Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Well, clearly there's only one way to settle this.... We need to have a Meso COOKOFF.

Side note, my girlfriend's grandmother has a lot of Nazi coins. Sweetest old lady you'd ever meet... She's going to take it hard when I tell her she's a racist.
Those must bring fond memories of the holocaust. :rolleyes: You should be proud!!
Hmmm this thread has any contributing factors or info ? All I see is guys spending over 12hrs a day sitting round the "water cooler" talking out their asses :rolleyes:

Maybe 1 out of 20 posts have substantive info but there is really good info. Rest of it really is dudes hanging out and shooting the shit. Guys get along well for the most part.

And you’re just salty cause your Raptors lost last nite! Go Sixers!