Transdermal: Test Base vs Test-P

Question- why don’t you prefer Phlojel Ulta as carrier? Too bad Salvo by Iron Legion has been discontinued. Have you used boldenone or nandrolone base transdermals? Thoughts?

Phlojel is expensive for what it is, and I doubt I would reach a 20% concentration as I do with my own formula of ethanol and MCT oil.

Salvo can still be bought from at least 3 different websites.
But it's nothing more than benzyl alcohol and oleic acid, which can also be homemade for a fraction of the price, if you don't fear the benzyl alcohol side effects.
The other ingredients they claim improve absorption are present in such minute quantities in the product they won't make a difference.
Phlojel is expensive for what it is, and I doubt I would reach a 20% concentration as I do with my own formula of ethanol and MCT oil.

Salvo can still be bought from at least 3 different websites.
But it's nothing more than benzyl alcohol and oleic acid, which can also be homemade for a fraction of the price, if you don't fear the benzyl alcohol side effects.
The other ingredients they claim improve absorption are present in such minute quantities in the product they won't make a difference.
The 3 websites in the US that look to have the Salvo in stock are actually out of stock. Phlojel ultra yields at least 20% absorbtion but yes it can be pricey. What is the texture of yours? Gel? Cream?
Phlojel is expensive for what it is, and I doubt I would reach a 20% concentration as I do with my own formula of ethanol and MCT oil.

Salvo can still be bought from at least 3 different websites.
But it's nothing more than benzyl alcohol and oleic acid, which can also be homemade for a fraction of the price, if you don't fear the benzyl alcohol side effects.
The other ingredients they claim improve absorption are present in such minute quantities in the product they won't make a difference.
Btw if you did see an American website that had Salvo in stock please PM that link. DPS nutrition has it listed in stock but it’s not.
I think jackass was the one who mentioned vanicream as a cheap substitute for PU. I have used both and have gotten blood tests but I can’t remember if I was using the vanicream for them or not
I think jackass was the one who mentioned vanicream as a cheap substitute for PU. I have used both and have gotten blood tests but I can’t remember if I was using the vanicream for them or not
How did you dose the PU without a syringe? I know Dictator use ld to have creams in a pump bottle that were 1/2ml each pump but those were hard to come by and also had like a bag inside and you woukd lose a good amount of product when it stopped pumping. That’s definitely a great point you brought up about the syringe.
The bass killer recipe calls for packing the syringe from the back, but that’s just a big pain in the ass (I wrote that without any unintended meanings) . A 10% cream can just be sucked up.
The bass killer recipe calls for packing the syringe from the back, but that’s just a big pain in the ass (I wrote that without any unintended meanings) . A 10% cream can just be sucked up.
Have you used a syringe with phlojel ultra? I woukd imagine it’s too thick without additives.
The consistency of PU is just right for syringe without being too liquidy. It’s not like a normal cream, it has a jello like quality like part solid part liquid. You don’t want to add anything to PU besides the compound itself
so you would think at least some gets through.

Did you read the study I posted ?

You asked me if it's not getting through at all or if it's going through a little bit ?

Given how you formulated your question, you were ready to get "not at all" as an answer.

Why are you mad now that the answer is "not at all" ?

The answer is not "not at all".


Fig. 5 of the paper (yeah I read it).

TE would place near TC and TP on the two panels.

Moral of the story is stick to no ester androgens for transdermal work. But to play "stump the chump" on TE seems silly here. @baxter0312 had a very simple f'n question and even posted the seminal 500 Da work.

Yes some gets through then the ester would be cleaved by esterase. No point in using the ester but the question was whether some gets through. The answer is YES.
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Enjoy the whole thread. Lots of info for you readers.

And then here...

Don't miss those papers.
Enjoy the whole thread. Lots of info for you readers.

And then here...

Don't miss those papers.

I hope you pull up a chair and stay a while. Maybe jackass can learn a thing or two, unfortunately that would mean he would have to stop thinking he knows everything

To be honest i have to read through a lot of what you posted in the other thread and comment later because i don't understand it
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I hope you pull up a chair and stay a while. Maybe jackass can learn a thing or two, unfortunately that would mean he would have to stop thinking he knows everything

To be honest i have to read through a lot of what you posted in the other thread and comment later because i don't understand it
Yeah he's an asshole. Check out this thread here. It's hilarious.
A recipe?
Dude I've explained like 30 times on this thread alone that you mix the powder in the liquid DMSO.
At this point it's not testosterone that you need it's a brain transplant
Yes, that thread is how i know about him. You know he really comes off as being on the autism spectrum.

That response from "Eman" was hilarious indeed
I hope you pull up a chair and stay a while. Maybe jackass can learn a thing or two, unfortunately that would mean he would have to stop thinking he knows everything

To be honest i have to read through a lot of what you posted in the other thread and comment later because i don't understand it
Thank you. I should have come here earlier. Wore out my welcome on some of the others. People don't like to be told their wrong or have their logic checked evidently. I will try to behave on here. Great to learn and I am hopeful it helps others as well.