I honestly have no idea what a trans guy wants his estrogen to be
Presuming the ovaries have been removed, E2 should be in the same range as a biological male.
Lotta gatekeeping and assorted bullshit in this thread without much in the way of answers. OP is on a regular PPL split and eating a gram per pound of bodyweight, he oughta be seeing gains.
1. Nebido every 12 weeks is silly, learn how to source UGL test and get bloodwork done. If you're serious about gains, don't worry about losing your prescription. Get your own bloodwork if you can, run a shorter half-life ester, and manipulate your test levels before seeing your doc again. If things go awry, you already know how to source UGL test C, so no big deal.
2. Standard "first" cycle is 500mg/wk test. Give that a while and see if you have any side effects. Keep an AI on hand to get E2 in range.
3. lift and eat. There's host of bullshit in this thread about squats and dumbbells and lifting heavy and whatever. If you hit each body part twice a week for a total of 10 sets or more and you take most of those close to failure and some to absolute failure, you will grow.
4. Depending on how you aromatize, you want to keep E2 around 40pg/mL, you could add in some primo to increase anabolic load and keep E2 in check. Once you figure out your test to primo ratio, you can push the dose at the same ratio until side start to appear. Things to be concerned about are blood pressure, hematocrit, lipids, acne, etc.
5. Next cycle consider tren. All the tren and some anadrol.