TNE - Do I include it in my weekly totals?

I fell down the homebrew rabbit hole a while back and brew everything myself. I currently use a mix of 105mg Sust, 55mg NPP, 70mg Bold U, 70mg Mast P, six days per week for a total of: 630mg Sust, 330mg NPP, 420mg Bold U and 420mg Mast P per week.

I at times have used TNE as a PWO. Since it clears the body within hours, do I need to reduce my Testosterone (whatever ester I am currently using) to offset the TNE usage each week?

I am not sure I phrased the question correctly. I am currently taking 1800mg per week between Sust,NPP,BoldU, and MastP, which is my established limit regardless of what compounds I’m injecting without loosing control of my bloodwork.

Will TNE use of 50mg x 5 days per week require me to cut back to 1550mg on my other steroids, or does it clear so quickly the it should not require any adjustments?

I at times have used TNE as a PWO. Since it clears the body within hours, do I need to reduce my Testosterone (whatever ester I am currently using) to offset the TNE usage each week?
No but you likely need to pay extra attention to your E2 sides and levels.
No but you likely need to pay extra attention to your E2 sides and levels.
It’s out of your system in hours so there’s no need to worry about E2 levels which will quickly go back to baseline once tne is out of your system
I fell down the homebrew rabbit hole a while back and brew everything myself. I currently use a mix of 105mg Sust, 55mg NPP, 70mg Bold U, 70mg Mast P, six days per week for a total of: 630mg Sust, 330mg NPP, 420mg Bold U and 420mg Mast P per week.

I at times have used TNE as a PWO. Since it clears the body within hours, do I need to reduce my Testosterone (whatever ester I am currently using) to offset the TNE usage each week?

I am not sure I phrased the question correctly. I am currently taking 1800mg per week between Sust,NPP,BoldU, and MastP, which is my established limit regardless of what compounds I’m injecting without loosing control of my bloodwork.

Will TNE use of 50mg x 5 days per week require me to cut back to 1550mg on my other steroids, or does it clear so quickly the it should not require any adjustments?

This should help The Myth of Testosterone Suspension (aqueous; or in oil [TNE], testosterone base) & Uncontrollable Estrogenicity (Increased E2) [Author: Type-IIx]
It’s out of your system in hours so there’s no need to worry about E2 levels which will quickly go back to baseline once tne is out of your system
Seems to be highly case dependent. Doesn't bother me, but we have had a lot of really lousy E2 responses over the years here.
It’s out of your system in hours so there’s no need to worry about E2 levels which will quickly go back to baseline once tne is out of your system

Seems to be highly case dependent. Doesn't bother me, but we have had a lot of really lousy E2 responses over the years here.

Yeah not sure that's how TNE works. The TNE is gone quickly but the E2 doesn't go away as fast, and if you're using TNE daily it might accumulate.

Probably don't need to measure E2 often if you're dosing consistently but I'd get it checked after a few weeks of steady dosing.
It’s out of your system in hours so there’s no need to worry about E2 levels which will quickly go back to baseline once tne is out of your system
This is wrong. Not the part about it clearing in hours, but the part about your estrogen.

TNE sky rockets estrogen more than any other compound I've ever used. It's an estrogen explosion in a vial
Supports what I said, TNE is generally very dry out of all the test esters and mainly notice intramuscular water retention, the e2 spike is mostly mental and libido, generally positive effects
I want to say this with all due respect. You went from making paranoid posts about being afraid of your gear. Then you were doubling your doses. Next thing we know, you're blowing up source threads. Now, you're making definitive statements about TNE. It feels like you're just parroting what you've read without any real experience. Slow down a bit and just read without regurgitating.
I want to say this with all due respect. You went from making paranoid posts about being afraid of your gear. Then you were doubling your doses. Next thing we know, you're blowing up source threads. Now, you're making definitive statements about TNE. It feels like you're just parroting what you've read without any real experience. Slow down a bit and just read without regurgitating.
Don’t talk to me like that