Too much gear - what kind of cycle to build?

With all due respect, you're starting to sound like an over analytical annoying little bitch. Just shoot the damn shit already and see what happens , hahaha. No offense brother, just telling it straight up
With all due respect, you're starting to sound like an over analytical annoying little bitch. Just shoot the damn shit already and see what happens , hahaha. No offense brother, just telling it straight up

Hey man, I've just gotten too much respect for tren, both the stories here and from the friend of mine of uses it.

I'll do another pin today, 300mg this time, that'll push up the frontload significantly. I'll blame you if it goes sideways! Lol
With all due respect, you're starting to sound like an over analytical annoying little bitch. Just shoot the damn shit already and see what happens , hahaha. No offense brother, just telling it straight up
x2 lol I think he's over thinking shit too much, any sides will probably because of how much mental stress he's putting into worrying about these small dosages etc
x2 lol I think he's over thinking shit too much, any sides will probably because of how much mental stress he's putting into worrying about these small dosages etc

See - there you go - "small dosages" - yet others in the thread comment that this is a pretty big cycle. WTF...

Anyway, I've compensated for the really long ester in the tren - so I've loaded 500mg now. I'll run with this and see how it goes.
I was on a trip overseas for 10 days, had to take a break in the cycle owing to all the travel. Don't want to know Singapore's policy on bringing in AAS...

Anyway, the tren has been interesting, feels good even at my modest levels - I've gradually increased tren from 300 per week to 600 now. Test is at 250, and deca at 300. I sleep OK, but damn I'm warm... sleeping in shorts with AC on, no cover. Business clothes have me feeling damp.

Biggest soaker of all has been sex - good grief how wet I get - I've been with massively squirting women who've made less of a sopping mess in bed. Oddly, it now seems like it takes me an inordinate time to cum, but when I do it's an earth-shattering event, I've never had climaxes this powerful, thought I'd die.... feels awesome though, but totally wipes me out.

Workouts feel good, nice pumps. I'm keeping up the intake with bananas, taurine and LiverStabil - piss isn't particularly dark, and back pumps are "reasonable" not crippling as they were before.

I've leaned out nicely, maintaining weight at right around or below 210. Lost a couple pounds during the biz trip, but now I'm back to eating and working out again.