
Welp, I’ve ruled out using TNE for TRT.

Why the hell would I try TNE for TRT? For funzies of course. I’ve tried everything else, thought this was worth trying.

There was a video I saw discussing the idea, and how it followed the bodies natural rythym, better than even Prop ED. The idea (again, this is a land of pure speculation, which I’m happy to traverse) is that exposed levels of estrogen and maybe testosterone is what causes blood pressure and hematocrit issues with traditional Cyp/enth. Whoever did the video claimed better libido and mood and less BP sides at 10mg per day of subq TNE than 200mg wk Cypionate.

Harmless to try, so I embarked on trying 10mg TNE subq each morning upon waking. I missed 10 days of cyp in order to bring my levels down to start.

I do have to agree with the libido increasing. I did not notice blood pressure change (I tend to be 125-130 over 65-70) although maybe it needed more time to affect.

What ultimately caused me to abort mission ~3 weeks into this is the predictable energy crash that happens ~6 hours after injection. I have not noticed any depression, anxiety or anything, but holy crap did I take a nap every day in the afternoon. Regardless of my 7 hours of sleep which has always served me well. Obviously I can’t have a nap every day, nor do I want to feel the need.

So anyways; enjoy my results! I can’t say that I did, but it was worth a shot. Back to good ol 200mg cyp split 2x per week.
Welp, I’ve ruled out using TNE for TRT.

Why the hell would I try TNE for TRT? For funzies of course. I’ve tried everything else, thought this was worth trying.

There was a video I saw discussing the idea, and how it followed the bodies natural rythym, better than even Prop ED. The idea (again, this is a land of pure speculation, which I’m happy to traverse) is that exposed levels of estrogen and maybe testosterone is what causes blood pressure and hematocrit issues with traditional Cyp/enth. Whoever did the video claimed better libido and mood and less BP sides at 10mg per day of subq TNE than 200mg wk Cypionate.

Harmless to try, so I embarked on trying 10mg TNE subq each morning upon waking. I missed 10 days of cyp in order to bring my levels down to start.

I do have to agree with the libido increasing. I did not notice blood pressure change (I tend to be 125-130 over 65-70) although maybe it needed more time to affect.

What ultimately caused me to abort mission ~3 weeks into this is the predictable energy crash that happens ~6 hours after injection. I have not noticed any depression, anxiety or anything, but holy crap did I take a nap every day in the afternoon. Regardless of my 7 hours of sleep which has always served me well. Obviously I can’t have a nap every day, nor do I want to feel the need.

So anyways; enjoy my results! I can’t say that I did, but it was worth a shot. Back to good ol 200mg cyp split 2x per week.
you need two shots. 200mg of test C is 140mg of Tne. You’ve been halving your dosage. TNE half life is 3 hours. Which means it’s eliminated in 18hours so, you need one shot(the largest) 15mg at say 7am and a 2nd shot(5mg) at around 2pm to get close to your natural rhythm. I do this routine with great success. The nap is actually a good sign that you’re body is relaxing as opposed to revving all the time on long esters.
you need two shots. 200mg of test C is 140mg of Tne. You’ve been halving your dosage. TNE half life is 3 hours. Which means it’s eliminated in 18hours so, you need one shot(the largest) 15mg at say 7am and a 2nd shot(5mg) at around 2pm to get close to your natural rhythm. I do this routine with great success. The nap is actually a good sign that you’re body is relaxing as opposed to revving all the time on long esters.
The only reason I could see doing this is because you actually like injecting yourself as many times in a day as possible. In no way is this better than test P, C, E, U etc. Why wouldn't you just do test p once a day?
The only reason I could see doing this is because you actually like injecting yourself as many times in a day as possible. In no way is this better than test P, C, E, U etc. Why wouldn't you just do test p once a day?
You should look at it more like taking insulin for diabetes(2-5 shots daily) and they all seem to manage. It’s 2 tiny shots that can be done with 30/31g needles and takes all of 30 secs per day to fill and pin. TestP is the lesser of the evils but still creates stable(unnatural) levels due to (3)ester buildup. It’s natural to have highs and lows which create a balance. Truth is: you shouldn’t even know you’re on T. Do you remember being 19 and waking up at 8am with the highest T levels of the day and ready to rock n roll? Me neither. Do you remember getting amped up at night with the lowest T levels of the day and being ready to party all night? Me too! Have a nice day.
you need two shots. 200mg of test C is 140mg of Tne. You’ve been halving your dosage. TNE half life is 3 hours. Which means it’s eliminated in 18hours so, you need one shot(the largest) 15mg at say 7am and a 2nd shot(5mg) at around 2pm to get close to your natural rhythm. I do this routine with great success. The nap is actually a good sign that you’re body is relaxing as opposed to revving all the time on long esters.
Does it crash more or less in respect to cold temperature compared to ones with esters?
You should look at it more like taking insulin for diabetes(2-5 shots daily) and they all seem to manage. It’s 2 tiny shots that can be done with 30/31g needles and takes all of 30 secs per day to fill and pin. TestP is the lesser of the evils but still creates stable(unnatural) levels due to (3)ester buildup. It’s natural to have highs and lows which create a balance. Truth is: you shouldn’t even know you’re on T. Do you remember being 19 and waking up at 8am with the highest T levels of the day and ready to rock n roll? Me neither. Do you remember getting amped up at night with the lowest T levels of the day and being ready to party all night? Me too! Have a nice day.
I have no idea with what 19-year-old 's T levels have to do with this. Trying to make a correlation between your T level and how you feel in the morning or before you're going to go party in the evening doesn't make any sense. There are a ton of other factors at play in those situations.

