Toremifene and what to do now that I'll be doing trt?


New Member
So I got a couple vials of Toremifene when I started my cycle but due to severely low t I will be staying on test. Blast and cruise seems way better than going back to the fucked up state of womanhood that was my head space. So, what do I do now with it? A buddy that introduced me to aas' swears that he'll never do a pct again w/o this drug. My balls are gone and I'm not doing anything at the moment for this and am wondering if I could do a low dose or would this kill my levels and send me into menopause? : ) I've been looking around and haven't seen anything about running it while on. Anyone have any ideas or exp please talj to me. Thx.
you can still run it if you want. it is a SERM and not an AI. it should mainly keep estrogen from attaching to your breast tissue. Toremifene attaches isntead of estrogen.
I run nolva on cycle at 10mg EOD.

Torem IS THE FUCKING SHIT btw. Torem will drop your balls so far you'll need a skateboard to move.

Any SERM will just help you from growing bitch tits...estrogen from binding in your body.

I personally would run nolva on cycle over torem, as nolva is cheaper and more easy to get.
this is a new compound for me. you might get away with 30mg ED, but I'm thinking 60mg ED is the dose.
@Manny I think huck is about right for the dosage, probably somewhere between 30mg and 60mg per day and it's probably user dependent as well.

But for your purposes of dropping your balls, why not use HCG? There are a lot of people who blast and cruise who run HCG alongside. You could run the SERM that you have or an AI if your worried about estrogen as well
Huck and Marcus are spot on about the suggested dosage. In my experience, I needed far less. 30mg EOD or E3D was fine. Remember though that you might want to throw in an AI when you run out or decide to discontinue use. Similar to Nolva, Torem just competes for position at the receptor site, leaving unbound circulating Estrogen. When you stop the Torem you can (and many do without understanding what is going on) experience estrogen rebound. Using an AI at this point (Aromasin) deactivates the molecule rendering it useless. No chance for free circulating E to make it's way to newly freed receptors. Just my thoughts

Not sure what kind of benefit you would get from torem while on TRT. I'd give it to your buddy who still does a PCT. Or send it in for mass spec and see if it really is torem... I used Evo's torem during PCT and wondered if it was really torem, or just some nolva with a different label.
Thx man. I'm also using letro and prami. Started out with anastrozol @Caizier. I know the prami is for milky milk and am running tren e and a. The odd thing is that I haven't had any issurles so far so I've stopped using it anymore than every 3ish days. Thx man
Thx man. I'm also using letro and prami. Started out with anastrozol @Caizier. I know the prami is for milky milk and am running tren e and a. The odd thing is that I haven't had any issurles so far so I've stopped using it anymore than every 3ish days. Thx man
Hope everything is going smooth. I can't tell by your statement if you were posing a ?? to me. Stay well friend