Training, diet, and lifestyle


New Member
Since we have our own spot now, it would be nice to see how the ladies here train and eat! feel free to pick and choose the direction of your chat :)

Training when bulking?

Training when cutting?

Diet preferences?

Favorite forms of cardio?

Lagging/strong muscle groups?

Yesterday I finally had the courage to approach a lady who's physique I love and ask her about her training. It was really interesting to hear (she has absolutely popping, rounded shoulders, delts and traps). I just wouldn't train like her though, she looks so strong but doesn't do a single compound lift or train legs. She only does glutes and upper body work and spin. I was shocked!
I hope to learn more about bulking and cutting. I'm trying to bulk now without getting fat. Still trying to adjust diet to get the most from it.
I switched gyms and nobody at the new gym is competitive or even seems to know anything about proper form or diet. I don't care though, I get the weight room to myself a lot as most members are on the treadmills or elliptical for hours.
The gym I left had many on gear, but they were assholes and unapproachable. Even the bikini gal on gear was a bitch. She tried to make me feel bad the first day I started lifting there with some snide remark directed at me. Woopteedoo

My diet preferences are as clean as I can get. Avoid shit I can pronounce on the label and go from there. I tracked once but now pretty much know what I'm getting daily as I don't switch up my meals that much.

I hate cardio, especially indoors on those machines. Boring!! Sprint is my preference. Quick and easy...done. Never over 30 min cardio for me.

Lagging body parts are my weak skinny legs!! Muscular calves, but seriously lacking quads hams and glutes (glutes are growing nicely lately.)

I lifted in my late teens and all twenties regularly. Had a good friend who was a natural bodybuilder. He was strict with his diet. I wasn't. He finally went to Mexico and got some gear. Must have bought the wrong shit because he looked oily and bad. Then he disappeared.
I was a typical gym rat who had no clue about diet for gains back then. Never gained fat easily in youth, but now in my 40's it's easy to gain and hard to lose. I'm not fat, though. Just have that layer of fat that is right on the muscle covering it.
Since my 20's I have wanted to compete. 20 years later I'm serious. :)
I hope to learn more about bulking and cutting. I'm trying to bulk now without getting fat. Still trying to adjust diet to get the most from it.
I switched gyms and nobody at the new gym is competitive or even seems to know anything about proper form or diet. I don't care though, I get the weight room to myself a lot as most members are on the treadmills or elliptical for hours.
The gym I left had many on gear, but they were assholes and unapproachable. Even the bikini gal on gear was a bitch. She tried to make me feel bad the first day I started lifting there with some snide remark directed at me. Woopteedoo

My diet preferences are as clean as I can get. Avoid shit I can pronounce on the label and go from there. I tracked once but now pretty much know what I'm getting daily as I don't switch up my meals that much.

I hate cardio, especially indoors on those machines. Boring!! Sprint is my preference. Quick and easy...done. Never over 30 min cardio for me.

Lagging body parts are my weak skinny legs!! Muscular calves, but seriously lacking quads hams and glutes (glutes are growing nicely lately.)

I lifted in my late teens and all twenties regularly. Had a good friend who was a natural bodybuilder. He was strict with his diet. I wasn't. He finally went to Mexico and got some gear. Must have bought the wrong shit because he looked oily and bad. Then he disappeared.
I was a typical gym rat who had no clue about diet for gains back then. Never gained fat easily in youth, but now in my 40's it's easy to gain and hard to lose. I'm not fat, though. Just have that layer of fat that is right on the muscle covering it.
Since my 20's I have wanted to compete. 20 years later I'm serious. :)
Naturally bulking without getting fat - I find that eating A LOT of lean protein meals at the maintenance level and being more lax in social situations (getting some dessert when you wouldn't normally, eating an extra helping here and there), cutting cardio and doing a lot of low rep, heavy compound lifts for 5-8 sets is a good way for a woman to put on lean muscle. Following up the compounds with lighter work but still in the 8-10 rep range helps get the muscles bigger. And creatine! My favorite supplement, period.

It's not going to be perfect, but it got me strong with a great muscle base. Eating at a surplus each day is a quick way to gain unwanted fat, but trying to stick to maintenance 80% of the time, cutting cardio out and indulging here and there seems to create enough of a surplus.
You know, I have recently heard a definition of a word 'diet'. So, it's not a refraining, it's a balanced nutrition. It also refers to maintaining your mental health. You can't practice yoga 24 hours a day. It must be a part of your balanced schedule as well. For example, meditation in the morning would be certainly a proper start to the day.