Tren dick even at 210 mg per week tren A


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Hey y'all!

So I am off now, but I did my first tren run recently. I started really low at 140 mg per week, then worked up to 280 mg per week for the last 4 weeks.

I had very few side effects other than some pretty moderate/sometimes severe irritability/just having a "short fuse" (it was accompanied but some unusual stressors though, too) and, unfortunately, some tren dick. I had SUPER mild decrease in cardio abilities. I mentioned in another thread I go on bike rides and I bike super fast, I'll go 10 miles in like 30-35 mins. I would be more winded than normal, but that's it.

The MAIN issue I had though which really fucking sucked balls was that I would not be able to cum during sex, or would lose wood partway through. Often times I would get overheated during sex, I'd be sweating and unable to cool down unless I took a cold shower. I might be fine one minute then the next I am starting to get too hot and my dick starts getting less hard and soon I am just incapable of finishing and all I can do is go take a cold shower...I never had the "carb sweats" during the day at all despite eating lots of carbs.

I got my prolactin checked and it was kinda high despite taking 200-300 mg of P5P per day.

I think I said this before but to me NPP is what everybody says tren is. I get the carb sweats, night sweats, some insomnia, insane confidence, feel like a god, etc. I also get tons of aesthetic benefit from NPP (I did on tren too, but honestly I don't think I looked as good as I do on NPP). I never had ANY prolactin increase on NPP. In fact it seems like the opposite, on NPP I am constantly horny as fuck, I wanna have sex 3x per day every day and just go crazy. I would fuck a 5/10 middle aged woman if she was wearing the right clothes just because I'm so horny LOL. Thankfully my girlfriend is a solid 10 and still DTF regularly 8 years into our relationship--ahh the benefits of not having kids !:D

Anyway, I didn't try caber with it to see if that made it go away. I did try increasing P5P to 400 mg per day, but it didn't really help. I was a little scared to try the caber. I will likely be doing tren again in the future and, just in case, need to prepare for this though. I have normal overseas pharma 1mg caber pills. I was thinking of trying to take a quarter of a pill (0.25 mg) just to make sure I don't get any bad sides from it. Does this sound reasonable to others with more tren/caber experience than me?

I may just stick to NPP and MENT with some Anavar. Will be trying Proviron and Mast P sometime soon too.

Man that sucks. I have to agree with you a bit about the aesthetic benefits and god like feeling from NPP, more so than tren. But I also ran NPP higher and longer than tren.

Unfortunately I have no other input besides that because I had zero issues with ED or tren dick or anything else. Both tren and NPP made me horny as fuck with no adverse wiener sides.
Hey bro. I'm running npp for the first time. Running it at 450mg a week. I took 200mg of p5p a day and saw no reduction in prolactin. Confirmed via blood tests. Complete loss of desire. I started running caber at 0.25mg 2-3 a week and bam. Everything's going again..though I've definitely struggled to cum even with a bombshell chick lately. Even lost hardness a few times but that's after going at it for a solid 30 minutes. So she's usually pretty happy by then. Definitely getting the carb sweats like you said. Waking up to the bed absolutely drenched, insane hunger as well. But not the same fuck anything I see as I'd get from 600mg of test

Definitely seeing great results from the npp. But the dick problems are bugging me more than I thought. Mostly because I wasn't seen anyone on the regular when I started.

I'll add I have 400mg of mast e in there as well. The constant vascularity is fucking dope.
Man that sucks. I have to agree with you a bit about the aesthetic benefits and god like feeling from NPP, more so than tren. But I also ran NPP higher and longer than tren.

Unfortunately I have no other input besides that because I had zero issues with ED or tren dick or anything else. Both tren and NPP made me horny as fuck with no adverse wiener sides.
yeah, I always run NPP at 350 and only went up to 280 with the tren. But the increased irritability made me not want to try going higher anyway. I don't get that as bad on NPP. I still have a good bit of tren around, so I'm sure I'll end up using it someday. My next cycle I am going back to NPP though, it is just my favorite. 525 Test, 350 NPP, 350 Anavar, and maybe 200 Mast P or 50 mg proviron...we'll see.

