Thyroid Hormone Levels Strongly Genetic


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This study showing the strong relationship between thyroid hormone levels and single nucleotide polymorphisms, or "snips." I'm sure all of you have heard of snps, but it can be hard to relate these small mutations to anything majorly relevant to health. Well I came across a study done doing just that. This study shows just how important these snps are to how well we feel and how we function.

Serum thyroid parameters show substantial inter-individual variability, in which genetic variation is a major factor. Findings in patients with subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism illustrate that even minor alterations in serum thyroid function tests can have important consequences for a variety of thyroid hormone-related clinical endpoints, such as atherosclerosis, bone mineral density, obesity, and heart rate. In the last few years, several studies described polymorphisms in thyroid hormone pathway genes that alter serum thyroid function tests. In this review, we discuss the genetic variation in the TSH receptor and iodothyronine deiodinases. We discuss the possible consequences of these studies for the individual patient and also the new insights in thyroid hormone action that can be obtained from these data.
Thyroid hormone is essential for growth and differentiation, for the regulation of energy metabolism, and for the physiological function of virtually all human tissues. The production of thyroid hormone is regulated by the classic hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis, whereas the biological activity of thyroid hormone (i.e. the availability of the active hormone triiodothyronine (T3) for the nuclear thyroid hormone receptors) is mainly regulated at the tissue level by the iodothyronine deiodinases and thyroid hormone transporters.

In healthy subjects, serum thyroid parameters show substantial inter-individual variability, whereas the intra-individual variability is within a narrow range (1). This suggests an important influence of genetic variation, in addition to environmental factors such as food or iodine intake, on the regulation of thyroid hormone bioactivity, resulting in a thyroid function set-point that is different for each individual. This notion is supported by a classical twin study that was recently published (2). In this study, heritabilityaccounted for ~65% of the variation in serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), and free T3 (FT3) levels. In a Mexican–American population, total heritability in serum thyroid parameters ranged from 26 to 64% of the total inter-individual variation observed (3).

Findings in patients with subclinical hyper- and hypothyroidism illustrate that even minor alterations in thyroid hormone levels (and in thyroid hormone bioactivity) can have important consequences for a variety of thyroid hormone-related clinical endpoints, such as atherosclerosis, bone mineral density, obesity, and heart rate (4–6). In the last few years, several studies described polymorphisms in thyroid hormone pathway genes that result in an altered thyroid hormone bioactivity. Some of these polymorphisms are associated with serum TSH and/or thyroid hormone levels in healthy subjects, and/or with thyroid hormone-related clinical endpoints. As DNA variations are stable throughout life, such genetic effects are likely to have an influence during the lifetime of subjects.

In this review, we discuss the genetic variation in thyroid hormone pathway genes, focusing on the polymorphism studies that have emerged in the last few years. For the sake of brevity, we have focused on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the TSH receptor and iodothyonine deiodinases, since only these genes are presently analyzed for possible associations with serum thyroid hormone levels. Besides their relation with serum thyroid hormone levels, we discuss the effects of these polymorphisms on clinical endpoints such as Graves’ disease and insulin resistance. Furthermore, we discuss the possible consequences of these studies for the individual patient, and also the new insights in thyroid hormone action that can be obtained from these data.
D2 is important in the production of local T3, but D2 in skeletal muscle also contributes to serum T3 production (48, 57). The above-mentioned association of D2-ORFa-Gly3Asp with the serum T3/T4 ratio also points toward an important role of D2 in serum T3 production
Here, we have discussed several polymorphisms in TSHR and the iodothyronine deiodinases that affect serum thyroid hormone levels and/or have effects on thyroid hormone-related physiological endpoints. These polymorphism studies are important for several reasons. First, new insight can be obtained about the physiological function of thyroid hormone pathway genes. The hypothesis regarding a relative decrease in the contribution of D2 to serum T3 production (Fig. 2), based on the different associations of D1 and D2 polymorphisms in younger and elder populations, is an example of this (17, 51), as is the role of D2 activity in the development of insulin resistance (46, 47, 58). Second, genetic variation is important in inter-individual variation in thyroid hormone bioactivity (1–3). It seems that each individual has a different, genetically determined thyroid function set-point, and that small variations around this set-point, even within the normal range, can have important consequences on, for example, body weight (6). A better selection of subjects, by excluding subjects with autonomous thyroid nodules (68, 69), and standardized (regarding time of day) and perhaps multiple TSH measurements to better define an individual’s set-point (1), would increase the power of such association studies. This raises the possibility of estimating an individual’s set-point based on his/her genetic make-up of thyroid hormone pathway genes. The decision of whether a patient with subclinical changes in thyroid parameters should be treated might then be made on that individual patient’s normal values. In addition, the decision to treat patients with subclinical thyroid disease is based on the risk of these patients developing complications. If the genetic profile makes a patient more vulnerable, then this might be an indication to initiate treatment in an earlier phase.

In addition to peripheral metabolism of thyroid hormone by the deiodinases, transmembrane transport of iodothyronines and expression of thyroid hormone receptors are other key processes in the regulation of thyroid hormone bioactivity. Surprisingly, no studies have yet been published investigating the association of polymorphisms in these transporters and receptors with clinical endpoints. This area of research remains to be explored, and it is likely that exciting new insights will be obtained in the upcoming years.

Polymorphisms in the TSH...
Polymorphisms in the...
Concluding remarks and future...

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Received 9 June 2006
Accepted 29 August 2006