caber all year my friends, 0.25 E2D and you dont have to thank me.Caber can ruin a great fuck very easily. You can go from: I can't nut and don't feel a thing to ohhhh shit I'm nutting in 15 seconds top ahahha
This is the way I deal with Tren deca or any prolactin/E2 issue.
First: don't play with the test/AI dosages, find one that works and don't fucking change it.
Enjoy the ride, when your dick start going soft randomly or you can't really cum no matter how many cocks you are stuffing up your ass.... That's the time for some caber.
Grab 0.25 caber or 0.5 caber and take it twice in the week.
I usually cum super fast for 1-2 day after I take caber, then I go slowly back to how I was before but it takes time and during that time my dick works like a champ.
But you need to control E2, if you don't control the estrogen you are fucked.
Cialis is useless with high prolactin.
Best fuck I had were on Tren btw.
Love Tren!
Gimme some tren!!!!!
Btw if you wanna have some real fun, take caber before going to sleep ahahahahah I fucking love it
youre right bit of exemestane to control your estrogens too so you dont look like walking version of water buoy
and mannnnnn nothing makes me feel better and look better than tren, i'd take that shit all the time if it didnt affect the hdl./ldl