For now I just am curious about how other people dose caber?
Hey bro. I'm running npp for the first time. Running it at 450mg a week. I took 200mg of p5p a day and saw no reduction in prolactin. Complete loss of desire. I started running caber at 0.25mg 2-3 a week and bam. Everything's going again..though I've definitely struggled to cum even with a bombshell chick lately. Even lost hardness a few times but that's after going at it for a solid 30 minutes. So she's usually pretty happy by then. Definitely getting the carb sweats like you said. Waking up to the bed absolutely drenched, insane hunger as well. But not the same fuck anything I see as I'd get from 600mg of test

Definitely seeing great results from the npp. But the dick problems are bugging me more than I thought. Mostly because I wasn't seen anyone on the regular when I started.
Hm, yeah idk it seems like a lot of people react differently to tren or NPP. I for sure have zero dick problems on NPP. NPP enhances my erections and sexual desire by A LOT. Never had hunger issues on NPP either, but the night sweats were pretty bad.

Sounds like 0.25mg caber twice a week would be a good spot to start at for the next run. Looking at some studies it appears that high prolactin can cause increased aggression/ maybe the caber would actually help with that side effect too!
I am doing Test E 300mg E5D and 100mg tren ace EoD, and im having exact same problem.
It gets ROCK HARD very easy, but i cant keep it up more than 15min. And i cant cum, fkn impossible...

Is this due to high prolactin, or is it progesterone receptor doing this or whats tje cause? I HAVE to fix this lol
Man I have the same exact problem, can't cum even after 30 to 45 mins, sweating like crazy I get so hot right when u think u can cum u start sweating like crazy and dick gets soft, gotta stop and catch ur breath.
My bloods showed progesterone was at 3.0 and natty limit is 1.4. So i have caber getting here tomorrow to see if it helps too
Hey y'all!

So I am off now, but I did my first tren run recently. I started really low at 140 mg per week, then worked up to 280 mg per week for the last 4 weeks.

I had very few side effects other than some pretty moderate/sometimes severe irritability/just having a "short fuse" (it was accompanied but some unusual stressors though, too) and, unfortunately, some tren dick. I had SUPER mild decrease in cardio abilities. I mentioned in another thread I go on bike rides and I bike super fast, I'll go 10 miles in like 30-35 mins. I would be more winded than normal, but that's it.

The MAIN issue I had though which really fucking sucked balls was that I would not be able to cum during sex, or would lose wood partway through. Often times I would get overheated during sex, I'd be sweating and unable to cool down unless I took a cold shower. I might be fine one minute then the next I am starting to get too hot and my dick starts getting less hard and soon I am just incapable of finishing and all I can do is go take a cold shower...I never had the "carb sweats" during the day at all despite eating lots of carbs.

I got my prolactin checked and it was kinda high despite taking 200-300 mg of P5P per day.

I think I said this before but to me NPP is what everybody says tren is. I get the carb sweats, night sweats, some insomnia, insane confidence, feel like a god, etc. I also get tons of aesthetic benefit from NPP (I did on tren too, but honestly I don't think I looked as good as I do on NPP). I never had ANY prolactin increase on NPP. In fact it seems like the opposite, on NPP I am constantly horny as fuck, I wanna have sex 3x per day every day and just go crazy. I would fuck a 5/10 middle aged woman if she was wearing the right clothes just because I'm so horny LOL. Thankfully my girlfriend is a solid 10 and still DTF regularly 8 years into our relationship--ahh the benefits of not having kids !:D

Anyway, I didn't try caber with it to see if that made it go away. I did try increasing P5P to 400 mg per day, but it didn't really help. I was a little scared to try the caber. I will likely be doing tren again in the future and, just in case, need to prepare for this though. I have normal overseas pharma 1mg caber pills. I was thinking of trying to take a quarter of a pill (0.25 mg) just to make sure I don't get any bad sides from it. Does this sound reasonable to others with more tren/caber experience than me?

I may just stick to NPP and MENT with some Anavar. Will be trying Proviron and Mast P sometime soon too.

