Too much gear - what kind of cycle to build?

OK, so I've been stocking up a bit too much..... Here's most of what I have in my stash:

  • Anadrol - 50mg x 100 pills
  • Anavar - 50mg x 50 or maybe 100 pills, 10mg x 50
  • Danabol - 10mg x several 100 pills
  • Winstrol - 10mg x 100
  • Bromergon - 2.5mg x 60 (bought to take alongside tren)
  • Deca - 80ml @ 250mg
  • EQ - 50ml @ 100mg
  • Test cyp - 50ml @ 250mg
  • Tren E - 20ml @ 200mg
Just did full blood work - thyroid, lipids, liver, PSA, BP, hemocrit etc - all very good. Test was (accidentally, oops) nailed at 1,500 (likely above, that was the max) so considering that my prior cycle clearly hadn't dissipated as quickly as I had planned, the values look especially good. I'll redo the blood work for test only in about a week or so. But all the values are looking great.

I'm holding steady at 200lbs now, my goal with the next cycle is to get to at least 210lbs (my long term size goal is 220) and ideally cut a bit of BF too. I'm no more than 15% BF now, but would like to drop that to below 12% (one day I'd like to experience 10% BF).

I'm considering this:
  • Either keep my TRT dose (120/week total), or raise it to 200 per week
  • Add Tren E at around 40 every other day, 120 total per week - with half a Bromergon pill per day against any prolactin (perhaps overkill at this low of a dose?)
  • If shoulders feel weird, add 125 of Deca, twice per week, for 250 total per week
  • Finally, take CJC1295/DAC and Ipamorelin before bed time
As you can see, I also have Anadrol, EQ and several other items too - what makes sense to add?

Finally, I was planning on being on just vanilla TRT for 6 weeks and then try the new cycle. FYI, I'm in my third year of TRT now, have done two cycles (one was based on 200mg of test per week with 50mg of Anavar per day, the second was a combo of test/EQ/Deca with some Dbol during the first 4 weeks - after that I got heartburn).

I'd appreciate your insights and thoughts on this.

BTW, I have never had any gyno sensations, but I'm somewhat prone to water retention, especially my left ankle - but this must be some general condition, a cross-country flight bloats me severely too.
Take it all 20cc Rich Piana style lol.

I would hold off those brommies unless you actually get gyno. There are some sides with them that you don't need to face ...
I'm just imagining having to use like 9cc of EQ alone your gonna end up having to do 4x weekly shots with 5cc barrels with how many cc you will need after all is in. Hopefully you got some large muscles to soak up that much gear cause I would leak lol
You do realize that if rolled into one 10 week cycle, this would be the weekly dosage :

Test - 1,025
Tren - 400
EQ - 1,025
Deca - 2,000

4.5 grams of AAS per week?
And the orals for snacks? :)

Even cutting it in half through a 20 week cycle would still seem like a lot of gear.

So, considering my rather modest gainz goals, what say you?

PS - I'll use HCG and Arimidex throughout.
20 weeker with front load then dbol drol first 4 weeks and anavar last 6 weeks or some shit lol idk

edit: oh I see you only want to gain ten more pounds ;)

Modest goals are easier to attain. :-)

Seriously though, I'd like that metric magic - 100kg (220lbs) at 10% - but that'll take a bit more time. Last cycle took me close to 210, now I'm stable at a hair over 200. Technically a 30lb gap - 10lb fat to shed, and 30lb lean muscle to gain. That's too much in one go.
Modest goals are easier to attain. :)

Seriously though, I'd like that metric magic - 100kg (220lbs) at 10% - but that'll take a bit more time. Last cycle took me close to 210, now I'm stable at a hair over 200. Technically a 30lb gap - 10lb fat to shed, and 30lb lean muscle to gain. That's too much in one go.
I acutally think you could get close to that with excellent training diet and a 16 weeker
I acutally think you could get close to that with excellent training diet and a 16 weeker

If I like your post, that gives me positive karma so the gainz come true, right? Lol

I'll have to sit down with the wife and talk meal plans for this, thankfully she's also a fitness nut, so we're aligned, just thinking I'm going to be eating a lot more than usual.

I need to get a better grip on how to (and even if I should) use maltodextrin, my previously cycle might have had too little carbs in it, I think I can make better progress with more effective application of something like maltodextrin.
Guys, if you can take the time to read this and share your insights, much appreciated.

