Trenbolon: Sleeping & Sweating

This, naturally, has a negative effect on the psyche, even if you place an inordinate degree of importance on GAINZ.
Gotta be the most jacked guy in the psyche ward. I need atleast 5 orderlies to take me down.

Immune to hypnotics and antipsychotics because I have been abusing it for 30 minutes of sleep.

It's all for the gains and instagram fame
Pin everyday, i did 100 mg ed, and was good. Also gabapentin helps with any sleep and sweating, dont know why, but it does
all these crazy sides people say make me wonder if my tren was even real. I was using gorilla king cutter blend + qsc tren e. I just got big strong and horny and had slight appetite suppression, heartburn and stinky piss but nothing unbearable I slept like a babe was on it for atleast 12 weeks maybe more I stopped paying attention week 6-7. dont sweat at all so it actually made me sweat normal like after a hard set I would actually sweat from it
what dosage did you take?

i ran 150mg tren e and my sleep quality was so shit. I could fall asleep quickly and no night sweats, but i couldn't sleep more than 6 hours and i woke up tired as hell always.
what dosage did you take?

i ran 150mg tren e and my sleep quality was so shit. I could fall asleep quickly and no night sweats, but i couldn't sleep more than 6 hours and i woke up tired as hell always.
300mg ace cutter blend at the start then 2 weeks later when I had no sides i added 400mg tren e /wk sometimes more. at some points i was probably going 700-800mg a week total. I got less appetite suppression from that than dbol 50mg a day. The only real negative was foul orange/red piss..all my health stuff with that was probably fucked otherwise all good.

theres definitely a point of diminishing returns tho especially at my size being only 220lbs and 18-20% body fat. I did that just cuz I wanted to see what it would do to my personality and if I could handle it. Ill only do 300mg-400mg max in the fture until im a freak
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Tren is so potent that you'll (probably) drench your bed (not pillow; BED) in sweat, and probably defy the basic human need for quality sleep, seemingly getting stronger & growing at deprivation levels of restful sleep. This, naturally, has a negative effect on the psyche, even if you place an inordinate degree of importance on GAINZ.

Holy shit mate I just spit seltzer out of my nose laughing. Thanks for that.
i dont sweat a drop on tren but its harder to sleep, one night ill sleep like total shit like 3-5 hrs then the next night ill sleep better total time 6-8 hrs because of lack of sleep. still wake up every hour or two.
How to you manage progesterone?

I just used tren for 10 days with less than 200mg per week and had erection problems.
Exe 12,5mg ed didn't help. I have read that exe can't decrease progesterone. Lasix could help, but I never would use it if a already sweat that much.
It's my first time that I use Tren. I started with 40mg every 3 days. After the second I injection I already have seen that I sweat extremely especially during the night.

Is their a substance which can stop the extrem sweating?

Furthermore I increased to 100mg every 4 days. After the first injection I can barely sleep. I already use Mirtazapin (15mg) and can sleep arround 3-4 hours (but wake up 3-4 times because me whole body is wet).

I don't want to use Benzos. Is their an other possible to increase the sleep?
(Already take Epitalon, Melanotin and GABA)
That's the problem with tren... most of us we say bye to sleep.... well, you sleep, you wake up, stay up a time, sleep a bit, i personally call it zombie style.... imagine how's on 500 mg pw... next time when you run tren, be ready for non 12 weeks sleep, or add some serious sleeping tablets
Thanks for the replies
At first I will stop taking it. It feels like I'm running with low blood sugar the whole day around. Today I had to cancel the workout because I was shaking - totally weak, freezing and sweating at the same time.

And I thought DNP is the worst stuff. And a long esther was not the wisest idear.

Something I like to add. The hunger is completely gone. Even it's hard to drink enough.
Not everyone can handle tren
How to you manage progesterone?

I just used tren for 10 days with less than 200mg per week and had erection problems.
Exe 12,5mg ed didn't help. I have read that exe can't decrease progesterone. Lasix could help, but I never would use it if a already sweat that much.
Don't randomly taking drugs you heard that can help without taking a test to see your numbers.

Lasix is a diuretic not an ai, you need to do your proper diligence about this drugs man, it can be fatal if used improperly.

By your posts you are not ready for other compounds yet, stick to test.
True. But you can find studies about the reduction.
I'm not gonna argue about it since I don't have experience on high progesterone and Lasix but from my experience when you first feel the bad sides you tend to panic and try to mitigate it with any drugs even if it's not the right move.

If you use the search button you will find the proper way to deal with rather than guessing what would work.

Good luck.
I've tried all methods of sleep aids, from melatonin(weak) to zopiclone(addictive and fucks with your memory). I've found that valarien root is effective and calming. Doesn't quite punch you out but works for my insomnia.
Always curious about guys using the Z sleep meds and addiction. Do you mean addictive as in enjoyable and want to use every night, or just body becomes used to it and can't sleep once you quit?
It's my first time that I use Tren. I started with 40mg every 3 days. After the second I injection I already have seen that I sweat extremely especially during the night.

Is their a substance which can stop the extrem sweating?

Furthermore I increased to 100mg every 4 days. After the first injection I can barely sleep. I already use Mirtazapin (15mg) and can sleep arround 3-4 hours (but wake up 3-4 times because me whole body is wet).

I don't want to use Benzos. Is their an other possible to increase the sleep?
(Already take Epitalon, Melanotin and GABA)
If you are having a problem with 40mg e3d tren is not for you. Imo that isn't even an affective dose.
I will give it a last try and will inject 10mg e2d.

But at first I have to arrive the basic line especially regarding getting a normal erection.

I have done a great success in this short period of around 2 weeks regarding the fat decrease and the vascularity.
Always curious about guys using the Z sleep meds and addiction. Do you mean addictive as in enjoyable and want to use every night, or just body becomes used to it and can't sleep once you quit?
Addictive as in, I quit cold turkey and couldn't sleep at all for 3 nights. Also, it did have a dreamy narcotic effect.

Also concerning was having severe memory issues. Couldn't remember phone calls I made in the evening. Losing things. But was going thru a rough divorce and couldn't sleep worth a damn. So kept taking it.
Realized I needed to quit when I woke up with a pack of cigarettes beside my bed. "WTF??" I'm thinking, I haven't smoked in years. Go talk to my roomy(ex got the house) and ask him why he bought me a pack of smokes.
he tells me I walked out of the house in the middle of the night, in winter with nothing but my pj's and came back with them. Freaked me out a little.