MESO-Rx Exclusive Trenbolone facts - series on unique characteristics of different steroids

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MESO-Rx is please to announce the publication of an 11-part series on the unique facets of different AAS by @Type-IIx , starting with trenbolone. It examines its insulin-sensitizing, anabolic, and anticatabolic effects, and its impact on the cardiovascular system. I think you guys will enjoy this series:

BOOM! Article dropped!

Stanozolol (Winny) up next! Almost finished with it @Millard – just going to wrap up the final section and conclusion and send it over here shortly. Hope it's OK that as I go along, and realize there are even more unique features than I thought, I slide those in! :p:cool:

I think this series is "red meat" for Meso, it's the shit everyone really wants to know, the science about what makes different AAS unique and better to combine in certain permutations than just adding test and using an AI.
I think this series is "red meat" for Meso, it's the shit everyone really wants to know, the science about what makes different AAS unique and better to combine in certain permutations than just adding test and using an AI.

Thank you for enriching this space with your knowledge and precious insights.
Your contribution to Meso is invaluable. Keep up the amazing work!
Great article.

Going off memory, so please forgive any mistakes. In the past you've made comments about trenbolone's impact on the kidneys, which is due to the toxic-ness of the androgen without the counteracting protective effect of estrogen (since no aromatization). Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why you didn't cover it in the trenbolone article? I previously thought it was an important consideration for tren, based on what you've written, but perhaps it's not as important I originally thought. Is my understanding relatively correct?

Looking forward to stanozolol. Scott Stevenson brought up some very interesting information on stanozolol in his "Are All Steroids Equally as Anabolic? PhD Deep Dive" video on Think Big Bodybuilding, and I'd be curious about your thoughts on the data and conclusions.


Thank you.
Great article.

Going off memory, so please forgive any mistakes. In the past you've made comments about trenbolone's impact on the kidneys, which is due to the toxic-ness of the androgen without the counteracting protective effect of estrogen (since no aromatization). Just out of curiosity, is there a reason why you didn't cover it in the trenbolone article? I previously thought it was an important consideration for tren, based on what you've written, but perhaps it's not as important I originally thought. Is my understanding relatively correct?

Looking forward to stanozolol. Scott Stevenson brought up some very interesting information on stanozolol in his "Are All Steroids Equally as Anabolic? PhD Deep Dive" video on Think Big Bodybuilding, and I'd be curious about your thoughts on the data and conclusions.


Thank you.

Because it's not unique to trenbolone it's a feature of AR activation per se...
I have scheduled a Symposium: Type-IIx lecture, on the Topic: Anabolic-androgenic steroids: Unique features by drug – MesoRx Teaser

Scheduled for Discord on Sat Jun 29 @ 8:00 PM Eastern Time.

Link: [discord]

Event Details: Type-IIx: SAT JUN 29 8:30 PM–Join the Live Lecture and Q&A about the Forthcoming Unique Features of Eleven AAS Meso-Rx Exclusive Series

This Discord shit is pretty crazy. At present, I'm not sure I like this zero-latency communication. I'm adaptable, though. Let's give it a shot...
Oh, God. I have to say I love this image (below). Say what you will about AI – and definitely count me among the detractors at this moment but hedging my bets – this is fucking gold!


Hey Type,

Why most men who are praised as muscular and masculine are actually the most feminine looking ones with slender forarms, a slender face, and a dominant neanderthal genetic composition, whereas the true muscular and strong men are the cro-magnon genetic dominant men ?

I mean you typed in Dall-E : "draw me a picture of a muscular student facing the other way in a classroom full of students" and this is what is considered by AI as a muscular masculine man.

Society's biased idea of a masculine man with a neanderthal dominant :


Actual masculine man with a cro magnon dominant :


Any thoughts on why ?

Couldn't high doses of tren help us move from a neanderthal phenotype to a cro magnon phenotype ?
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Couldn't high doses of tren help us move from a neanderthal phenotype to a cro magnon phenotype ?

For me, it would be number one, any day.
Number two takes up too much space, is not very aerodynamic, mansplains all the time, and probably breaks his pants every time he bends down.
If I were to bite him a little I would probably end up rupturing a vein. Too much cleaning up to do, consequently. That's a big no 'cause I'd rather go shopping.
Number two has that squinty look in his eyes that says "all this tren is making me sweat, cough and like penis".
Bighunanballs is a living example that this is the case, as he has declared he is keen to rub wieners with Tracy.
Today, I learnt that Declan ends up with blow-up dolls and trannies when on tren.
With this data on hand, computer says no.
Having done my maths, neanderthal guy, as he is being called here, is really rocking it.
Making all men look like number two could potentially turn quite a few of us into lesbians, just for a bit of variety.
So, I would kindly ask you to reconsider your proposal to eradicate Mr Neanderthal from planet earth. Regards.
great article @Type-IIx ,answered a bunch of question I had about Tren, but I see there was no mention about tren interacting with thyroid and slowing metabolism,or is this just a myth?
great article @Type-IIx ,answered a bunch of question I had about Tren, but I see there was no mention about tren interacting with thyroid and slowing metabolism,or is this just a myth?
I have just written an article in my Newsletter about Androgens & RhGH Effects on Thyroid Function that I’ll be sending out tomorrow or the following day. You can Sign Up for my Newsletter at Ampouletude: Home of Type-IIx