Additional info about my background - I used to lift in my teens and early 20s, then shifted to running (10K personal best right over 32 minutes) and bicycling which I did seriously until my mid 30s. Then it shifted to a mix of rollerblading, jogging, some light weightlifting, a bit of yoga, and various forms of exercise, as opposed to serious conditioning and training. Towards my late 40s, I radically changed my diet, got very clean, and after returning to my earlier baseline 76kg weight, I started weights. At first semi-seriously, and over the past 2 years I've been fairly religious, especially the past 14 months. Now I'm at 90-91kg, or right at 200lbs - I track everything in metric measurements.

I'm in my 3rd year of TRT - my first year Test baseline was at around 1,000 - did a mini cycle with 50mg of Var per day last summer, that gave me some boost, and then I ran a more serious cycle from early January until end of March this year - with Test, Deca, EQ throughout, and some Dbol during the first 4 weeks. I really added (lean) weight from that - about 15kg, which totally killed my wardrobe... ha ha - but I plateaued at about 205-208lbs at the end. Holding quite steady at 200 now - even after a recent 12 day trip to Asia with only one proper workout, no real change. Oh, I also ran various peptides during the past cycle - TB500, CJC1295/DAC, Ipamorelin, MK677 and some others - with the peptide goal being mending my ailing tendons (which probably go back to too much keyboard work).

Since I travel frequently to Asia, and go through Thailand all the time, I now have a fairly substantial amount of gear, as you saw in my first post in this thread, and I believe it's all GTG.

Even if I'm not in the BB business, I do approach this as a serious hobby, to the point of frustrating my wife at times - she thinks I'm obsessing, which I consider being focused.

I am slightly prone to water retention - I take Arimidex as soon as I feel my left ankle "tingle" which is my indication that I'm adding on water. Never had any gyno sensations. This is why I'm a tad concerned with going heavy on the weekly Test level. Although, being reasonably lean (sub 15%) maybe aromatization won't be such a killer?

Last week's blood work attached. Oddly, the test complained about my blood being too uniform in size - anisocytosis few, and, macrocytosis also few - anyone knows what that might mean from a practical point of view, good or bad?

I'm definitely of the slow and steady approach, with minimal sides, which is why I thought a stack of several compounds would be wiser than simply upping the Test dose? My TRT dose is a mere 100mg per week - which takes me to about 1,000 - my natural production is only 190.

As I mentioned in my first post, I'm considering a stacked approach:
  • Test Cyp - 200-300/week, divided in 2 pins
  • Tren E - 120/week, divided in 3 pins
  • Deca - 250/week, divided in 2 pins
  • During first 4 weeks, add Dbol, during last 4 weeks, add Var
  • HCG throughout
I supplement with various herb products for the liver and prostate, as well as omega 3/6 oils for BP/heart.

Obviously plenty of food and sleep needed too.

As I'm on TRT, I'm never going off cycle, so I wonder if the evanescence of any Tren gains that a TRT doctor friend is concerned with, would apply to the same degree for me as with someone who goes off AAS and back to natural production every now and then?

Blood work results from last week below

スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.03.18.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.03.31.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.03.56.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.04.11.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.04.30.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.04.52.png スクリーンショット 2016-04-15 9.05.13.png
Guys, if you can take the time to read this and share your insights, much appreciated.

Additional info about my background - I used to lift in my teens and early 20s, then shifted to running (10K personal best right over 32 minutes) and bicycling which I did seriously until my mid 30s. Then it shifted to a mix of rollerblading, jogging, some light weightlifting, a bit of yoga, and various forms of exercise, as opposed to serious conditioning and training. Towards my late 40s, I radically changed my diet, got very clean, and after returning to my earlier baseline 76kg weight, I started weights. At first semi-seriously, and over the past 2 years I've been fairly religious, especially the past 14 months. Now I'm at 90-91kg, or right at 200lbs - I track everything in metric measurements.

