Tren dick even at 210 mg per week tren A

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You just don't know man.

You just don't know...
tenor (2).gif
You have free rent when you want to do a tour with me
He means that good @Ferenor he s already enjoying it, because you told him don’t be jealous if you don’t suck dick...

Both @Ferenor and @TrennedOutLunatic are into trannies as much as you, or more...

@Ferenor is even into trannie kiddos... i saw him on a darknet vid fuckin 2 8 yo trannie kiddos... impressive man, impressive
Funny thing is that you are closer than @TrennedOutLunatic bro.
I'm pretty sure that you will join us for the company.
tenor (1).gif

And who knows... Maybe you will change your idea...
Hey y'all!

So I am off now, but I did my first tren run recently. I started really low at 140 mg per week, then worked up to 280 mg per week for the last 4 weeks.

I had very few side effects other than some pretty moderate/sometimes severe irritability/just having a "short fuse" (it was accompanied but some unusual stressors though, too) and, unfortunately, some tren dick. I had SUPER mild decrease in cardio abilities. I mentioned in another thread I go on bike rides and I bike super fast, I'll go 10 miles in like 30-35 mins. I would be more winded than normal, but that's it.

The MAIN issue I had though which really fucking sucked balls was that I would not be able to cum during sex, or would lose wood partway through. Often times I would get overheated during sex, I'd be sweating and unable to cool down unless I took a cold shower. I might be fine one minute then the next I am starting to get too hot and my dick starts getting less hard and soon I am just incapable of finishing and all I can do is go take a cold shower...I never had the "carb sweats" during the day at all despite eating lots of carbs.

I got my prolactin checked and it was kinda high despite taking 200-300 mg of P5P per day.

I think I said this before but to me NPP is what everybody says tren is. I get the carb sweats, night sweats, some insomnia, insane confidence, feel like a god, etc. I also get tons of aesthetic benefit from NPP (I did on tren too, but honestly I don't think I looked as good as I do on NPP). I never had ANY prolactin increase on NPP. In fact it seems like the opposite, on NPP I am constantly horny as fuck, I wanna have sex 3x per day every day and just go crazy. I would fuck a 5/10 middle aged woman if she was wearing the right clothes just because I'm so horny LOL. Thankfully my girlfriend is a solid 10 and still DTF regularly 8 years into our relationship--ahh the benefits of not having kids !:D

Anyway, I didn't try caber with it to see if that made it go away. I did try increasing P5P to 400 mg per day, but it didn't really help. I was a little scared to try the caber. I will likely be doing tren again in the future and, just in case, need to prepare for this though. I have normal overseas pharma 1mg caber pills. I was thinking of trying to take a quarter of a pill (0.25 mg) just to make sure I don't get any bad sides from it. Does this sound reasonable to others with more tren/caber experience than me?

I may just stick to NPP and MENT with some Anavar. Will be trying Proviron and Mast P sometime soon too.

High prolactin is a cause of anorgasmia. Control your estrogen is the solution.
Hm, yeah idk it seems like a lot of people react differently to tren or NPP. I for sure have zero dick problems on NPP. NPP enhances my erections and sexual desire by A LOT. Never had hunger issues on NPP either, but the night sweats were pretty bad.

Sounds like 0.25mg caber twice a week would be a good spot to start at for the next run. Looking at some studies it appears that high prolactin can cause increased aggression/ maybe the caber would actually help with that side effect too!
Remember, caber is the kill shot when you're in the fucked zone. It's not the primary fix to your issue next round.
High prolactin is a cause of anorgasmia. Control your estrogen is the solution.
I was so sure about that, honestly.

I controlled it,nothing changed.

I am still quite sure that for many people,this is the solution to the issue. Just not for me.

I would like to see more talk, opinions, suggestions(regarding dosages of drugs) and experiences about this..
High prolactin is a cause of anorgasmia. Control your estrogen is the solution.
My estrogen was controlled. It was no higher or lower than when I do my test or NPP and MENT cycles. It definitely wasn't estrogen related.
Remember, caber is the kill shot when you're in the fucked zone. It's not the primary fix to your issue next round.
Why do you say this? Do you recommend something else instead? I was already taking 300 mg of P5P daily and it wasn't helping much.
I was so sure about that, honestly.

I controlled it,nothing changed.

I am still quite sure that for many people,this is the solution to the issue. Just not for me.

I would like to see more talk, opinions, suggestions(regarding dosages of drugs) and experiences about this..
Yeah my E2 was good throughout the cycle, still had these issues.

I think it's possibly correlated not only to prolactin, but also progesterone
Does Caber help with progesterone too...or would one need to take fucking prami for that? (yuck)
My estrogen was controlled. It was no higher or lower than when I do my test or NPP and MENT cycles. It definitely wasn't estrogen related.

Why do you say this? Do you recommend something else instead? I was already taking 300 mg of P5P daily and it wasn't helping much.

Yeah my E2 was good throughout the cycle, still had these issues.

Does Caber help with progesterone too...or would one need to take fucking prami for that? (yuck)
You should always have it and, of course, use it if warranted. (For me tiny, tender bump under L nipple is the go sign.) It shouldn't be regular. Rather, it's not something you figure in like adex or examestane, maybe. Balance out the issue elsewhere.

Read up on caber side effects. You want to minimize putting that shit in your system unless you gotta have it.
Caber can ruin a great fuck very easily. You can go from: I can't nut and don't feel a thing to ohhhh shit I'm nutting in 15 seconds top ahahha

This is the way I deal with Tren deca or any prolactin/E2 issue.

First: don't play with the test/AI dosages, find one that works and don't fucking change it.


Enjoy the ride, when your dick start going soft randomly or you can't really cum no matter how many cocks you are stuffing up your ass.... That's the time for some caber.

Grab 0.25 caber or 0.5 caber and take it twice in the week.

I usually cum super fast for 1-2 day after I take caber, then I go slowly back to how I was before but it takes time and during that time my dick works like a champ.

But you need to control E2, if you don't control the estrogen you are fucked.

Cialis is useless with high prolactin.
Best fuck I had were on Tren btw.
Love Tren!

Gimme some tren!!!!!

Btw if you wanna have some real fun, take caber before going to sleep ahahahahah I fucking love it
You guys are nuts.. On a related note. I was fine erection speaking but I didn't feel like my libido was quite up to the level it should be. Added 25mg Proviron ED and libido went into overdrive.. Unfortunately so did my cum... Went from being able to control it make it last for a long time to the minute man. Still liking the libido boost though so going to keep taking it.. just need to cum more I guess! LOL