Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

@LastChance69 (post up pics for help please)

Meso, this fine gentleman is having trouble with some crashed DHB. Got some test and tren back in solution. Having trouble with DHB. Can any of you more knowledgeable than i help him out?
Thanks @Titanium Gear Industries . So this is what it first looked like before trying to bring back to solution. Ill post a couple more picks of when after i heat up in microwave for 10 second intervals + shake then let cool down to pinning temp it does this over and over


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Thanks @Titanium Gear Industries . So this is what it first looked like before trying to bring back to solution. Ill post a couple more picks of when after i heat up in microwave for 10 second intervals + shake then let cool down to pinning temp it does this over and over
What about some hot ass water in a bowl? Worked for me last time. Heated water in a bowl then put the vial in it. Let it sit and shake around every so often and it worked for me.
What about some hot ass water in a bowl? Worked for me last time.
Yes ive tried that as well and let sit for 45min to an hour. Microwave helps out more. Its just once i go to let it cool down after its pretty much all back into solution it rocks back up at about pinning temp.
I've read DHB has a melting point of 98-104 C (208.4-219.2 F). I was told 225 for 25 minutes by another source awhile back. I've had crashed TPP 125 before. I microwaved a bowl of water til its boiling and placed the vial in the bowl with a lid. Took a few times warming it to get it back into solution but it would eventually. I would have to do it before every pin unfortunately.
I've read DHB has a melting point of 98-104 C (208.4-219.2 F). I was told 225 for 25 minutes by another source awhile back. I've had crashed TPP 125 before. I microwaved a bowl of water til its boiling and placed the vial in the bowl with a lid. Took a few times warming it to get it back into solution but it would eventually. I would have to do it before every pin unfortunately.
Heard of this method as well. Some are reluctant to Put a vial in water though.
Me too. To many stories of shattered vials. I never wanted to risk it. I would definitely vent tho if it was me. Better safe than sorry!
Edit: 212 Deg F is the temp of boiling water.
@LastChance69 First Of all stop microwaving the vial. Not saying it will but why take the chance of it blowing up in the microwave. It would be a mess and a waste. My go to method for anything that’s crashed is to put a pan on the stove at low heat. Place vial on the center. Let it heat up. Every few minutes give it a swirl and let it cool for a few seconds before putting back on the pan. Keep doing this till it goes back into solution. If you can hold the top of the vial while you do this it’s not to hot. If it gets to hot to hold put it on a towel till the top cools enough to touch again and repeat. Try not to get it that hot though. You want it just before that point. It’s very important that when you set it down it goes on a towel or something. Direct contact to the counter or something cold could cause the vial to crack. Once it goes back into solution let it cool but draw while it’s still warm to the touch. If it’s hot enough to hold comfortably it’s not to hot to pin. Store vial someplace warm if you can.