Well again by the time I catch up, we are 22 topics away, from what it was when I started catching up.
However I’m not involved or want to be involved in no conversations about race.
Let’s get back to making me a beast this summer!
I’ve always did long esters, and I’m thinking about running short esters.
My bfi is down pretty decent now, and I’m interested in doing a lean bulk.
I’ve ran test, dbol, winny, and now some tren at very low dose on my cruise.
I want to leave tren out the mix because I got in a new relationship and I can’t be letting tren fuck it up.
So give me some good lean bulk 8 week cycle advice.
I’m still waiting for my ID to come so I can make my order. I had an idea of what I wanted to get, which was mainly long esters.
Now I’m thinking about changing that up.