This Is Why I Love Napsgear Pharma Grade Stuff

Oh my goodness Weseal apparently someone offended you prior to making your presence known on Meso. I mean dude why so serious, get over it, bc the discussion is about an UGL. But there you are making attempts at discrediting me calling me a fraud. Your projection and objections speak for themselves.

Do you always "feel" and behave in such an unfashionable manner whenever others, by their very words alone, compel you to face the truth!

Apparently you did not heed my warnings about steroid ABUSE, seriously dude lower the dose. Oh crap I forgot, unfortunately something tells me your a very unpleasant fella to be around and are generally very unhappy with life. If the latter is indeed the case lowering that dose will make NO DIFFERENCE, you will always be a hot head with a overly burdensome sense of worthlessness and a self esteem that rivals DemonXP.

Are you depressed or are those words of a patient with bipolar disease!

Nonetheless do try to locate some doc in the box, where ALL your problems are addressed, hopeful in short order. Perhaps then I could answer your PM where you query whether we could be friends :)[/QUOTE
you guys discredit every fuckin thing that comes out positive on these fourms .. jesus christ give people a chance.. iyou guys have every right to assume shit, but next time you might want to pm and ask me questions.. there is so much negativity in these fourms that when somebody post some good labs you guys automatically assume im a fraud or somebody trying to push people towards naps products.. next time ask me some fuckin questions and i will be more willing to show you guys what ever proof i have..
This^^^^^^includes moi? I was just gonna wish you a "Happy First Anniversary", my boy. The Doc is on OUR side.
I don't want to get carried away with assumptions but if I was a betting man I'd have to believe member weezsti is not a card carrying member of my fan club, either?
i have no idea what you said.. but all im trying to do is show people that i had some good labs from naps sustanon ..
Yea I much prefer narrative lab reports like this where some Company shill can EASILY delete the listed TT level and reinsert those numbers more to his liking.

A cut and paste process that requires little more than five minutes AND bingo, it's a done deal, evidence another UGL is GTG, NOT!

Now of course I'd like to suggest you obtain LC/MS reports performed on NAPs raws but turns out they are bullshit also.

Besides no customer will receive raw grade purity.

You wanna KNOW do the tests yourself, and certainly don't trust one post wonder boys marveling at the quality of ANY I-net UGL

And all drjim was pointing out was the truth when it comes to a lab posting their own reports. Truth is they do edit shit it can easily be done I dont know if you ever heard of a little program called photo shop but guess what you can take any picture and adjust it to say or look how ever the fuck you want it to...

One more question on your blood test why does it say on top "Primary Care Physkians LLC" can you explain what a physkian is?
It does say physician but that was funny. It made me look twice. I'm not taking any sides here I have no problem with anyone of you guys I just stopped in here to tell weezsti thanks for taking the time to post up his labs.
It seems anytime someone posts up labs off of a computer screen that it gets criticized. That's why I just post a picture of the paper. Although it could easily be edited then printed out.
Like what has already been mentioned it's just one guys bloods but at least he posted them. We really need everyone to do bloods and post them so we can compare but I don't see that happening. I don't have any reason to not believe this guys blood test and I also have no reason to doubt DrJim so I will take this all into consideration and make my own decisions and if I ever try the organon Sust I will post bloods too. It's all pretty simple to me.
Now if this guy was a known shill of Naps then it would be different.
Anyway thanks for posting your bloods.
People really NEED to understand one thing about "bloods", which is the only form of serum testing that is readily available is TESTOSTERONE.

Now you think UGLs don't KNOW THAT?

That's why TT is the most commonly SUBSTITUTED anabolic in any vial of AAS.

You guys pin 200 mg and obtain a "blood level" of 4K NOT LIKELY!

Nope in circumstances of that nature it's almost assured another one of those AAS oils your cycling IS TESTOSTERONE.

But now what do people often believe when they see a TT level that far exceeds their expectations, damn if this TT is THIS GOOD, the other products I purchased ALSO must be GTG. NOT EVEN CLOSE!

How do I KNOW this is occurring, I've tested close to TEN UGLs, using HPLC and MS if needed, and that's what the norm has become.
It does say physician but that was funny. It made me look twice. I'm not taking any sides here I have no problem with anyone of you guys I just stopped in here to tell weezsti thanks for taking the time to post up his labs.
It seems anytime someone posts up labs off of a computer screen that it gets criticized. That's why I just post a picture of the paper. Although it could easily be edited then printed out.
Like what has already been mentioned it's just one guys bloods but at least he posted them. We really need everyone to do bloods and post them so we can compare but I don't see that happening. I don't have any reason to not believe this guys blood test and I also have no reason to doubt DrJim so I will take this all into consideration and make my own decisions and if I ever try the organon Sust I will post bloods too. It's all pretty simple to me.
Now if this guy was a known shill of Naps then it would be different.
Anyway thanks for posting your bloods.

