tips for keeping libido on vacation


New Member
I am going on a 3 week overseas trip in about a month. I cant take my injectables but orals are fine. Im wondering if frontloading 1 gram of enanthate before the trip and then taking daily superdrol at 20 mg would be enough to maintain muscle mass and keep libido up for the 3 week duration.

If not, is dbol a viable “test base” to use for a short period of time like 3 weeks?

Does anyone have experience with dbol as their base, and what dose would keep water retention to a minimum while providing enough estrogen to have sexual function?
There’s sources carrying test U now. Probably be perfect for a time like this.

I personally wouldn’t inject a gram of test E. That roller coaster would probably kill my libido.
Every time i went on a vacation and frontloaded i regretted it so much. It ends up fucking way worse with your hormones than just leaving it be... Dont do it.