It sounds like you're trying to replicate some kind of a natural cycle, which is pretty much impossible. You are injecting exogenous testosterone. Nothing about that is natural. There could be some merit to having more of an ebb and a flow, but I am definitely not convinced that it matters. If you're trying to have the most natural rhythm throughout the day, why don't you just be natural? If you're natural, you have the perfect ebb and flow exactly the way your body wants it. Doing multiple injections of very short half-life test seems like you will get more peaks and valleys throughout the day and it will be even further away from a natural daily cycle. Seems like a lot of wasted time and energy for little to no benefit though.

Some people are into over complicating things and they think it gets better results. Most of the time I'm pretty sure it's just placebo. Placebo works though!
I have no idea with what 19-year-old 's T levels have to do with this. Trying to make a correlation between your T level and how you feel in the morning or before you're going to go party in the evening doesn't make any sense. There are a ton of other factors at play in those situations.

It sounds like you're trying to replicate some kind of a natural cycle, which is pretty much impossible. You are injecting exogenous testosterone. Nothing about that is natural. There could be some merit to having more of an ebb and a flow, but I am definitely not convinced that it matters. If you're trying to have the most natural rhythm throughout the day, why don't you just be natural? If you're natural, you have the perfect ebb and flow exactly the way your body wants it. Doing multiple injections of very short half-life test seems like you will get more peaks and valleys throughout the day and it will be even further away from a natural daily cycle. Seems like a lot of wasted time and energy for little to no benefit though.

Some people are into over complicating things and they think it gets better results. Most of the time I'm pretty sure it's just placebo. Placebo works though!
you’ll get it, eventually.
you need two shots. 200mg of test C is 140mg of Tne. You’ve been halving your dosage. TNE half life is 3 hours. Which means it’s eliminated in 18hours so, you need one shot(the largest) 15mg at say 7am and a 2nd shot(5mg) at around 2pm to get close to your natural rhythm. I do this routine with great success. The nap is actually a good sign that you’re body is relaxing as opposed to revving all the time on long esters.
1) I don’t believe there is any half life data of TNE in oil, injected into body fat. 2) the point of the experiment was to follow the supposed natural rythym of AM release 3) I don’t believe the body peaks testosterone twice in one day

Thank you for the response
1) I don’t believe there is any half life data of TNE in oil, injected into body fat. 2) the point of the experiment was to follow the supposed natural rythym of AM release 3) I don’t believe the body peaks testosterone twice in one day

Thank you for the response
Your experiment was destined for failure.
1. Oil isn’t designed for subQ = L
2. You can’t have a natural rhythm when you have ZERO test in your system for 6 hours and you didn’t even absorb it in a timely enough manner to copy the natural flow.
3. There is in fact a small natural peak in the early afternoon before hitting the low of the day in the evening.
4. Enjoy your esters.
The idea of matching your natural test spikes throughout the day makes sense. It would probably be better for longevity than having 1000+ ng/dl in your blood at all times. Some people use test ace for this purpose. Your injection method and how fast you metabolize drugs will make an impact how well this works out in practice.

The downside is that it's bad enough being a slave to 1-2x weekly injections, depending on daily injections would give me too much anxiety
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The idea of matching your natural test spikes throughout the day makes sense. It would probably be better for longevity than having 1000+ ng/dl in your blood at all times. Some people use test ace for this purpose. Your injection method and how fast you metabolize drugs will make an impact how well this works out in practice.