Something that might have some merit here, totally anecdotal.. deca usually makes it pretty hard for me to cum but it seems my body has gotten used to prolactin or handles estrogen better recently (will have to confirm with bloodwork in a few weeks) but this most recent run at 600mg deca/500mg test I’ve not had this problem or any more prolactin / estrogen problems.. except my shoulders get a little spotty more easily and I need to wash with dawn dish soap once a day on my shoulders to keep it away. Maybe this could happen where your body gets less efficient or handles not as well with certain hormones? Have you run tren before without problems?
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Something that might have some merit here, totally anecdotal.. deca usually makes it pretty hard for me to cum but it seems my body has gotten used to prolactin or handles estrogen better recently (will have to confirm with bloodwork in a few weeks) but this most recent run at 600mg deca/500mg test I’ve not had this problem or any more prolactin / estrogen problems.. except my shoulders get a little spotty more easily and I need to wash with dawn dish soap once a day on my shoulders to keep it away. Maybe this could happen where your body gets less efficient or handles not as well with certain hormones? Have you run tren before without problems?
I haven't ever run tren before. Just NPP many times and always loved it despite the sweats and some insomnia. My most recent NPP run was 12 weeks at 350 mg, dick worked amazingly and was beyond horny the entire time. Tren though really fucked with me quite a bit sexually, which was unexpected. I was expecting it to be similar to NPP and instead my libido went down and my dick wasfunctioning sub-optimally lol
Have y got your estrogen in place?
Trenbolone has a very potent reaction with estrogens.

Try low test like 50mg eod 75mg mast eod.
You can run trenbolone pretty high with low testosterone , side free.

To have this at only 200 tren a week you surely have an estrogen problem

Whats your testo dosage.
Try add low dose AI keep your dostinex and maybe increase it 05mg x2 week

Any other symptoms? Nipples are fine or puffy
Try throwing 50mg Proviron and 20mg Cialis into the mix daily.
I did order some proviron recently along with some mast P, so next run at some point in the future I am going to give one of those a try! Never taken cialis before..if it comes to that point I'll have to assess whether I want to or just stop and take other compounds.

Have y got your estrogen in place?
Trenbolone has a very potent reaction with estrogens.

Try low test like 50mg eod 75mg mast eod.
You can run trenbolone pretty high with low testosterone , side free.

To have this at only 200 tren a week you surely have an estrogen problem

Whats your testo dosage.
Try add low dose AI keep your dostinex and maybe increase it 05mg x2 week

Any other symptoms? Nipples are fine or puffy
My E2 was all good, got checked. No other symptoms at all. I was taking 0.25 mg of adex every 3 days. My total of everything was 525 test C, 280 tren at max. My E2 was no worse than when I ran a normal 500 test cycle, or 500 test/350 NPP.

I did not take any caber though.

What do you think would be better for the next tren cycle:
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, and 50 mg proviron
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, then 0.25 mg of Caber 2-3x per week
- or 525 test, 210 tren A, 200 mast P

I am just hesitant to add in the proviron or mast to the cycle right away as it's one more variable. I feel like if the caber fixes the issue then I can isolate it as yes it is prolactin-related for sure. However, from a health perspective I think I would rather take proviron than caber..?
I did order some proviron recently along with some mast P, so next run at some point in the future I am going to give one of those a try! Never taken cialis before..if it comes to that point I'll have to assess whether I want to or just stop and take other compounds.

My E2 was all good, got checked. No other symptoms at all. I was taking 0.25 mg of adex every 3 days. My total of everything was 525 test C, 280 tren at max. My E2 was no worse than when I ran a normal 500 test cycle, or 500 test/350 NPP.

I did not take any caber though.

What do you think would be better for the next tren cycle:
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, and 50 mg proviron
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, then 0.25 mg of Caber 2-3x per week
- or 525 test, 210 tren A, 200 mast P

I am just hesitant to add in the proviron or mast to the cycle right away as it's one more variable. I feel like if the caber fixes the issue then I can isolate it as yes it is prolactin-related for sure. However, from a health perspective I think I would rather take proviron than caber..?

Bluntly, your feels about prolactin or E2 doesn't mean anything. Only labtest will tell you something. Fixing drug use side effects with more drugs isn't sustainable.

Eliminate the compounds which you think are giving you the problems and go from there.
Bluntly, your feels about prolactin or E2 doesn't mean anything. Only labtest will tell you something. Fixing drug use side effects with more drugs isn't sustainable.

Eliminate the compounds which you think are giving you the problems and go from there.
I know that. As I said, got a blood test and E2 was fine--no higher or lower than when I run any other cycle. Test and DHT were both the same as when I run other cycles too. I did not get prolactin checked at that time though unfortunately..

