Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Let’s put it this way

Every time there’s a wild fire, I pray it’s because someone used 100 gallons of kerosine and tried lighting him on fire

I hope they failed, and he is actually slowly and painfully dying from asphyxiation and the marines in the helicopter throwing rocks and broken glass at him
Question for all women; var vs provi or var and provi. Which one do you prefer ? And how long do you stay on for each compound? Var is probably 4-6 weeks or 8 small dosage 10mg per day and 25 mg for provi. And for provi women can stay on it longer than var. please provide some feedbacks if you would. Thanks in advance.
Question for all women; var vs provi or var and provi. Which one do you prefer ? And how long do you stay on for each compound? Var is probably 4-6 weeks or 8 small dosage 10mg per day and 25 mg for provi. And for provi women can stay on it longer than var. please provide some feedbacks if you would. Thanks in advance.

@ShredMN , got any advice :D
Question for all women; var vs provi or var and provi. Which one do you prefer ? And how long do you stay on for each compound? Var is probably 4-6 weeks or 8 small dosage 10mg per day and 25 mg for provi. And for provi women can stay on it longer than var. please provide some feedbacks if you would. Thanks in advance.
Go to the women’s steroid section. You will get more info.
I haven’t seen any women here using Proviron but according to what I’ve seen in it’s drug profiles, I have to agree with @T-Bagger. I don’t know of any woman that would want to use a compound that is known to be one of the worst for hair loss.
Women has been using proviron for a while now. Very popular when it comes to bodybuilding and it also increases their libido just as much as anavar or even more. Women can stay on var for a lot longer than men can. If any woman has a hair thinning gene then it’s not really a good idea or stay away from using AAS. There are cycles like var and provi. Var running up to 10-25 mg and provi at 25mg. Proviron aids to fat loss plus increase lean muscle. Var and provi they both bind into the same receptors.