I'm in my 3rd year of TRT - my first year Test baseline was at around 1,000 - did a mini cycle with 50mg of Var per day last summer, that gave me some boost, and then I ran a more serious cycle from early January until end of March this year - with Test, Deca, EQ throughout, and some Dbol during the first 4 weeks. I really added (lean) weight from that - about 15kg, which totally killed my wardrobe... ha ha - but I plateaued at about 205-208lbs at the end. Holding quite steady at 200 now - even after a recent 12 day trip to Asia with only one proper workout, no real change. Oh, I also ran various peptides during the past cycle - TB500, CJC1295/DAC, Ipamorelin, MK677 and some others - with the peptide goal being mending my ailing tendons (which probably go back to too much keyboard work).

Since I travel frequently to Asia, and go through Thailand all the time, I now have a fairly substantial amount of gear, as you saw in my first post in this thread, and I believe it's all GTG.

Even if I'm not in the BB business, I do approach this as a serious hobby, to the point of frustrating my wife at times - she thinks I'm obsessing, which I consider being focused.

I am slightly prone to water retention - I take Arimidex as soon as I feel my left ankle "tingle" which is my indication that I'm adding on water. Never had any gyno sensations. This is why I'm a tad concerned with going heavy on the weekly Test level. Although, being reasonably lean (sub 15%) maybe aromatization won't be such a killer?

Last week's blood work attached. Oddly, the test complained about my blood being too uniform in size - anisocytosis few, and, macrocytosis also few - anyone knows what that might mean from a practical point of view, good or bad?

I'm definitely of the slow and steady approach, with minimal sides, which is why I thought a stack of several compounds would be wiser than simply upping the Test dose? My TRT dose is a mere 100mg per week - which takes me to about 1,000 - my natural production is only 190.

As I mentioned in my first post, I'm considering a stacked approach:
  • Test Cyp - 200-300/week, divided in 2 pins
  • Tren E - 120/week, divided in 3 pins
  • Deca - 250/week, divided in 2 pins
  • During first 4 weeks, add Dbol, during last 4 weeks, add Var
  • HCG throughout
I supplement with various herb products for the liver and prostate, as well as omega 3/6 oils for BP/heart.

Obviously plenty of food and sleep needed too.

As I'm on TRT, I'm never going off cycle, so I wonder if the evanescence of any Tren gains that a TRT doctor friend is concerned with, would apply to the same degree for me as with someone who goes off AAS and back to natural production every now and then?

Blood work results from last week below

View attachment 39876 View attachment 39877 View attachment 39878 View attachment 39879 View attachment 39880 View attachment 39881 View attachment 39882

I would swap deca with EQ, swap dbol for drol, and up the tren.

1-4 drol @50mg ED
Test C @ 200mg/wk - .5cc mon/Thurs
Tren E @ 400mg/wk - 1cc mon/Thurs
EQ @ 750mg/wk - 1.5cc mon/Thurs
Adex throughout

Boom. 3cc in the left buttock monday, 3cc in the right buttock Thursday.
Guys, if you can take the time to read this and share your insights, much appreciated.

Additional info about my background - I used to lift in my teens and early 20s, then shifted to running (10K personal best right over 32 minutes) and bicycling which I did seriously until my mid 30s. Then it shifted to a mix of rollerblading, jogging, some light weightlifting, a bit of yoga, and various forms of exercise, as opposed to serious conditioning and training. Towards my late 40s, I radically changed my diet, got very clean, and after returning to my earlier baseline 76kg weight, I started weights. At first semi-seriously, and over the past 2 years I've been fairly religious, especially the past 14 months. Now I'm at 90-91kg, or right at 200lbs - I track everything in metric measurements.

I'm in my 3rd year of TRT - my first year Test baseline was at around 1,000 - did a mini cycle with 50mg of Var per day last summer, that gave me some boost, and then I ran a more serious cycle from early January until end of March this year - with Test, Deca, EQ throughout, and some Dbol during the first 4 weeks. I really added (lean) weight from that - about 15kg, which totally killed my wardrobe... ha ha - but I plateaued at about 205-208lbs at the end. Holding quite steady at 200 now - even after a recent 12 day trip to Asia with only one proper workout, no real change. Oh, I also ran various peptides during the past cycle - TB500, CJC1295/DAC, Ipamorelin, MK677 and some others - with the peptide goal being mending my ailing tendons (which probably go back to too much keyboard work).

Since I travel frequently to Asia, and go through Thailand all the time, I now have a fairly substantial amount of gear, as you saw in my first post in this thread, and I believe it's all GTG.

