Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

After my trt appt next month I'm gonna run 600 or 750 test, 600 deca, 400 dhb, and anavar at the end for a few weeks. Then after that i will take a breather and tren it up. Fucking love tren.
Very similar to my next run. May use EQ instead of dhb haven’t decided yet. Might save dhb for the spring. I only allow myself one run a year with tren so I look forward to it next year also.
I'm single. Parents both dead. Baby momma and kids long gone. Just me and the iron. And some chicken. And broc. And sweet taters.

Well if in 10 years you’re still single and I’m still single we’ll get married. And you’re more than welcome to attend my large thanksgiving gathering, all my teddy bears, dolls, sex dolls will be in attendance and if I’m lucky the local stray cat may grace us with its presence.
Well if in 10 years you’re still single and I’m still single we’ll get married. And you’re more than welcome to attend my large thanksgiving gathering, all my teddy bears, dolls, sex dolls will be in attendance and if I’m lucky the local stray cat may grace us with its presence.
Cats hate me. Ever see stephen king's sleepwalkers?
Very similar to my next run. May use EQ instead of dhb haven’t decided yet. Might save dhb for the spring. I only allow myself one run a year with tren so I look forward to it next year also.
My tren runs end up being my favorites. Short or long, does not matter. Ace or e does not matter. Sweating heavy all day and little acid reflux does not matter. Feeling like gym jesus and wanting to fuck or kill everything that moves is all that matters.
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Crapatalk users: pastebin.com/raw/0cWqAcys
Booooooring I'm pinning 10iu gh the morning of, popping some cyproheptadine 100dbol 100drol pinning 150tne eating at my parents, training, eating at my girls parents then eating as pie the rest of the day and drinking eggwhites then thanksgiving night me and the chica are going to do some Wild as fuck bloated belly humping


Good idea, dbol gives me an insatiable hunger like even when I can feel my stomach is packed to the tits I still feel hungry lol.
Almost 100 messages last night to catch up on. Lol ... If I was a billionaire I'd pay Morgan Freeman to read me meso posts in the AM while I eat breakfast.
Morgan freeman reading. A private chef making breakfast and some hot piece of ass just waiting to get torn up afterwards. What a life that would be. Instead I’ve read them all to myself. No breakfast. Daughter sleeping and my hot girlfriend on her period and not feeling good. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK
Morgan freeman reading. A private chef making breakfast and some hot piece of ass just waiting to get torn up afterwards. What a life that would be. Instead I’ve read them all to myself. No breakfast. Daughter sleeping and my hot girlfriend on her period and not feeling good. FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK
Your girl really is stellar hot. Meso celeb status fo sho.
Lower back killing me all the time. It’s a dull ache that won’t go away. I haven’t done anything for it to hurt like it does. I’m on a low dose of var daily but I wouldn’t think it would be enough to cause this. Anyone heard of this on a low dose? I’ve seen 50-100 a day causing this. I’m probably just reaching here but figured I’d ask. Nothing else makes sense.