Training style for mens physique


New Member
Hi all, I'm interested in learning more about how to structure a training plan for mens physique. Not necessarily to compete, but as for an amateur like me, chasing that type of body.

All I know about training is based around the basics of getting bigger and stronger, like what somebody aiming to compete in open. Use compound excercises, progress the weights slowly, eat enough protein and enough calories to put you at a slight surplus and be consistent for a long time.

How does one go about prioritising the qualities specific of mens physique like V taper and so on.

Any input is appreciated.
I'd imagine if there are certain muscle groups that you want to prioritize, I would focus on exercises that focus on that muscle group.
Yes, lagging muscles require the most work to shine. Doesn't mean you can't though, but it still needs more work than your stronger parts and will not be your best parts after is all said and done. Genetics play so much, but don't give up and keep on pushing hard.