Trenbolon: Sleeping & Sweating

Addictive as in, I quit cold turkey and couldn't sleep at all for 3 nights. Also, it did have a dreamy narcotic effect.

Also concerning was having severe memory issues. Couldn't remember phone calls I made in the evening. Losing things. But was going thru a rough divorce and couldn't sleep worth a damn. So kept taking it.
Realized I needed to quit when I woke up with a pack of cigarettes beside my bed. "WTF??" I'm thinking, I haven't smoked in years. Go talk to my roomy(ex got the house) and ask him why he bought me a pack of smokes.
he tells me I walked out of the house in the middle of the night, in winter with nothing but my pj's and came back with them. Freaked me out a little.
That should have freaked you out more than a little, lol.

Ok, was curious. I got a few types of Z meds, only used Lunesta but made sure I used 1 or 2 nights in a row max. I've read those potential sleep activity warnings but never experienced that.
That should have freaked you out more than a little, lol.

Ok, was curious. I got a few types of Z meds, only used Lunesta but made sure I used 1 or 2 nights in a row max. I've read those potential sleep activity warnings but never experienced that.
I was on Zop for at least 4 months by then. Nightly.
My family doc was a big pill pusher and kept writing me scrips for them. Apparently they're not to taken nightly.
I was on Zop for at least 4 months by then. Nightly.
My family doc was a big pill pusher and kept writing me scrips for them. Apparently they're not to taken nightly.
I got some of those too, and yeah, I definitely know to never use consistently on a regular basis. Just on occasion to help.
I’m currently running enanthate at 200 and the sides aren’t bad at all while also reaping the benefits. At 200 I get mild insomnia that Benadryl can take care of. Night sweats on and off but not as bad when I ran tren ace at 350 or 300. Plus at 200 I can manage my lipids a lot better with cycle support. Downside is I’m not as horny as I am on a higher dosage of tren. There’s no sex aide on the market that comes anywhere close to the sexual energy tren gives me. Holy shit
Like several others said, lowering the dose was the biggest help in mitigating night sweats for me. Also, I changed esters from acetate to hex and night sweats basically went away entirely at a 100-150 mg per week dose. I don't feel the need to go above that because I get great results at that range. If I do go higher, I definitely start feeling what I perceive to be the only noticeable negative side-effect tren gives me, which is what we are discussing now, night sweats.

This may be bull shit, but I really believe that if I spaced out my carbs more evenly during the day, and kept them on the lower end of the spectrum in the evenings, eating only low glycemic carbs like sweet potato or something of that nature, they were much more manageable. Anecdotally as well, loading up with a highly bioavailable magnesium supplement and zinc with my evening meal helped a ton.
No need for all that shit prescription shit, a low dose of melatonin helped me sleep through the night. I just took 3mg of melatonin with some magnesium and 5-HTP before bed. Great side effect-free sleep stack.
It's about
1) how fast you feel asleep
2) if it's a good sleeps
3) how long you can sleep

Melanotin just helped me a little bit.

My doc said today if I can't sleep I should increase the dosage of Mirtazapin and not taking any z-drugs.

I'm wondering why some guys said that the had the greatest sex drive on tren, and other - like me - even can't get an erection.

I know the kind of hormones which are responsible for this, but that their are so much differences is crazy.
I'm wondering why some guys said that the had the greatest sex drive on tren, and other - like me - even can't get an erection.

I know the kind of hormones which are responsible for this, but that their are so much differences is crazy.
Hormones are strange animals and affect all of us differently.

Tren doesn't so much increase my drive as it does increase the depravity of my appetite once my drive is otherwise engaged.

So, Masteron will increase my drive. Couple with tren, and the pervert level of that drive gets kicked up a few notches.

Tren also vastly increases the "kafka/kubrick" factor of my dreams. Its like my brain just comes up with sicker shit either awake or asleep.
Is anyone there who got derivate sexual preferences on tren?
This is my third cycle with tren, and i can see , when i use this stuff my sexual preferences become strange, and when i use more they become more stranger... soon when i get off tren, in 1, 2 weeks I'm back to normal...
Anyone else there whith this issue?
Is anyone there who got derivate sexual preferences on tren?
This is my third cycle with tren, and i can see , when i use this stuff my sexual preferences become strange, and when i use more they become more stranger... soon when i get off tren, in 1, 2 weeks I'm back to normal...
Anyone else there whith this issue?
Yep see the post directly above yours.