Tren/tes/mast PCT advice?


New Member
Current Cycle (Cutting)
16% BF

100mg Tes Prop
150mg Tren Ace
100mg Mast Prop
12.5mg GP aromasin ED
4mg albuterol ED
Fish oil, animal pak, vit D 10,000IU, glutamine, BCAA ED in the morning
(last 4 weeks of 12 week cycle)
50mg dbol/50mg winstrol ED
60 mg T3 + 300mg T4 ED (will taper down of course)

Eating a low carb, low calorie high protein diet 200g protein per day(42g protein shakes 3x daily + casein at night, oats and egg whites in the morning and chicken with rice or sweet potatoes n veggies for the rest)
Drinking 1gal+ water a day
Workouts 5-6 weekly 2+ hours per session

For PCT I have nolva, clomid (pharm), HCG (15,000 IU) on hand as well as 1mg armidex pharm grade tablets.

I have formulated a PCT plan but I'm more interested in hearing some feedback or how you would run it. If you feel the need to bash me then go right ahead but at least include some advice in there as well! I have seen really good results from this cycle and minimal side effects since I have kept the tes low.
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First and foremost what is your GOAL with respect to cycling AAS.

Second do NOT begin any PEDS until you have conducted PRE-AAS/PRE-CYCLE labs IN HAND. To late Jim the OP is at the end of "this cycle" and I suppose has yet to conduct any labs.

And your "diet" well dude such a monotonous regimen is far to restrictive and wont last long I PROMISE!

Oh and finally all these supplements your using, well that money could have been spent on something much more useful and evidence based, LABS!

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Yeah, that diet is crazy bud! You need more food less shakes imo! 2+ hours a day working out on those limited calories you're going to burn a lot of muscle! If you are dieting your long workouts are going to suffer with no fuel in the tank. Extreme dieting has it's place imo but it ain't going to last long when you're passing out from exhaustion! If you're dead set on that diet I would work on intensity of workouts and cut the time in half at least...
Yeah, that diet is crazy bud! You need more food less shakes imo! 2+ hours a day working out on those limited calories you're going to burn a lot of muscle! If you are dieting your long workouts are going to suffer with no fuel in the tank. Extreme dieting has it's place imo but it ain't going to last long when you're passing out from exhaustion! If you're dead set on that diet I would work on intensity of workouts and cut the time in half at least...
Is it possible to get labs done in the US for tren and tes without raising red flags? If it is then please let me know what lab and the way I would go about it!! I don't follow that diet religiously I definitely eat calories here and there but I think your right about burning off the muscle so thank you for posting that. I may have had a bit of a gyno flare would you guys recommend upping my aro or taking nolva while still on cycle? What about taking armidex instead of aromasin?? Also what size insulin syringe and area do you inject HCG for my pct and how many days should I wait after stopping my cycle before I start hcg
Goodness fella these are FUNDAMENTAL questions that should have been addressed LONG ago and BEFORE you started cycling AAS.

I've not the time for spoon feeding, so let me give you some advice begin your education on the Meso home page, where Bill Roberts addresses most if not ALL of your queries on the dosage and indications of AAS ancillaries.

Actually what I' m referring to is at the top of each page under headings such as;

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Is it possible to get labs done in the US for tren and tes without raising red flags? If it is then please let me know what lab and the way I would go about it!! I don't follow that diet religiously I definitely eat calories here and there but I think your right about burning off the muscle so thank you for posting that. I may have had a bit of a gyno flare would you guys recommend upping my aro or taking nolva while still on cycle? What about taking armidex instead of aromasin?? Also what size insulin syringe and area do you inject HCG for my pct and how many days should I wait after stopping my cycle before I start hcg
Should've got pre blood work... You can still figure out your testosterone and estrogen levels, go to Make sure to order Hormone Panel with Estradiol Sensitive and Testosterone LC/MS-MS since you're using Tren Ace.
will cost $106.99 or $90.95 with 15% off coupon you can get from their facebook page.
There is no red flags, they want your money! It does depend on your state though!
This isn't my first cycle I've spent countless hours reading through forums, cycles, pct plans, compound interactions, sides, dosing, etc etc. I would simply like to hear from some vets that have run this cycle or something very similar on what they did for PCT and any other feedback they have. I appreciate everyone that has posted so far. I am not going to run labs because I don't want to spent that and I have already seen the results so I know that it's working well. I am not too concerned with the PCT I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on it.

I am wondering tho if I should up my dose of aromasin for the gyno flare up. Running 12.5 I haven't noticed any sides whatsoever. Would running nolva now be a waste or would it be effective? I get the feeling I'm better off running it for PCT with a frontload??
This isn't my first cycle I've spent countless hours reading through forums, cycles, pct plans, compound interactions, sides, dosing, etc etc. I would simply like to hear from some vets that have run this cycle or something very similar on what they did for PCT and any other feedback they have. I appreciate everyone that has posted so far. I am not going to run labs because I don't want to spent that and I have already seen the results so I know that it's working well. I am not too concerned with the PCT I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on it.

I am wondering tho if I should up my dose of aromasin for the gyno flare up. Running 12.5 I haven't noticed any sides whatsoever. Would running nolva now be a waste or would it be effective? I get the feeling I'm better off running it for PCT with a frontload??
That's why you do need to get blood work. You'll be able to assess your dose of AI. We don't know your body... Sure you could try taking more AI but blood work will tell you exactly how your body is handling the cycle. The reason I thought this was your first cycle is because you're asking questions that someone using all those compounds would be experienced enough to already know all the info they need... By the way for being semi experienced as you say you are I'm surprised you don't know the importance of pre mid and post blood work. Those 3 things should be equated into your cycle finances!
This isn't my first cycle I've spent countless hours reading through forums, cycles, pct plans, compound interactions, sides, dosing, etc etc. I would simply like to hear from some vets that have run this cycle or something very similar on what they did for PCT and any other feedback they have. I appreciate everyone that has posted so far. I am not going to run labs because I don't want to spent that and I have already seen the results so I know that it's working well. I am not too concerned with the PCT I feel like I have a pretty good grasp on it.

I am wondering tho if I should up my dose of aromasin for the gyno flare up. Running 12.5 I haven't noticed any sides whatsoever. Would running nolva now be a waste or would it be effective? I get the feeling I'm better off running it for PCT with a frontload??

Nolva can be used on cycle if you have nipple sensitivity, but is a waste if you dont. If you have no estro sides then upping the aromasin could crash your e2 but the only way to know for sure is to get bloodwork.