is not a card carrying member of my fan club, either?