I also appreciate weezsti taking the time to post his bloods. I wish more ppl would do the same. Good looking out bro!
People really NEED to understand one thing about "bloods", which is the only form of serum testing that is readily available is TESTOSTERONE.

Now you think UGLs don't KNOW THAT?

That's why TT is the most commonly SUBSTITUTED anabolic in any vial of AAS.

You guys pin 200 mg and obtain a "blood level" of 4K NOT LIKELY!

Nope in circumstances of that nature it's almost assured another one of those AAS oils your cycling IS TESTOSTERONE.

But now what do people often believe when they see a TT level that far exceeds their expectations, damn if this TT is THIS GOOD, the other products I purchased ALSO must be GTG. NOT EVEN CLOSE!

How do I KNOW this is occurring, I've tested close to TEN UGLs, using HPLC and MS if needed, and that's what the norm has become.

I agree, I have even done labmax tests on a few that has shown this exact thing. Deca showing test prop and so on. This very thing is why I labmax all of my gear.
I would love to have access to a trust worthy lab for MS tests. Unfortunately that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. So I use just use labmax and bloodwork.
I agree, I have even done labmax tests on a few that has shown this exact thing. Deca showing test prop and so on. This very thing is why I labmax all of my gear.
I would love to have access to a trust worthy lab for MS tests. Unfortunately that doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon. So I use just use labmax and bloodwork.

I see this all the time each UG has something but the rest in bunk

AccordoRx was tested and half of their gear was just test prop, masteron was test prop etc, deca was test prop etc.
im gonna continue to post honest blood work.. i wont let somebody like dr jim come on my post and try to make accusations of the blood work i posted and try to ruin my reputation without any proper proof.. i can understand if he had tested the karachi sustanon 250 from naps or showed some proof of blood work, but he has neither of those things.. i will never take a sources side, and i said it before that i have ran geneza labs, genshi labs, jintani labs from naps and products were severely underdosed.. but i have never had any issues with his pharma grade sustanon ..
this is the main reason why i only shop at napsgear for pharma grade stuff.. im on his karachi pharma sustanon 250 amps .. i took this i think around week 8 im not really sure im not really keeping track. i was running around 500-750 a week.. changed my dosage around a few times.. but iView attachment 16989 really like those numbers .. by the way im not no fan boy .. i can tell you that majority of his other stuff i tried was some really bunk stuff.. geneza labs, gen shi, jintani labs all those labs i have tried from naps and i was really disappointed .. but i have never had a issue with the test pharma amps he gets.. by the way if anybody has any of those amps the batch i was using was

batch # 0306
feb 2012-feb 2017

So you have bad experiences with many of his other products yet you insist on trusting your life/money/cycle on that one product he sells that hasn't done you wrong?

I always thought you were meant to learn from your mistakes in life. Are you aware you are bypassing this philosophy?
im gonna continue to post honest blood work.. i wont let somebody like dr jim come on my post and try to make accusations of the blood work i posted and try to ruin my reputation without any proper proof.. i can understand if he had tested the karachi sustanon 250 from naps or showed some proof of blood work, but he has neither of those things.. i will never take a sources side, and i said it before that i have ran geneza labs, genshi labs, jintani labs from naps and products were severely underdosed.. but i have never had any issues with his pharma grade sustanon ..

key word "pharma grade sustanon"

If naps can't produce a pharma grade product he might aswell change his webpage to So that leads us to the next question... how many people run other compounds along with test during a cycle? I hope you are not one of them.
So you have bad experiences with many of his other products yet you insist on trusting your life/money/cycle on that one product he sells that hasn't done you wrong?

I always thought you were meant to learn from your mistakes in life. Are you aware you are bypassing this philosophy?
So you have bad experiences with many of his other products yet you insist on trusting your life/money/cycle on that one product he sells that hasn't done you wrong?

I always thought you were meant to learn from your mistakes in life. Are you aware you are bypassing this philosophy?
i dunno being 230 pounds at 10% bf with test levels of 6000.. i can say that i do trust the karachi sustanon and testorivon test e he carries.. this is black market. Nothing is guaranteed .. that goes with everything in life.. ill take my chances
Pick your poison. With pharm grade, you have to be able to spot counterfeits, and ugl's are only as good as their powder.
i dunno being 230 pounds at 10% bf with test levels of 6000.. i can say that i do trust the karachi sustanon and testorivon test e he carries.. this is black market. Nothing is guaranteed .. that goes with everything in life.. ill take my chances

So you would buy from someone who continues to fuck you over? I don't think you understood my post.