The downside is that it's bad enough being a slave to 1-2x weekly injections, depending on daily injections would give me too much anxiety
I can tell you from experience that test ace isn’t much different than prop basically 1 less ester but still results in stable levels.
I can tell you from experience that test ace isn’t much different than prop basically 1 less ester but still results in stable levels.
It's individual I think if someone were on trt and very worried about cardiovascular health its something to test and see if you can avoid being on 24/7 but testosterone gel would probably be even better for this
Dermals a couple x per day may actually help keep the levels stable….. some have some test dermals out there… I just haven’t tried them yet until after blood work is back next week… that’s my determining factor
Your experiment was destined for failure.
1. Oil isn’t designed for subQ = L
2. You can’t have a natural rhythm when you have ZERO test in your system for 6 hours and you didn’t even absorb it in a timely enough manner to copy the natural flow.
3. There is in fact a small natural peak in the early afternoon before hitting the low of the day in the evening.
4. Enjoy your esters.
No steroid oil was designed for subq that I’m aware of. If you want to get technical, steroids were never designed to grow muscle, they were designed to be anti-catabolic. But back to it, I didn’t hear about anyone using subq until Dr Crisler (RIP).

Do you have any evidence at all that there would be zero test in my system, or is that conjecture? What are you basing the “flow” off of? doesn’t show drop to zero, and I can’t feel the oil lump gone until the next day. I attribute it to the viscous liquid being slowly dissolved in a low vascular environment. That’s kind of the novelty that sucked me into this experiment- the possibility that there is something between the two studied applications of IM test prop, and IM test suspension. (Aqua)
The idea of matching your natural test spikes throughout the day makes sense. It would probably be better for longevity than having 1000+ ng/dl in your blood at all times. Some people use test ace for this purpose. Your injection method and how fast you metabolize drugs will make an impact how well this works out in practice.

The downside is that it's bad enough being a slave to 1-2x weekly injections, depending on daily injections would give me too much anxiety
Pros and cons for sure. I haven’t seen much evidence for it, so I thought it was worth a try, I may try again with a higher dose. Its a worthy pursuit to improve TRT in any way possible
No steroid oil was designed for subq that I’m aware of. If you want to get technical, steroids were never designed to grow muscle, they were designed to be anti-catabolic. But back to it, I didn’t hear about anyone using subq until Dr Crisler (RIP).

Do you have any evidence at all that there would be zero test in my system, or is that conjecture? What are you basing the “flow” off of? doesn’t show drop to zero, and I can’t feel the oil lump gone until the next day. I attribute it to the viscous liquid being slowly dissolved in a low vascular environment. That’s kind of the novelty that sucked me into this experiment- the possibility that there is something between the two studied applications of IM test prop, and IM test suspension. (Aqua)
SteroidPlotter doesn’t even have TNE and even if it did it wouldn’t be accurate due to injecting sQ.
My point was: if you inject Tne IM only once per day there will be 6 hours of zero T. Since you injected sQ there would be no possible way to emulate that AM peak that you were hoping for.

If you really want to do this properly you need two IM shots. 1 when you wake up that’s 75% of daily dosage and the 2nd(25%)in the early afternoon roughly 7 hours apart.
Let’s say you wake up at 7am: shot 1 15mg at 730am peaks at 9am 50% gone at 1030 75% at 130 85% at 430pm 100% at 130am
Shot 2 would be 5mg administered at 230pm peaks at 4 50% at 530 75% 830 85% 1130 and 100% at 830am.
This gives you the large peak in the am, a proper decrease into the early afternoon, a small peak in the afternoon and the proper decrease going into bedtime. All while keeping you from going to zero.
This actually works. Try it.
And here we are, debating esterless testosterone and bi daily administration when the medical world, after decades of usage, has moved to undecanoate and once every three months administration.

You don't try to reinvent the wheel, you try to get us back to square wheels because "that's the way it supposed to be" (hint: it isn't)
SteroidPlotter doesn’t even have TNE and even if it did it wouldn’t be accurate due to injecting sQ.
My point was: if you inject Tne IM only once per day there will be 6 hours of zero T. Since you injected sQ there would be no possible way to emulate that AM peak that you were hoping for.

If you really want to do this properly you need two IM shots. 1 when you wake up that’s 75% of daily dosage and the 2nd(25%)in the early afternoon roughly 7 hours apart.
Let’s say you wake up at 7am: shot 1 15mg at 730am peaks at 9am 50% gone at 1030 75% at 130 85% at 430pm 100% at 130am
Shot 2 would be 5mg administered at 230pm peaks at 4 50% at 530 75% 830 85% 1130 and 100% at 830am.
This gives you the large peak in the am, a proper decrease into the early afternoon, a small peak in the afternoon and the proper decrease going into bedtime. All while keeping you from going to zero.
This actually works. Try it.
Steroidplotter has suspension, correct:


So again, is ‘zero testosterone’ based off your conjecture, or do you have any evidence whatsoever?
Steroidplotter has suspension, correct:

View attachment 287355

So again, is ‘zero testosterone’ based off your conjecture, or do you have any evidence whatsoever?
Suspension is in water not oil. If you’re taking TNE your injecting oil subQ which is impossible to know when it’s absorbed. Suspension is water based and with a shorter half life than Tne. Do you have any idea what you’re doing? Lmao


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