It is obviously the tren that's giving me issues. I just would like to be able to try tren again in the future and work past the issues, which is why I'm asking for advice. Obviously if I can't work past it then the tren is a lost cause and I'll just throw it away. I've got some good suggestions here already, just curious which one others who have more tren experience think is "the best".
I know that. As I said, got a blood test and E2 was fine--no higher or lower than when I run any other cycle. Test and DHT were both the same as when I run other cycles too. I did not get prolactin checked at that time though unfortunately..

It is obviously the tren that's giving me issues. I just would like to be able to try tren again in the future and work past the issues, which is why I'm asking for advice. Obviously if I can't work past it then the tren is a lost cause and I'll just throw it away. I've got some good suggestions here already, just curious which one others who have more tren experience think is "the best".
I have the same issue currently on test and tren and bloodwork has my progesterone high and estrogen is at a good level I just added caber yesterday ill let u know if that fixes the issue
I did order some proviron recently along with some mast P, so next run at some point in the future I am going to give one of those a try! Never taken cialis before..if it comes to that point I'll have to assess whether I want to or just stop and take other compounds.

My E2 was all good, got checked. No other symptoms at all. I was taking 0.25 mg of adex every 3 days. My total of everything was 525 test C, 280 tren at max. My E2 was no worse than when I ran a normal 500 test cycle, or 500 test/350 NPP.

I did not take any caber though.

What do you think would be better for the next tren cycle:
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, and 50 mg proviron
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, then 0.25 mg of Caber 2-3x per week
- or 525 test, 210 tren A, 200 mast P

I am just hesitant to add in the proviron or mast to the cycle right away as it's one more variable. I feel like if the caber fixes the issue then I can isolate it as yes it is prolactin-related for sure. However, from a health perspective I think I would rather take proviron than caber..?
If you have prolactin cock proviron wont do anything.
Proviron works for estro cock.

With proviron you get urges to fuck. Its nothing like viagra etc. Will also make y cum a little bit faster.

Yeah don't add masteron yet its one more variable as you say.

I had similar issue in the past.

What I did was taking 0.5mg dostinex twice a week for a month (I used all the bottle it has 2 0.5mg dosages for 4 weeks).
At the same time I was dosing proviron 75mg a day and also lowered my testosterone from 400 to 250.
Ive had a hard time to fix my self no lies.
It took me 7 weeks to stabilize myself again.

what would I do is
week:1-4 0.5 dostinex twice a week
1-4 50-75mg proviron
1-4 200 test
If you have winstrol add this too at 10-20mg

then when y have stabilize yourself add masteron wait 2-3 weeks to see how it affects you.
When you are stabilized you can start play again with test dosages and tren.
I did order some proviron recently along with some mast P, so next run at some point in the future I am going to give one of those a try! Never taken cialis before..if it comes to that point I'll have to assess whether I want to or just stop and take other compounds.

My E2 was all good, got checked. No other symptoms at all. I was taking 0.25 mg of adex every 3 days. My total of everything was 525 test C, 280 tren at max. My E2 was no worse than when I ran a normal 500 test cycle, or 500 test/350 NPP.

I did not take any caber though.

What do you think would be better for the next tren cycle:
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, and 50 mg proviron
- running 525 test, 210 tren A, then 0.25 mg of Caber 2-3x per week
- or 525 test, 210 tren A, 200 mast P

I am just hesitant to add in the proviron or mast to the cycle right away as it's one more variable. I feel like if the caber fixes the issue then I can isolate it as yes it is prolactin-related for sure. However, from a health perspective I think I would rather take proviron than caber..?

Uhhhhh if I knew tren would give me those kind of issues, it would NOT be in any of my future cycles.

To all those saying “try adding this, add that”

My advice is to REMOVE the tren. Get rid of it and get that dick back to working order. No one wants to feel like a god and then can’t even cum...

If this was one of those “which would you pick?”
- tren with a godlike body that every girl wants to fuck, but you can’t cum OR
- no tren, but with consistency/hardwork you can get nearly the same results, girls will still want to fuck you, oh and you can actually cum.

I’d pick the 2nd option every time.
Swear I must be one of the very few then that Tren makes me improve my mood and overall feeling, never had a single issue with a tren/decca dick but like others mentioned get your prolactin in check 0.25 caber every 2/3 days should do the trick just remember you wont feel its effects for few days so dont go crazy and upping doses and thinking and it aint doing shit. Fun fact but crashed prolactin makes me even feel much better and boners even crazier than when i got it within the so called lab norms