tren sweats

Also, for me adding masteron to my cycles has been nothing but beneficial. Zero test sides and no night sweats with tren a at 30mg a day. I usually do a 1:2 ratio with test and mast. I just started 800mg sustanon and 1g masteron e per wk. 2 shots, one on Sunday other on Thursday. I brewed my sustanon at 400mg per ml and mast e at 250 per ml so everything fits nicely in a 3cc syringe. 12.5mg aromasin twice a week. As well as 1000mcg of hcg (for 6 week spurts). All blood work is gtg
My blood pressure stays around 135 / 75 with resting heart rate of 70. It has never been this good until I brought mast into the equation. I also give blood every 2 months.
Masteron has been amazing at keeping the water retention and bloat down to nothing.
I'm doing a very slow cut. Have dropped from 253 to 238lbs with zero loss of mass. Just sitting at 13% bf right now. I'm in no hurry but soon to be 10% then I'll be happy. No more bulking for me so this plan works. 5'9" 238 this morning.
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Forgot how thermogemic tren is

I usually cut out carbs in the evening and never eat them at night, but last night I was going slightly hypo (due to low a low carb day, semaglutide and metformin at night to increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose from GH)--so I had some fruit right before bed. Biiiiig biiig mistake.

Was sweating like a madman all night, even with an air conditioner in my room. I could feel the heat radiating off my body. Couldn't get comfortable either. I was either under the covers burning up and sweating, or had the covers off and was freezing while still sweating. Sheets were soaked basically the whole night, soaked multiple pillows

Carbs at night...never again
This is new to me.
Lower the dose and manage the histamine/mast cell response tren can cause by way of OTC allergy meds (Zyrtec, Claritin etc.) in conjunction with DAO enzyme (4-8mg/day) and something like Histablock.

The above concoction should not only alleviate night sweats accompanied by tren but other notable tren specific sides - acid reflux, irritability, fatigue etc.
Just to be clear, is Histablock all you would need?

