New Member
Since we have our own spot now, it would be nice to see how the ladies here train and eat! feel free to pick and choose the direction of your chat 
Training when bulking?
Training when cutting?
Diet preferences?
Favorite forms of cardio?
Lagging/strong muscle groups?
Yesterday I finally had the courage to approach a lady who's physique I love and ask her about her training. It was really interesting to hear (she has absolutely popping, rounded shoulders, delts and traps). I just wouldn't train like her though, she looks so strong but doesn't do a single compound lift or train legs. She only does glutes and upper body work and spin. I was shocked!

Training when bulking?
Training when cutting?
Diet preferences?
Favorite forms of cardio?
Lagging/strong muscle groups?
Yesterday I finally had the courage to approach a lady who's physique I love and ask her about her training. It was really interesting to hear (she has absolutely popping, rounded shoulders, delts and traps). I just wouldn't train like her though, she looks so strong but doesn't do a single compound lift or train legs. She only does glutes and upper body work and spin. I was shocked!