Tired on Test C 350mg a week


New Member
Hi guys im writing this to seek some advice.
Im on my 6th week of my cycle planning to do 20 wks of test c only atm im using 350mg split mon/thurs but after week 4 I started feeling extremely tired, im pulling bloods tomorrow to check dem hormones, meanwhile has any1 got ideas? I guess its estro or prolactin but I dont want to use ai and then crash my ass out..
Sleeping 8 to 9 hours everyday.
Working out 3 to 4 times a week.
Good diet not the best atm as im trying to bull as much as i can but restrict crap food.

Im not starving myself out at all, sometimes I think i overeat tbh, I did blood work on full blood count and only rbc was elevated by .1, I dont think its anemia as I do my bloods regarding stuff like that, 2 to 3 times year, and hormones pre cycle hormones were tip top, gotta see now tho..
Im not starving myself out at all, sometimes I think i overeat tbh, I did blood work on full blood count and only rbc was elevated by .1, I dont think its anemia as I do my bloods regarding stuff like that, 2 to 3 times year, and hormones pre cycle hormones were tip top, gotta see now tho..
Yes, but did you do an iron panel? I would pull one if I were you. There are I believe 5 markers (iron total, ferritin, %absorption, ratios, etc) and any of them being low can make you tired.

Also, do you give blood? Many people have low iron levels or saturation as their iron levels can take a very long time to come back to normal after giving blood. In many cases, these people need to supplement iron or not give blood as often.
Yes, but did you do an iron panel? I would pull one if I were you. There are I believe 5 markers (iron total, ferritin, %absorption, ratios, etc) and any of them being low can make you tired.

Also, do you give blood? Many people have low iron levels or saturation as their iron levels can take a very long time to come back to normal after giving blood. In many cases, these people need to supplement iron or not give blood as often.
Good point, just checked my recent bloods and havent pulled ferritin or iron tho, vits are in check as sign of vit D deficiency but us good, ive never donated blood in my life but considering it, just thinking if I should wait till my next blood with my gp or do some donation before. Hopefully tomorrow ill receive my hormones result from medchecks.
Good point, just checked my recent bloods and havent pulled ferritin or iron tho, vits are in check as sign of vit D deficiency but us good, ive never donated blood in my life but considering it, just thinking if I should wait till my next blood with my gp or do some donation before. Hopefully tomorrow ill receive my hormones result from medchecks.
I just know from experience. The struggle for me is that because of AAS use, my hematocrit and hemoglobin can be high.

When this happens, even without giving blood, the extra cells may not have enough iron and this will cause lower iron markers (not iron itself but the other markers).
If you donate blood on top of it and don't rebound iron at what is considered normal levels, your numbers will look even worse. All of this can make you feel tired.

What sucks for me is keeping that balance with having hematocrit and hemoglobin not too high but also keeping adequate iron markers. It can be a fine line. My GP wants all kinds of tests if anything is out of whack. I just went through this for low iron actually.

When my hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers are normal, my iron has been low a few times and vice versa. Best I have done is when I know bloods are being pulled to not drastically drop my AAS dosages but rather stay on traditional TRT or just above that for 3 to 4 weeks before bloods.

I believe the mistake I made this past time was actually going at about 1/2 traditional TRT dosages for the weeks leading up to my blood draw.

Now that it has been several months since I donated, my iron levels have rebounded for the most part so doc has backed off for now.
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I just know from experience. The struggle for me is that because of AAS use, my hematocrit and hemoglobin can be high.

When this happens, even without giving blood, the extra cells may not have enough iron and this will cause lower iron markers (not iron itself but the other markers).
If you donate blood on top of it and don't rebound iron at what is considered normal levels, your numbers will look even worse. All of this can make you feel tired.

What sucks for me is keeping that balance with having hematocrit and hemoglobin not too high but also keeping adequate iron markers. It can be a fine line. My GP wants all kinds of tests if anything is out of whack. I just went through this for low iron actually.

When my hematocrit and hemoglobin numbers are normal, my iron has been low a few times and vice versa. Best I have done is when I know bloods are being pulled to not drastically drop my AAS dosages but rather stay on traditional TRT or just above that for 3 to 4 weeks before bloods.

I believe the mistake I made this past time was actually going at about 1/2 traditional TRT dosages for the weeks leading up to my blood draw.

Now that it has been several months since I donated, my iron levels have rebounded for the most part so doc has backed off for now.
Phew man, I was thinking the same to lower the dose to trt around 100 to 150 max per week and / or maybe add iron supplement on top of my multivits? But without knowing is kinda guessing game, gotta req another blood with those markers and find whats causing it, but thing is when im in the gym i feel like animal no tiredness no nothing, I lowered my caffeine dose since i started seeing my pulse elevating do u think / chance of caffeine withdrawal?
Bloodwork. Look at your iron. Anemia will knock your dick in the dirt. Might have something else going on. 20 year olds dont need sleep, overtraining a possibility, you starving yourself?
This guy is spot on!

Ferritin levels and a CBC would really help. If you have been on exogenous testosterone for awhile the CBC will basically show you a history (if anemic) of how far you are in the tank. Iron saturation and total iron panels will give you piece of mind if Ferritin is tanked. These two tests are more short term, while a CBC will look at long term. If a shortage goes on for awhile Hemoglobin concentration and RBC size will be greatly reduced.

It sounds like a simple fix but it can be rather complex with someone on exogenous testosterone (look into >>Hepcidin, EPO and PPI's if on something for stomach acid).