Thyroid and genetic mutation


For the people who have quite some knowlegde on the thyroid and the DIO enzymes. I need your help.
My whole life I've struggled to lose weight.
Felt like ass and tired.
Unless I did a carnivore diet.
But it's so restrictive I can't be bothered. Honestly I like my carbs.

So I found this genetic mutation on my DIO 2 enzyme Thr92Ala
Despite having normal TSH levels and T4 levels.
Always felt like I had a shitty metabolism.
As far as I know it shows I have a issue converting T4 into T3.

Would it be interesting for me to pursue medication for someone who isn't on meds yet?
I'll probably let someone more advanced in medical and bloodwork chime in with regards to that

I will say that some people have a genetic disposition towards obesity, but that's not to say that you can't fix it with diet and training. I know you said you love carbs, but in the context of cutting its probably better to limit carbs to around training, or at the very least carb cycle
I'll probably let someone more advanced in medical and bloodwork chime in with regards to that

I will say that some people have a genetic disposition towards obesity, but that's not to say that you can't fix it with diet and training. I know you said you love carbs, but in the context of cutting its probably better to limit carbs to around training, or at the very l

east carb cycle

I'll probably let someone more advanced in medical and bloodwork chime in with regards to that

I will say that some people have a genetic disposition towards obesity, but that's not to say that you can't fix it with diet and training. I know you said you love carbs, but in the context of cutting its probably better to limit carbs to around training, or at the very least carb cycle
Yeah I agree issues is I get insulin resistant on anything around 100gr carbs.

So I have no issues going lower carb but 50gr is nothing really which would always mean that 1 holiday would fuck me up If I ate a couple of pizza's in italy.
waiting on my latest testing

Yes. Post them up.

Find a good Endo. You would might benefit from combination thyroid therapy (levothyroxine plus liothyronine). You've got some data and should pursue this with Doctor you trust, not forum weirdos (me).

TSH, fT3, fT4 are the markers you want to pull. Congrats on getting those run.

As far as I know Endos still aren't doing tissue biopsies and comparing with serum thyroid levels. So what's left is pull the appropriate blood work, work patient up based on symptoms, then stepwise titrate the 3 parameters above. Exogenous T3 gives the provider an extra treatment knob.
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Yes. Post them up.

Find a good Endo. You would might benefit from combination thyroid therapy (levothyroxine plus liothyronine). You've got some data and should pursue this with Doctor you trust, not forum weirdos (me).

TSH, fT3, fT4 are the markers you want to pull. Congrats on getting those run.

As far as I know Endos still aren't doing tissue biopsies and comparing with serum thyroid levels. So what's left is pull the appropriate blood work, work patient up based on symptoms, then stepwise titrate the 3 parameters above. Exogenous T3 gives the provider an extra treatment knob.
Thank you for your response!
My labs are:
TSH 1.8 ( 0.27 - 4.2 )
FT4 1.3 ng/dl ( 0.93 - 1.7 )
FT3 3.5 pg/ml ( 2.0 - 4.4 )

So on paper.
My labs are very good.
However my functional meds doctor told me this.
He said.
Your brain isn't detecting any T3 or isn't able to convert it.
So your body is fine but your mind is not.

The other issues this is giving me is that my cortisol levels are crashed. So I'm running on adrenaline which is giving me insulin resistance.

But that doctor is going to prescribe me T3 monotherapy.
He couldn't be bothered with the T4 he said because my brain ain't converting it.

Thanks for the input man.
Your brain isn't detecting any T3 or isn't able to convert it.

My labs are:
TSH 1.8 ( 0.27 - 4.2 )
FT4 1.3 ng/dl ( 0.93 - 1.7 )
FT3 3.5 pg/ml ( 2.0 - 4.4 )

Shaking My Head GIF by
What does your Doctor say ?
I was born with a hypo-active thyroid, hereditary . I have been taking Synthroid my entire life.
It is extremely hard to maintain a "normal" weight / cholesterol , but these are the cards I was dealt with, I am blessed it's only this and not something worse.