Trenbolon: Sleeping & Sweating


New Member
It's my first time that I use Tren. I started with 40mg every 3 days. After the second I injection I already have seen that I sweat extremely especially during the night.

Is their a substance which can stop the extrem sweating?

Furthermore I increased to 100mg every 4 days. After the first injection I can barely sleep. I already use Mirtazapin (15mg) and can sleep arround 3-4 hours (but wake up 3-4 times because me whole body is wet).

I don't want to use Benzos. Is their an other possible to increase the sleep?
(Already take Epitalon, Melanotin and GABA)
Some things that I've found have helped me somewhat in the past with this:

Inject daily with smaller doses, and in the morning (if acetate).
Limit carb intake in the evening / before bed.
CBD / cannabis edibles if insomnia gets truly bad.
Plastic mattress covers and pillowcase covers, and bamboo "wicking" quick-dry sheets.
Shower before bed.
Make your room cold as hell.
Start with 10mg daily and titrate up until you can't handle the sides. My max turned out to be 30mg daily. I only use for about 4 wks then swap to something like npp. Tren is very harsh on the body so now I rarely use it.
Avoiding sweating and sleep effects is going to be difficult. That why I don't go past 4 wks.
I just added 100 of tren (50x2) a week ago. Last night, I had margaritas with chips and salsa. It was a hot one last night for sure. Save the carbs for earlier in the day. Point a fan at your bed. And change your sheets regularly. Be glad you're doing it in winter and not in summer.
Tren is so potent that you'll (probably) drench your bed (not pillow; BED) in sweat, and probably defy the basic human need for quality sleep, seemingly getting stronger & growing at deprivation levels of restful sleep. This, naturally, has a negative effect on the psyche, even if you place an inordinate degree of importance on GAINZ.
I should add that for many there is no minimal effective dose of trenbolone at which this side effect, and the constellation to which it belongs, including mood disturbance (at least indirect due to sleep deprivation), disappears. It seems to just be a direct drug effect rather than linearly related to dose.
crank that AC up and try not to have a crazy amount of carbs right before bed, even then you will probably still wake up sweaty
Thanks for the replies
At first I will stop taking it. It feels like I'm running with low blood sugar the whole day around. Today I had to cancel the workout because I was shaking - totally weak, freezing and sweating at the same time.

And I thought DNP is the worst stuff. And a long esther was not the wisest idear.

Something I like to add. The hunger is completely gone. Even it's hard to drink enough.
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Thanks for the replies
At first I will stop taking it.
This is the way. Trenbolone is something that should rarely if ever be used anyway - like your wife left you and you're in contest prep you lost your job and you just don't care about your life anymore kinda compound.
Update for those who are interested:
Today the freezing is gone away
I was able to sleep 7 hours. I used 15mg Mirtazapin which was definitely the ice breaker.
Sweating is still the hell on earth. Changed 5 times the clothes during the night. Definitely is was the worst night regarding the sweat. The bed is still completely wet. I already used a fence and eat not much carbs.
I've tried all methods of sleep aids, from melatonin(weak) to zopiclone(addictive and fucks with your memory). I've found that valarien root is effective and calming. Doesn't quite punch you out but works for my insomnia.
Ha! Good luck. I'm glad I'm not on tren right now.

All that shit no carbs before bed none of that's gana work mabe lower ur dose. I get all the sides at 150 a week.

Blast a fan on u at night and put a couple towels down to sleep on and , put over ur pillow so u dont have to wash ur case an sheets every night.
And extra towel next to you at night so u can up an dry off every hr.

Enjoy the ride lol, trens cool when ur in the gym the rest of ur day an night will suck.
all these crazy sides people say make me wonder if my tren was even real. I was using gorilla king cutter blend + qsc tren e. I just got big strong and horny and had slight appetite suppression, heartburn and stinky piss but nothing unbearable I slept like a babe was on it for atleast 12 weeks maybe more I stopped paying attention week 6-7. dont sweat at all so it actually made me sweat normal like after a hard set I would actually sweat from it
all these crazy sides people say make me wonder if my tren was even real. I was using gorilla king cutter blend + qsc tren e. I just got big strong and horny and had slight appetite suppression, heartburn and stinky piss but nothing unbearable I slept like a babe was on it for atleast 12 weeks maybe more I stopped paying attention week 6-7. dont sweat at all so it actually made me sweat normal like after a hard set I would actually sweat from it
Did you nail any fat broads? If not, it was probably fake.