Trans guy

It does make sense if they have an established account already and don’t want people to start treating them different once they find out. Ppl have a hard switch around trans stuff, can go from super friendly and likeable to wishing their death once they find out. Especially if they felt “fooled” in some way.

[EDIT: suspicious file removed.]

Can anyone point me in the direction of a good starter cycle? Have been in the gym for about 5 years, I'm now 33 and struggling to make any gains. I've been taking peptides for the past couple of years but more so tailored towards injuries than anything. I've been on this site for about a year, the reason i'm posting off a fresh account is because i'm trans and cba to deal with the onslaught of transphobia people usually get from it. Not looking to debate any bigots just looking for some info

I take testosterone, which just keeps me in the normal male range, wondered if there any trans guys out there with any advice?

Trans or not you don't seem like you have done enough reading on any of this.
In the name of equality. I am going to treat you like anyone here.

You are doing it for strictly muscle gains and not masculinization?

there is something funny to me about being on a forum full of people injecting steroids/testosterone to suddenly have a problem with it when it's someone doing it who they don't like. Think you might be on the wrong website mate!

And speaking in good faith, which i know is probs a waste of time, HRT saves people lives, i would not be here without it so miss me with the shorten your life span stuff. I'm grateful to be here.
If you are trans why haven't you normal even normal testosterone for masculinization? There is a huge influx of trolls and you really haven't done a proper intro like you normally should.

For the sake of equality. Make a damn intro if you want us to take you seriously.

Cause all I see is someone who is full of shit.
50mg test pop EOD
100mg tren ace EOD
No high estrogen not low either
Your levels gonna be normal when it’s time for the next shot.
Your body gonna be in shock and have some drastic changes in appearance of it.
Also follow what malfeasance said to the letter. More free weights hard exercises progressive overload you need to move big pounds to be big if not lifting big you’re not gonna get big also eat big at least 250 protein per day
Are you seriously suggesting someone who is totally new to roids, lacks knowledge about diet, training and medication and all this TREN right away?o_O So much about harm reduction...
there's no turning back? from what? I transitioned about 13 years ago i think i'll survive

I've been taking testosterone, doing blood work and keeping on top of that for longer than a lot of people on here. i do understand how everyones hormones are different I just came to a steroid forums to ask for advice about steroids its really not that deep.....
I feeeellll they estrogen flowing through your replies.
Are you seriously suggesting someone who is totally new to roids, lacks knowledge about diet, training and medication and all this TREN right away?o_O So much about harm reduction...
Of course tren makes up for all this lack of knowledge and experience lol

Also a guy who transitioned from one gender to another suppress he/his whole natural hormones . Had hysterectomy etc , worried about a little tren ?
If we are about harm reduction: Stay with what your doctor prescribed you he’s got a reason for that amount and frequency and he knows thing about you physiology how we certainly lack about this knowledge cause his your personal doctor and knows all your history , even the slightest amount over what your doctor prescribes to you can have consequences that we can’t and you can’t predict
I honestly have no idea what a trans guy wants his estrogen to be

Presuming the ovaries have been removed, E2 should be in the same range as a biological male.

Lotta gatekeeping and assorted bullshit in this thread without much in the way of answers. OP is on a regular PPL split and eating a gram per pound of bodyweight, he oughta be seeing gains.

1. Nebido every 12 weeks is silly, learn how to source UGL test and get bloodwork done. If you're serious about gains, don't worry about losing your prescription. Get your own bloodwork if you can, run a shorter half-life ester, and manipulate your test levels before seeing your doc again. If things go awry, you already know how to source UGL test C, so no big deal.

2. Standard "first" cycle is 500mg/wk test. Give that a while and see if you have any side effects. Keep an AI on hand to get E2 in range.

3. lift and eat. There's host of bullshit in this thread about squats and dumbbells and lifting heavy and whatever. If you hit each body part twice a week for a total of 10 sets or more and you take most of those close to failure and some to absolute failure, you will grow.

4. Depending on how you aromatize, you want to keep E2 around 40pg/mL, you could add in some primo to increase anabolic load and keep E2 in check. Once you figure out your test to primo ratio, you can push the dose at the same ratio until side start to appear. Things to be concerned about are blood pressure, hematocrit, lipids, acne, etc.

5. Next cycle consider tren. All the tren and some anadrol.
This is a troll post, right? ……right?
most likely. if so they could have made it way cooler.. like this..


Does anyone have any tips on becoming a better Ninja Turtle? I've been training in martial arts for about 40 years, and I'm now 45. I got a giant sea turtle shell surgically attatched to my back. I've been cycling hard, getting pumped up on multiple compounds but I feel like I'm not making the progress I want. I've been focusing on my agility and strength, and tattooed my body green, but I want to take it to the next level. I've been on this site for about a year, the reason i'm posting off a fresh account is because i'm a turtle and cba to deal with the onslaught of chelonaphobia people usually get from it. not here to debate any bigots.

If anyone knows a contact at TGRI where I can score some ooze I'd be grateful.

You can increase the testosterone, and inject more frequently. Once per week would be a minimum, twice would be even better. (Any more frequently because of “sides” that people claim to get from biweekly injections of longer esters and you shouldn’t be taking steroids.)

Start eating properly, focus on getting 2-3g of protein per kg of body weight. Lower fats to 50, you don’t need more. Make sure the fats are quality too.

Train properly, consider following an established program. Make an effort in the gym!

6x per week of some type of cardio where you are getting your heart rate above 110 for 30 minutes. A reasonable amount of steps, aim for 8000-10000 per day.

Get blood work, try to find someone to help with that. There are doctors willing to help people get jacked.

Once you’ve been doing this successfully for 6 months you can consider adding even more test or something else like primo, masteron, NPP. I wouldn’t suggest orals.
Honestly just makes 0 sense.

even 10-15mg of testosterone a week can help create quite a bit of anabolism for a someone with (XX) chromosome.

I believe the typical dose to transition is as low as low as 50mg a week.
Either it's a troll post or Op doesn't know how to train