Toremifene Not Legit via Online Sources?


New Member
Can someone please explain to me why the most common, highly praised sources for things like Toremifene (on here and other sites) sell Toremifene for $69.99 ....But it costs nearly $1,200 at literally every legitimate pharmacy in the country?

Before you say something like "THE BIG PHARMA RACKET!!!" ... or "they get batch quantities" ... lets be intelligent about this.

I fully understand how (for example) Androgel can cost $500 at CVS and I can drive into Tijuana and get it for $200. Or how Clomid will run me $250 at CVS and cost me $90 in Tijuana. But how can sites like the one with the lion logo get this stuff for literally a thousand dollars cheaper?
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Sorry, Clomid is only $35 at CVS and about the same in Tijuana.**

Are you looking at an OTC price?? And well, the name brand of drugs are going to be much more expensive than the generic for many reasons that are easily Known with simple intelligence. The pharmaceutical companies are obviously companies to make money. So the pay for all the testing, approvals, patents etc, so yes it's far more expensive than a generic brand that has the exact same thing. My girlfriends mom is a pharmacist and we actually had that exact conversation last night!! And don't you need a prescription to purchase Clomid??
So you went with the "Its the big pharma racket" response. Already addressed that. By showing that other drugs have nowhere near such a huge difference. I even gave two examples.

So to repeat: Pick any other drug and the difference is hardly this huge. We're talking 69 versus 1,200. That is the reason why I'm asking.

I find it hard to believe a $1,200 product is obtainable generic and in bulk for basically $30. That has to be their price if they're selling it for $69 retail.

And Clomid is available OTC in Tijuana.
Pfizer Viagra is like $100 for a 100mg pill, you can get 100mg from india for about a buck
I just looked at a couple online pharmacy's
About $100 for 30 pills at 60mg each

Okay so the response everyone is going with is that this is an overseas generic (like from India, maybe Cipla pharmaceuticals), and therefore is priced just like many other pharmaceuticals which are pennies on the dollar?

I have a contact who dropships from Mumbai every pharmaceutical Cipla makes. I'm going to ask him if they carry Fareston (toremifene) to confirm this price difference issue. If he says its not a product they have, or are allowed to ship, then I may continue to wonder if "tor" is really just "nolva" mislabeled.

I suppose its possible but $1,200 versus $70 seems pretty extreme even when we're talking about India. But I could be wrong. The viagra example above is the one example where there is a massive price difference. I know that Propecia, which sells for $50 in the US can be acquired for about $5.70 (plus 15 shipping) from India.
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Can someone please explain to me why the most common, highly praised sources for things like Toremifene (on here and other sites) sell Toremifene for $69.99 ....But it costs nearly $1,200 at literally every legitimate pharmacy in the country?

Before you say something like "THE BIG PHARMA RACKET!!!" ... or "they get batch quantities" ... lets be intelligent about this.

I fully understand how (for example) Androgel can cost $500 at CVS and I can drive into Tijuana and get it for $200. Or how Clomid will run me $250 at CVS and cost me $90 in Tijuana. But how can sites like the one with the lion logo get this stuff for literally a thousand dollars cheaper?

The difference should be obvious; Toremifene is NOT available as a generic (it's Trade name is Fareston) in the US!

Consequently since the FDA does not control the production of generic drugs across the world other "pharm comapnies" are not forbidden from producing and selling generic Toremifene in SOME world markets.

The problem should also be obvious, since many of these internet "pharmacies" are beyond the reach of the FDA, one never knows what they are getting, for such a "reduced price".

Understand Big Pharma has often committed millions of dollars towards the R&D of such drugs and for this reason are granted a 10 year patent in which US (and many in the EU) competitors are unable to sell such proprietary property, either locally or abroad, for profit without the original manufactures explicit permission.

Perhaps this is one reason why no country has developed more life saving medications or drugs of need than the often criticized "Big Pharma".

Finally I'm unaware of a reason why ANY BB would NEED Toremifene, when two other much less expensive generic SERMS are available in the US namely; Clomid and Tamoxifene.

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ANY drug purchased wo an RX is suspect and those from "India", especially when imported thru Canada are more likely to be bogus, bc none of the latter are FDA approved.

In fact the FDA recently "warned" US consumers NOT to purchase drugs online thru the "India/Canada" connection, bc of "serious quality issues".