Even if I'm not in the BB business, I do approach this as a serious hobby, to the point of frustrating my wife at times - she thinks I'm obsessing, which I consider being focused.

I am slightly prone to water retention - I take Arimidex as soon as I feel my left ankle "tingle" which is my indication that I'm adding on water. Never had any gyno sensations. This is why I'm a tad concerned with going heavy on the weekly Test level. Although, being reasonably lean (sub 15%) maybe aromatization won't be such a killer?

Last week's blood work attached. Oddly, the test complained about my blood being too uniform in size - anisocytosis few, and, macrocytosis also few - anyone knows what that might mean from a practical point of view, good or bad?

I'm definitely of the slow and steady approach, with minimal sides, which is why I thought a stack of several compounds would be wiser than simply upping the Test dose? My TRT dose is a mere 100mg per week - which takes me to about 1,000 - my natural production is only 190.

As I mentioned in my first post, I'm considering a stacked approach:
  • Test Cyp - 200-300/week, divided in 2 pins
  • Tren E - 120/week, divided in 3 pins
  • Deca - 250/week, divided in 2 pins
  • During first 4 weeks, add Dbol, during last 4 weeks, add Var
  • HCG throughout
I supplement with various herb products for the liver and prostate, as well as omega 3/6 oils for BP/heart.

Obviously plenty of food and sleep needed too.

As I'm on TRT, I'm never going off cycle, so I wonder if the evanescence of any Tren gains that a TRT doctor friend is concerned with, would apply to the same degree for me as with someone who goes off AAS and back to natural production every now and then?

Blood work results from last week below

View attachment 39876 View attachment 39877 View attachment 39878 View attachment 39879 View attachment 39880 View attachment 39881 View attachment 39882

Ok so 1.) I would consider roller blading an extreme form of conditioning.... that shit is intense.
2.) Not a doctor, but your blood tests look remarkable. You are at 1500ng/dl @ 100mg/wk of test???? Wow. SHBG and E2 look awesome.
3.) Do you donate blood? That would help lower the RBC/hematocrit levels since the EQ and increased test will skyrocket that.

Just curious though...m trt for 3 years and you are still showing some LH and FSH production? Figured that stuff would be dead by now. Anyone have insight on that?
Ok so 1.) I would consider roller blading an extreme form of conditioning.... that shit is intense.
2.) Not a doctor, but your blood tests look remarkable. You are at 1500ng/dl @ 100mg/wk of test???? Wow. SHBG and E2 look awesome.
3.) Do you donate blood? That would help lower the RBC/hematocrit levels since the EQ and increased test will skyrocket that.

Just curious though...m trt for 3 years and you are still showing some LH and FSH production? Figured that stuff would be dead by now. Anyone have insight on that?

1 - yeah, I grew up in snow country, with skiing and skating, so I did get a bit obsessive about speed skating with roller blades, maybe why I have 25" thighs without having done too much leg work until recently. Same with the bicycling, flat out mad sprints up hills, great.

2 - well, the blood work was done a bit too soon, I had been on a bit more test (about 300 per week) and a bit of EQ (400 per week) until a few weeks earlier. :-) I stopped EQ around 4 weeks ago, and the extra test 2 weeks ago, so I had thought my levels would have dropped. I'm redoing the test portion end of next week, if I'm not below 1,000 then, well, the HCG must have done something to my gonads.

I'm pleased with the SHBG and E2 as well - nice to see.

3 - ineligible to donate blood - travel to the wrong countries, the RC doesn't like that. Just got a prescription for phlebotomies. Will do that soon.

No idea about how to interpret the LH and FSH - I wasn't aware of what you're saying.
Wtf do you want to do though?!?!?! Wanna be a gigantic no toned guy who benched 600+? Or you want tone and to have mass? Or you want to be s fast ass mma fighter who can break bricks with a backhand @4%?
Wtf do you want to do though?!?!?! Wanna be a gigantic no toned guy who benched 600+? Or you want tone and to have mass? Or you want to be s fast ass mma fighter who can break bricks with a backhand @4%?

Ha ha ha - that's funny - thanks.

Captain F-ing America - of course! Minus the spandex.

Fitness model look, but at 220lbs and 10% BF - that'd be my ideal. Lean, but with some size. No need to be bigger than that. Feels like it's within reach. Any leaner seems like I'd have to sacrifice quality of life too much.